Topic: POLITIK - on March 31, 2003 at 8:39:27 PM CEST
Mubarak says war will create 100 Bin Ladens
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned that the US/British invasion of Iraq could lead to a massive upsurge in anti-American Islamic militancy.
Speaking to army commanders in Suez, Mr Mubarak said: "If there is one bin Laden now, there will be 100 bin Ladens afterwards.
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Topic: SEX - on March 31, 2003 at 8:33:18 PM CEST
Parking Lots of Love
The Tuscan town of Vinci, more commonly known for its Renaissance artist son Leonardo, is renovating a car park complete with soft lighting and special trash bins for condoms.
"We're just recognizing that young people love each other," Mayor Giancarlo Faenzi told Reuters by telephone on Monday.
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 31, 2003 at 8:30:57 PM CEST
Ex-French Oil Exec Links Money to Chirac
he former president of Elf Aquitaine testified Monday that the French oil giant paid about $5 million to French political parties during his leadership - including to President Jacques Chirac's former party.
Loik Le Floch-Prigent said nearly all the money went to Chirac's former party until then-President Francois Mitterrand, a Socialist, demanded the cash be spread to both sides of the political spectrum. Chirac, a conservative, succeeded Mitterrand as president in 1995.
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Topic: Terror - on March 31, 2003 at 8:09:56 PM CEST
Italian Police Defuse Bomb Outside IBM Offices
Italian police defused a bomb outside the offices of U.S. computer giant IBM in Bologna on Monday, thwarting an attack which officials said was probably a protest against the U.S.-led war on Iraq.
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Topic: W A R - on March 31, 2003 at 8:07:44 PM CEST
Hackers Condemn Arab Site Hack
Don't blame hackers for the attacks that recently took down Arab news network Al-Jazeera's website.
Technically the site was hacked. But hackers, who say they abhor breaking into systems for fun or profit -- as opposed to malicious crackers and the amateurs known as script kiddies -- believe shutting off access to information is distinctly un-hackerlike behavior.
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Topic: W A R - on March 31, 2003 at 7:55:43 PM CEST
Hack attack on Al-Jazeera raises questions
Someone made hacker history by knocking out, the Arabic satellite news channel's Web site, for most of last week. No one has ever sustained a crippling attack against a big Web site for so long.
The timing and scale of the assault fueled speculation that pro-U.S. tech vigilantes pulled off a cybercoup: derailing Al-Jazeera, a rising media outlet, just as it was moving to extend its pro-Islamic news coverage to a wider audience.
But the cyber warriors also frustrated hundreds of thousands of news-hungry computer users accustomed to checking out diverse viewpoints online.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 31, 2003 at 7:35:11 PM CEST
PC screen turns into speaker
Computer screens of the future could offer sound as well as vision, eliminating the need for separate loud speakers. A British company called NXT has found a way to turn a computer display into a speaker, without interfering with the quality of the picture.
Its SoundVu technology has already been built into two models by Japanese electronics giant NEC.

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Topic: - on March 31, 2003 at 6:32:25 PM CEST
Oldest mummies discovered
Egyptian archaeologists have found the oldest known evidence of human mummification after opening a 5,000-year-old wooden coffin discovered in the desert near Cairo.
The bones were covered with a resin used in the mummification process and remnants of skin.
"This is ... the oldest evidence of mummification in Egypt," said Zahi Hawass, the director of Egypt's council of antiquities.
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Topic: TV - on March 31, 2003 at 6:27:25 PM CEST
Peter Arnett ist seinen Job in Bagdad los
Der Fernsehsender NBC, für den der gebürtige Neuseeländer berichtete, hat Arnett wegen eines Auftritts im irakischen Staatsfernsehen gefeuert. Der ehemalige CNN-Frontmann im Golfkrieg 1991 hatte dort gemeint, die US-Strategie für den nunmehrigen Militärschlag gegen das Regime von Saddam Hussein sei wegen der überraschend starken Gegenwehr der Iraker fehlgeschlagen. Der Interviewer trug irakische Uniform.
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Topic: TV - on March 31, 2003 at 6:26:34 PM CEST
NBC fired journalist Peter Arnett
on Monday, saying it was wrong for him to give an interview with state-run Iraqi TV in which he said the American-led coalition's initial plan for the war had failed because of Iraq's resistance. Arnett called the interview a "misjudgment" and apologized.
Arnett, on NBC's "Today" show on Monday, said he was sorry for his statement but added "I said over the weekend what we all know about the war."
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Topic: TV - on March 31, 2003 at 6:15:47 PM CEST
Peter Arnett: U.S. war plan has 'failed'
The U.S. war plan has "failed," veteran war correspondent Peter Arnett told Iraqi TV in an interview that aired Sunday.
"The first war plan has failed because of Iraqi resistance. Now they are trying to write another war plan," Arnett said. "Clearly, the American war planners misjudged the determination of the Iraqi forces."
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Topic: ART - on March 31, 2003 at 6:09:31 PM CEST
Van Gogh birthday marked
Thousands of fans flocked to Amsterdam's Vincent Van Gogh Museum on Sunday to celebrate the 150th birthday of the troubled Dutch painter.
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