Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 8:24:32 AM CEST
Lies in the first days of war
The uprising that wasn't, mythical chemical weapons and other items of 'breaking news' Rumours and half-truths have been seized on and presented as facts with enormous propaganda power. As the tide of war, and of information, moves on, to recall what was true and what was not has often been difficult.
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Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 8:04:31 AM CEST
Spectre orange
Nearly 30 years after the Vietnam war, a chemical weapon used by US troops is still exacting a hideous toll on each new generation. Hong Hanh is falling to pieces. She has been poisoned by the most toxic molecule known to science; it was sprayed during a prolonged military campaign. The contamination persists. No redress has been offered, no compensation. The superpower that spread the toxin has done nothing to combat the medical and environmental catastrophe that is overwhelming her country. This is not northern Iraq, where Saddam Hussein gassed 5,000 Kurds in 1988.
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Topic: War and Peace News - on March 30, 2003 at 1:55:00 AM CET

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