Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 3:50:09 PM CEST
Patriotic dolphin missing
Takoma, the Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin, had been in Iraq for 48 hours when he went missing on his first operation to snoop out mines.
Takoma and his fellow mine hunters have a special diet, regular medical checks and their own sleeping quarters, which is more than can be said for the vast majority of the military whose domestic arrangements are basic, to say the least.
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Topic: War and Peace - on March 30, 2003 at 10:59:00 AM CEST
Anti-war anger spreads worldwide
At least 100,000 people have marched through the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, in protest against the war on Iraq.
"Bush, Iraq is not your killing field," one banner read amid the sea of people at Sunday's event.

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Topic: DRUGS - on March 30, 2003 at 10:11:42 AM CEST
Chant of the Weed BBC - Radio 3 - Jazz
Think of the received image of the jazz musician, the young man with a horn or the tortured singer with the gardenia in her hair. And think what baggage they carry, along with the reeds and the valve oil and the spare mouthpieces. Somewhere in the flight case or purse, tucked away out of sight but still seemingly essential to the image, a little something for after the gig, maybe weed, maybe white powder, maybe a discrete bottle of pills. Like it or not, drugs are very much part of the history and still more of the mythology or jazz.
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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 30, 2003 at 9:34:20 AM CEST
Mine workers make a mammoth discovery
For the second time this year, workers at True North Mine have found what appear to be mammoth tusks.
The tusks were uncovered Tuesday in the loose, moist dirt of the mine's northcentral pit.
Shovel operator Bob Farra spotted and removed the tusks, including one seemingly complete tusk and two smaller pieces, said Lorna Shaw, a spokeswoman for mine owner Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc.

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Topic: STRANGE - on March 30, 2003 at 9:29:32 AM CEST
Japanese 'Invisible' Coat Technology Could Aid Pilots
Kazutoshi Obana's gray, hooded coat doesn't just keep him dry in a downpour. It can also make him seem invisible.
On a clear day at Tokyo University, Obana stands outside and dons the coat. Viewed through a special projector lens, the people behind him appear as images in a fuzzy, greenish tint on his coat - as if he were see-through.

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Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 9:17:43 AM CEST
Dawn of the Airborne Laser
The Air Force is readying the first airborne laser weapon, which could be used to intercept Scud missiles.
In a starkly sanitized clean room, a stocky Lockheed Martin engineer wearing a shower cap and laboratory smock scuttles in and about black plastic curtains, talking with near-manic intensity and flashing his bright eyes and wry smile. "Want to see something really cool?" asks Paul Shattuck as he yanks back the curtains, revealing a maze of psychedelically colored optics and black anodized metal hardware. "This," he says, "is what they call the Wall of Fire."

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Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 9:06:20 AM CEST
Nuke 'Em From On High BLU
The most likely candidate is a tactical micro-nuke called the B61-11, an earth-penetrating nuclear device known as the "bunker buster."
The B61-11 was designed to destroy underground military facilities such as command bunkers, ballistic missile silos and facilities for producing and storing weapons.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 30, 2003 at 8:48:43 AM CEST
382 Rifles stolen from parking lot
Police were requesting the public's help Friday after 382 hunting rifles were stolen earlier this week from a truck's trailer in a parking lot.
The theft of the Winchester and Browning rifles happened early on Tuesday, police said.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 30, 2003 at 8:46:12 AM CEST
Belgium to legalise cannabis
The Belgian parliament has voted to legalise the personal use of cannabis, within certain guidelines, for anyone over the age of 18.
The move, which has been the subject of fierce debate in Belgium for the last two years, will allow users to smoke small quantities of the drug in private, provided they do not disturb public order.
Its sale will, however, remain illegal and Belgium will not tolerate Dutch-style coffee shops selling cannabis over the counter. Hard drugs will continue to be outlawed.
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Topic: SPY - on March 30, 2003 at 8:43:32 AM CEST
Russian, Iraqi Agents Reportedly Meeting
Russian intelligence agents are holding daily meetings with Iraqi officials in Baghdad, and may be interested in gaining control of Iraqi secret service archives if Saddam Hussein's regime falls.
The newspaper said the archives could be highly valuable to Russia in three major areas: in protecting Russian interests that remain in a postwar Iraq; in determining to what extent the Saddam regime may have financed Russian political parties and movements; and in providing Russia access to intelligence that Iraqi agents conducted in other countries.
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Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 8:40:01 AM CEST
Media Map of Iraq
A bird's-eye view of where journalists are.
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Topic: W A R - on March 30, 2003 at 8:32:37 AM CEST
Operation Playmate
Playboy magazine announced today it is resuming a free pen-pal program that lets U-S military communicate with its models.
"Operation Playmate" allows military personnel to e-mail letters to the magazine, each of which will be answered with an autographed non-nude photo and message from a Playmate.
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