Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 28, 2003 at 8:59:56 AM CET
10-year-old charged in brutal slaying of toddler
A 10-year-old boy was charged with murder Thursday for allegedly luring a 3-year-old boy out of a library, beating him with a baseball bat, sexually assaulting him and dumping him in a ditch.
The charges were filed a day after Amir Beeks was attacked and hours after he died. The 10-year-old, who was not identified by authorities, was charged with murder, felony murder, kidnapping, illegal weapons possession and aggravated sexual assault.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 8:41:02 AM CET
What Is Really Happening in Iraq?
The Americans and their faithful allies, the British, are committing war crimes, attacking a sovereign state outside the auspices of the UNO. Since there have been civilian casualties, these are war crimes by definition.
But aren’t they helping the people by freeing Iraq? Freeing Iraq, under whose authority? How do you explain the fact that the Shi’ite south, which was supposed to welcome the “liberators” with open arms, has not risen up against the regime?
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 8:36:49 AM CET
I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam
I wanted to join the human shields in Baghdad because was direct action which had a chance of bringing the anti-war movement to the forefront of world attention. It was inspiring: the human shield volunteers were making a sacrifice for their political views - much more of a personal investment than going to a demonstration in Washington or London. It was simple - you get on the bus and you represent yourself.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 8:33:32 AM CET
U.S. Ambassador Leaves Iraq War Debate
The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations walked out of a debate on the Iraqi war Thursday after Iraq (news - web sites)'s ambassador accused the United States of trying to exterminate the Iraqi people. "I did sit through quite a long part of what he had to say but I'd heard enough," U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte said.
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Topic: - on March 28, 2003 at 8:22:28 AM CET
H4x0rs Al-Jazeera Web site hacked again
Hackers on Thursday replaced the English-language Web site for Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera with a U.S. flag and the message "Let Freedom Ring." Hours later, the site was hacked again by others.
Hackers calling themselves the "Freedom Cyber Force Militia" earlier hijacked Internet traffic destined for Al-Jazeera's Web site and redirected it to a different Web page on computers operated by Networld Connections Inc., an Internet provider in Salt Lake City. That site was shut down hours later.

¬> BBC ¬> old h4ck
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 28, 2003 at 8:20:18 AM CET
Project YS-2
Build a silent computer
I want to watch movies and listen to music on my computer, but my noisy, overclocked, highly cooled rig drowns out my speakers.
There's no reason I can't have a silent PC. Many companies make good, quiet products, from silent CPU coolers to whisper-quiet case fans. On today's show I build a silent computer case with a bunch of these products.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 8:17:57 AM CET
Welcome to Jody Eldred Productions
TV crew in Kuwait
You're among the first lucky viewers to this new primitive website! Yee-ha!
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