Topic: SCIENCE - on March 28, 2003 at 10:39:02 AM CET
Sperm May 'Smell' Their Way To Egg
Some mysteries about the birds and the bees will likely remain as such, but scientists say they may know how sperm find eggs. German and U.S. researchers said sperm have a type of odor receptor that allows them to "smell" their way directly toward their target.

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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 10:26:23 AM CET
Bush has already lost the war
Iraqi civilian deaths bring mounting pressure on US-led coalition Guardian quotes South China Morning Post - Daily Mirror - Jordan Times - Daily Star, Lebanon - Washington Post - Los Angeles Times
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Topic: - on March 28, 2003 at 10:19:40 AM CET
Australia: a dog-eat-shark-eat-dog world
A dog saved its kennel-mate from a shark attack at a beach in Broome, the pearling port in Western Australia's far north, police said on Thursday.
A shark more than two metres long attacked the first dog at Gantheaume Point, a spokesperson said.
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Topic: VIDEO - on March 28, 2003 at 10:16:33 AM CET
"Uncle Saddam" satire gets DVD release
A satirical documentary that portrays Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as a personal hygiene fanatic who likes to fish with grenades is getting a timely first time DVD release in the United States next week. "Uncle Saddam", made by French freelance journalist Joel Soler in 2000, received critical acclaim at international film festivals two years ago and resulted in death threats against Soler at his Los Angeles area home.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 10:06:22 AM CET
Luckiest man in Iraq
THIS is the luckiest man in Iraq - a Royal Marine who cheated death despite being shot four times in the head during a raging battle.
The bullets hit his Kevlar helmet just above his eye, tearing the camouflage lining and ricocheting away.

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Topic: NATURE - on March 28, 2003 at 9:51:39 AM CET
Giant pumpkin to feed whole hospital
PUMPKIN soup will be a regular fixture on the Port Lincoln Hospital menu when it takes delivery of a 440 kg pumpkin - the largest grown in Australia.
The Atlantic Giant Pumpkin was grown in the tuna fishing town on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula by Ken Holden, who in the process regained the national record he had previously held for several years.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 28, 2003 at 9:48:59 AM CET
Papa's a Rolling Stone too
THE son of notorious Rolling Stones womaniser Mick Jagger is dating the daughter of the band’s guitarist Keith Richards. James Jagger, 17, fell for Alexandra Richards, 16, after the pair flirted outrageously on a photo shoot. Protective dad-of-four Keith, 59, is said to be “concerned” about the relationship.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 28, 2003 at 9:24:44 AM CET
England steps down
Des Moines Area Community College board members on Wednesday accepted President David England's resignation and agreed to pay him nearly $29,000.
England had been on paid leave since his March 12 arrest on drug possession and trafficking charges.
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Topic: Terror - on March 28, 2003 at 9:21:43 AM CET
Islamic group promotes al-Qaida from Homer Web site
HACKERS: Center for Islamic Studies and Research uses teen's Internet bulletin board. A friendly Internet bulletin board run by an Anchor Point high school student morphed last weekend into a worldwide al-Qaida propaganda outpost calling for attacks on the United States in response to the war on Iraq.
The Web site was hacked into by a radical Islamic group that has been moving its Internet site regularly for at least a year. More than 1,000 people used the portal to check al-Qaida's latest views on the war. By Tuesday morning, the alien information had been removed, presumably to nest again in a few weeks on someone else's server.
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Topic: - on March 28, 2003 at 9:15:20 AM CET
96-year-old Woman Celebrates 101st Grandchild
Angeline DuRussel is celebrating the recent birth of a great-grandchild -- her 100th. DuRussel, who has 12 children and 59 grandchildren, says having another great-grandchild is "just wonderful." Vincent DuRussel was born in January.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 9:11:48 AM CET
When are facts facts? Not in a war
"Fog" is beginning to be the watchword of this war, with the lines between fact and propaganda being blurred on a daily basis.
The demands of round-the-clock news means military claims are being relayed instantly to millions without being confirmed or verified only to be refuted later by reporters on the ground or by fresh military updates.
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Topic: W A R - on March 28, 2003 at 9:06:22 AM CET
Iraq’s WMD: How Big a Threat? -= LSD =-
He added that Iraq's exotic weapons programs also involved the use of psycho-tropic agents similar to LSD. “They were not meant to kill, just incapacitate, confuse,” says the inspector. This had been designed, he says, as a means to fight off rag-tag Iranian forces in the late 1980’s during the long war between Baghdad and Tehran. The other WMD weapons Iraq may still have were initially designed to “fight off Iranian human wave attacks, they really weren't meant against a force like the U.S. military.”
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