Topic: LOST - on March 25, 2003 at 10:39:25 PM CET
Verein gegen betrügerisches Einschenken
Lieber Besucher, liebe Besucherin,
herzlich willkommen auf der Internetseite des "Vereins gegen betrügerisches Einschenken". Maß-voll lautet der Schlachtruf unseres Vereins, der sich seit über 25 Jahren dafür einsetzt, dass Einheimische und Zuag`roaste in jedem Fall jenes Quantum Bier bekommen, für das sie teures Geld hingeblättert haben. In dieser Sache sind wir unnachsichtig.

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Topic: BLOGLIFE - on March 25, 2003 at 10:00:27 PM CET
Iraqi Uses Web to Chronicle a City Under the Bombs
A mysterious Iraqi who calls himself Salam Pax, writing a Web log from the heart of Baghdad, has developed a large Internet following with his wry accounts of daily life in a city under U.S. bombardment.
Salam Pax, a pseudonym crafted from the Arabic and Latin words for peace, came back on line on Monday after a two-day break because of interruptions in Internet access.
The traffic on his Web site,, caused the server to go down and Salam's e-mail folder has filled with inquiries about his true identity.
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:54:49 PM CET
Saddam's Bunkers Said 'Impossible' to Destroy
Underground bunkers built for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein can resist massive bombardment and those hiding inside could survive for up to six months, a retired Yugoslav army officer who helped build them said.
"I believe that if Saddam does not leave, and I think he has nowhere to go, they will find him in one of these facilities -- if he does not find a way out by then," retired Lt. Col. Resad Fazlic told Reuters in an interview on Tuesday. "These bunkers can resist a direct hit of a 20 kiloton- strong bomb or atomic bomb impact and keep those inside independent of the outside world for six months," said Fazlic, who oversaw the building of the bunkers in the late 1970s.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 25, 2003 at 9:46:08 PM CET
Misunderstood Computer Terms
Words are interesting things. They can mean one thing, or more than one thing depending on what you are talking about. This has only gotten worse with time and in recent years apparently everything technical is being named by smashing two or three words with nothing in common together and confusing the general public. The SA Forum Goons only intend on compounding this confusion with this weeks Comedy Goldmine: Misunderstood Computer Terms.
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:42:00 PM CET
Al-Jazeera Site Experiences Hack Attack
Hackers attacked the Web site of Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera on Tuesday, rendering it intermittently unavailable, the site's host said.
The newly launched English-language page, which went live Monday, was hardest hit in a bombardment of data packets known as a denial-of-service attack.
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:34:43 PM CET
Cheney Urges Daughter Not to Be 'Human Shield'
Vice President Dick Cheney will soon head to Jordan to urge his daughter, who is in the capital, Amman, not to go to Baghdad with "human shields," an Arabic daily in London claims.
Al Quds Al Arabi wrote today: "News agencies cited sources as saying that Cheney will arrive in Amman next Friday. He will try to convince his daughter who is currently staying at a hotel in Amman not to go to Baghdad along with a group of volunteers who want to go to Iraq and form human shields against the Anglo American attacks.”
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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 25, 2003 at 9:28:40 PM CET
Diamonds may be key in detecting bio-weapons attacks
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Office of Naval Research, and Argonne National Laboratories have been working on making diamonds the heart of a new type of sensor to detect dangerous biological agents such as anthrax and smallpox.
As the threat of bio-terrorism has grown over the past two years, the U.S government has made concerted efforts to install bio-hazard detectors in some of the nation's airports and other public areas.

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Topic: - on March 25, 2003 at 9:20:32 PM CET
Germany: Boycott of American Goods Over Iraq War Gains Pace
No more Coca-Cola or Budweiser, no Marlboro, no American whiskey or even American Express cards -- a growing number of restaurants in Germany are taking everything American off their menus to protest the Iraq war.
Although the protests are mainly symbolic, waiters in dozens of bars and restaurants in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Bonn and other German cities are telling patrons, "Sorry, Coca-Cola is not available any more due to the current political situation."
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:14:57 PM CET
One rule for them - Five PoWs are mistreated in Iraq and the US cries foul.
What about Guantanamo Bay?
Suddenly, the government of the United States has discovered the virtues of international law. It may be waging an illegal war against a sovereign state; it may be seeking to destroy every treaty which impedes its attempts to run the world, but when five of its captured soldiers were paraded in front of the Iraqi television cameras on Sunday, Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, immediately complained that "it is against the Geneva convention to show photographs of prisoners of war in a manner that is humiliating for them".
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:10:27 PM CET
Iraqi Sailors Sip Espresso on Italy's Riviera
Tourists hoping to catch the first rays of the Italian summer could find themselves rubbing shoulders with a group of Iraqi sailors sipping espresso at one of the waterfront cafes on Italy's Riviera.
Italy impounded Iraq's two most modern warships, the bulk of its navy, 12 years ago under an arms embargo imposed by the United Nations following the Gulf War.
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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:08:15 PM CET
F-16 Fires on Own Patriot Launcher, No One Hurt
A U.S. F-16 fighter plane accidentally fired on a Patriot missile battery in southern Iraq, a spokeswoman at Central Command forward headquarters in Qatar said on Tuesday.
There were no casualties in the incident which took place on Monday some 30 miles south of Najaf.
"During combat air operations...Monday a U.S. F-16 fighter engaged a U.S. Patriot battery approximately 30 miles south of An Najaf," Central Command said in a statement.

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Topic: W A R - on March 25, 2003 at 9:06:04 PM CET
SLUG: 2-301262 Iraq Chemical Weapons
INTRO: U-S ground forces in Iraq have crossed the Euphrates River, entering an area that leads directly to the capital, Baghdad. But as Correspondent Alisha Ryu reports from central Iraq, U-S military commanders say the troops could also be within striking distance of Saddam Hussein's artillery shells, which they fear could be filled with deadly chemicals.
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