Topic: W A R - on March 19, 2003 at 9:36:51 PM CET
British and American warplanes are attacking artillery units in southern Iraq, the Pentagon has said.
Officials told Sky News that ten artillery pieces have been destroyed.
They said the artillery units may have chemical or biological weapons which could be used on US and UK troops on the border with Kuwait, said Sky News correspondent Keith Graves in Washington.
He said: "The Pentagon said warplanes have been and are now in action over southern Iraq."

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Topic: MDA - on March 19, 2003 at 9:28:56 PM CET
Debut of the cell phone viruses.. hits Siemens 35 and 45
The wireless e-mail, among the 1 billion sent each day on the continent, can freeze or completely disable two cell phones made by German handset maker Siemens, spokesman Jacob Rice said here on Tuesday.
The e-mails contain a single word, taken from the phone's language menu, surrounded by quote marks and preceded by an asterisk, such as "*English" or "*Deutsch," Siemens said.
Opening the short-text message on a Siemens 35 series cell completely disables it, Rice said. Siemens 45 series phones are less affected and can be resuscitated after about two minutes of work, Rice said.
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Topic: W A R - on March 19, 2003 at 9:23:19 PM CET
U.S. Jets Drop Leaflets, Bombs on Southern Iraq
U.S. warplanes dropped two million leaflets on southern Iraq on Wednesday telling Iraqi troops exactly how to surrender "to avoid destruction" in the path of a looming invasion, the U.S. military said.
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Topic: TV - on March 19, 2003 at 9:13:29 PM CET
RTL will Champions League nicht mehr live zeigen
Deutschlands erfolgreichster TV-Kanal will nach dem Ausscheiden von Borussia Dortmund aus der Live-Berichterstattung der Champions League aussteigen. "Wir sind in Gesprächen mit dem Vermarkter Team", sagte am Mittwoch RTL-Sprecher Matthias Bolhöfer.
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Topic: W A R - on March 19, 2003 at 9:09:35 PM CET
Raketen-Blitzkrieg, Invasion in Nord und Süd
Ein US-General formulierte es so: In den ersten 48 Stunden des Krieges solle den Irakern mit "tosendem Blitz und Donner" eine Lektion erteilt werden. Das Bombardement solle überwältigend sein.
Neben dem psychologischem Ziel, die feindlichen Truppen einzuschüchtern, gibt es dafür auch handfeste militärische Gründe. Die irakischen Luftabwehr-Stellungen sollen schnell ausgeschaltet, Präsidentenpaläste zerstört, Kommando- sowie Kommunikationseinrichtungen schnell lahm gelegt werden. Auch geht es darum, den Irakern rasch die Möglichkeit zu rauben, von der Westgrenze aus Raketen auf Israel abzufeuern.

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Topic: SPY - on March 19, 2003 at 9:05:49 PM CET
Lauschangriff auf EU-Büros
Bei einem Lauschangriff auf den EU-Ministerrat in Brüssel haben Spione die Telefone der deutschen Delegation und anderer Mitgliedstaaten angezapft. Die Auftraggeber der Abhöraktion sind bisher nicht bekannt. "Wir haben keinerlei Beweis, dass es die Amerikaner waren, aber auch keinen dafür, dass sie es nicht waren", sagte der Chefsprecher der Ratsverwaltung, Dominique-Georges Marro.
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Topic: W A R - on March 19, 2003 at 7:12:20 PM CET
The war has started
British and American troops were involved in fierce fighting near Iraq's main port today as the war to topple Saddam Hussein began. The firefight broke out near Basra as men of the Special Boat Service targeted the strategically vital city and the oilfields in southern Iraq.
At the same time allied troops were flooding into the demilitarised zone on the Iraqi border with Kuwait 40 miles away to take up positions for an all-out invasion.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 19, 2003 at 5:54:23 PM CET
N.Y. Boy Wins Rotten Sneaker Contest
A New York boy walked away with the top prize of a $500 savings bond on Tuesday in the annual rotten sneaker contest. But ten-year-old Jeffry Soto says he's not taking full credit for the sneakers, which stumped a judge in the "heels" category because they didn't have any heels left.
The fifth grader says his pit bull helped make his entry the winner.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 19, 2003 at 5:16:25 PM CET
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia banned broadcast media from an appearance Wednesday where he will receive an award for supporting free speech.
The City Club usually tapes speakers for later broadcast on public television, but Scalia insisted on banning television and radio coverage, the club said. Scalia is being given the organization's Citadel of Free Speech Award.
"I might wish it were otherwise, but that was one of the criteria that he had for acceptance," said James Foster, the club's executive director.
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Topic: W A R - on March 19, 2003 at 4:33:25 PM CET
Unconfirmed opposition reports: Tareq Aziz shot dead
The Iraqi opposition is trying to verify reports indicating that Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz may have been killed on his way to the Kurdish part of the country.
Ismail Zayer of the Iraqi opposition broke the news Wednesday, interviewed for Radio Free Europe.

Aziz dispels defection rumor
Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz stood before reporters in Baghdad Wednesday to quiet rumors that he had either been shot or had asked for political asylum.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 19, 2003 at 3:26:04 PM CET
It's yellow, but not French
The company that makes French's mustard wants Americans to know the spicy condiment isn't French. It's British, but that's beside the point. Reckitt Benckiser PLC — the British behemoth that manufactures Lysol, Spray 'n Wash and French's mustard — issued a press release yesterday through a New Jersey subsidiary to remind reporters of the condiment's American seeds.
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Topic: Terror - on March 19, 2003 at 3:20:27 PM CET
Package Containing Brain Matter Explodes Inside Building
A package exploded late Tuesday night near Port Columbus International Airport, causing evacuations and exposing some to the West Nile virus.
The incident occurred shortly before 10:30 p.m. at a FedEx facility on Citygate Drive, NewsChannel 4's Beth Dal Ponte reported.
Columbus fire officials said that the package, which contained brain matter from birds that had tested positive for the West Nile Virus, was mailed from the Ohio Department of Health.
"This is not terrorist-related," Columbus Police Sgt. Brent Mull said. "This was something that was shipped legally and properly."
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