Topic: POLITIK - on March 17, 2003 at 12:39:36 AM CET
Liechtenstein prince wins powers
The people of Liechtenstein have voted to make their prince an absolute monarch again.
Early results showed nearly two-thirds of the tiny principality's electorate had agreed to back Hans-Adam II's demands.
Correspondents say there was a bitter campaign leading up to the vote.
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Topic: W A R - on March 17, 2003 at 12:37:05 AM CET
Analysis: Dangers in Iraq War plan
Confronted with the growing realization that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's formidable army was not going to fall apart after all as soon as an under-powered U.S. land force invaded his territory, the civilian war hawks planning war strategy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense rapidly cobbled together a new, equally high risk strategy at the last minute. It has been sold to the American public as "shock and awe."
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Topic: - on March 17, 2003 at 12:34:21 AM CET
RECREATIONAL SEX: Pursuit of Pleasure
Red Rooster swingers club gains national reputation for giving people a good time. Mike Borchers has had sex with 9,000 women, by his count. He's 70 years old. Last year, he had sex with 110 women.
He makes this observation in his bright office, while eating ice cream out of a rectangular carton with a spoon, as strangers walk in and hand him $20 bills.

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Topic: POLITIK - on March 17, 2003 at 12:10:06 AM CET
How did the Gulf crisis come to this?
How did it come to this, and so quickly? History can be a rollercoaster ride. But for all the markers along the way, it is still hard to understand how in 18 short months the ride has led from Osama bin Laden to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein; from a nightmarish day of terrorist attacks in the United States to an unprovoked war against a country that had nothing to do with those attacks.
¬> Google News about wolfowitz paul + hawks
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