Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 17, 2003 at 3:29:30 PM CET
Recycler Traded Cans for Booze?
A Los Angeles recycler that catered to homeless alcoholics by exchanging the bottles and cans they dug out of people's trash for coupons for a nearby liquor store has been shut down as a nuisance, city officials said.
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Topic: Terror - on March 17, 2003 at 3:09:31 PM CET
Photo story: Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist
Nigel Parry and Arjan El Fassed, The Electronic Intifada, 16 March 2003
On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.
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Topic: W A R - on March 17, 2003 at 3:04:46 PM CET
Britons urged to leave Kuwait immediately
The Foreign Office has advised all Britons in Kuwait except diplomatic staff to leave the country as soon as possible.
Warnings for travellers to Israel and the United Arab Emirates were also upgraded.
The dependants of diplomats in Kuwait and Israel have already left those countries, leaving only core staff behind, a spokesman said.
The advice on the Foreign Office website for Kuwait now reads: "There is a risk of an attack from Iraq in the event of hostilities. This might involve chemical and biological weapons."
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Topic: - on March 17, 2003 at 2:58:36 PM CET
NBC, ABC Pull Reporters From Baghdad After Comments Indicating War
Two American television networks, concerned that a war with Iraq could be imminent, are removing their reporters from Baghdad.
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Topic: TV - on March 17, 2003 at 2:29:15 PM CET
US-Milliardär Saban übernimmt ProSiebenSat.1
Der Einstieg des Amerikaners Haim Saban bei der Fernsehsenderfamilie ProSiebenSat.1 ist perfekt. Wie die Geschäftsführung von KirchMedia mitteilte, unterschrieb Saban am Montag den Kaufvertrag für das Fernsehgeschäft des früheren Kirch-Imperiums.
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Topic: W A R - on March 17, 2003 at 2:16:16 PM CET
Inspectors urged to leave Iraq
U.S. to call Security Council members in last-ditch bid. War fears loomed Monday, as Western nations urged their citizens to leave the Gulf region and U.N. nuclear inspectors said they had been advised to pull out of Iraq.
On the diplomatic front, the White House on Monday was to make a last-ditch effort to wring an Iraq resolution from the U.N. Security Council, even as France repeated its vow to veto any measure that included an ultimatum on Saddam Hussein's disarmament.

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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 17, 2003 at 2:12:42 PM CET
Home-grown cannabis outstrips imports from Morocco
The majority of cannabis now consumed in England and Wales has not been smuggled in but is actually grown here, according to a study to be published next month.
The research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals that there has been a sharp rise in recent years in domestic cultivation, particularly in home-grown cannabis for personal use.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 17, 2003 at 2:04:30 PM CET
Pastor's car stolen seven times
Pastor Stig Laegdene knows the Ten Commandments, including No. 8: "Thou shalt not steal."
Car thieves in his neighborhood, however, seemed to have skipped it.
Laegdene, a Lutheran pastor who preaches to small-time criminals and others on the streets of Tromsoe, 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) north of the capital, Oslo, had his car stolen twice last week.
"I know hundreds of criminals, but I don't know if it was 'my criminals' who stole my car this time," Laegdene told The Associated Press Sunday.
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 17, 2003 at 1:56:14 PM CET
Who would make a better president Bush or a box of Tic-Tacs?
An objective analysis. It seems that I offended a few people with my page on Bush. So I've decided to do what I always do when I offend people: I offend them more.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on March 17, 2003 at 12:07:31 PM CET
Motorisierte Stiefel zur Leistungssteigerung
Wem stundenlanges Marschieren zu anstrengend ist, versprechen russische Forscher Abhilfe. Sie haben Stiefel entwickelt, die mit Hilfe eines Verbrennungsmotors den Träger schneller und müheloser voranbringen.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on March 17, 2003 at 12:03:18 PM CET
Popstars lernen mit Piraten zu leben
Hohe Piraterie in China zwingt Musiker und Plattenlabels zum Umdenken. Songs werden nur noch für das Radio produziert, Künstler verdienen an Werbung und Konzerten. Plattenlabels kassieren für Management der Promotion, Raubkopien gibt es ab 60 Cent.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 17, 2003 at 11:52:51 AM CET
Razzia bei "Drogen-Oma"
Acht Kilo Marihuana hat ein Suchtgift-Spürhund bei einer Hausdurchsuchung in Wolfern (Bezirk Steyr-Land) entdeckt. Eine 52-jährige Pensionistin soll bereits über Monate hinweg Jugendliche mit Cannabis-Produkten versorgt haben.
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