Topic: W A R - on March 13, 2003 at 11:19:09 AM CET
New posters

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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 13, 2003 at 11:09:38 AM CET
The "Bubbacomp"
Well, I'm Canadian. That means I sit in my igloo and drink beer. Recently our brewers have recognized the fact that many people pick up a 12 pack for a good time. Well, instead of having all those smaller servings... we were blessed with the BUBBA! 5 litres of pure beer enjoyment. I've seen all these GREAT mini-itx projects, and I wanted to do my own. I thought about using an old cd player, the briefcase idea. Then I wanted something original. The idea struck me one night to put one into a bubba. Thus, the idea was in motion.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 13, 2003 at 10:57:59 AM CET
Human footprints are 350,000 years old
Scientists in Italy have discovered 350,000-year-old tracks that may be the oldest known footprints made by Stone Age man.
The prints were made by three early, upright-walking humans as they descended the treacherous side of a volcano - perhaps to escape an eruption, researchers reported in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
Other scientists said that while the prints appear well-preserved, they add little to knowledge about human evolution, since footprints of far older human ancestors have been found. But they said the tracks are still a sobering testament to long-ago journeys across a harsh terrain.
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Topic: MUSIK - on March 13, 2003 at 10:50:42 AM CET
Pete Townshend Off the Hook?
Pete Townshend might be able to sing "I'm Free" again--and mean it.
The Who mastermind could be close to cutting a deal that could make his child-porn case disappear. British authorities are considering giving him a caution for illegally downloading kiddie porn, according to London's Daily Mail newspaper.
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Topic: Terror - on March 13, 2003 at 10:45:31 AM CET
Egyptian gets $27 million for Mohammed's arrest tip
An Egyptian radical will get $27 million as a reward for giving the United States information that led authorities to alleged September 11, 2001, mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, government sources said Wednesday.
The sources, confirming a story previously reported in a British paper and in Newsweek, said the unnamed Egyptian was captured during a raid in Quetta, Pakistan, last month. The Egyptian was described as an al Qaeda foot soldier.
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Topic: W A R - on March 13, 2003 at 10:16:22 AM CET
Iraqis Reject Deadly Drone Claim by U.S.
"Smoking gun" made with duct tape
A remotely piloted aircraft that the United States has warned could spread chemical weapons appears to be made of balsa wood and duct tape, with two small propellors attached to what look like the engines of a weed whacker.
Iraqi officials took journalists to the Ibn Firnas State Company just north of Baghdad on Wednesday, where the drone's project director accused Secretary of State Colin Powell of misleading the U.N. Security Council and the public.
¬> Salon
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