Topic: Terror - on March 13, 2003 at 1:48:38 PM CET
Seized computer yields bin Laden hideouts
A laptop computer used by al-Qaida operational planner Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has yielded a list of at least half a dozen hiding places along the Pakistan-Afghan border used by Osama bin Laden and his supporters, U.S. and Pakistani intelligence officials said Wednesday.
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Topic: Glaubensfragen - on March 13, 2003 at 1:45:21 PM CET
ART for GOD oder brauchst ein neues Bild für den Herrgottswinkel
....God has given me a wonderful talent that is silenced without your support
$$$ MONEY making opportunities with ART for GOD. If you would like to be a Field Rep. (i.e. Home Tupperware type parties and Church Fund Raisers) and sell our products in your area send us an email.
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 13, 2003 at 1:34:31 PM CET
House cafeterias change names for 'french' fries and 'french' toast
The cafeteria menus in the three House office buildings changed the name of "french fries" to "freedom fries," in a culinary rebuke of France stemming from anger over the country's refusal to support the U.S. position on Iraq.
Ditto for "french toast," which will be known as "freedom toast."
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 13, 2003 at 1:32:13 PM CET
Fritten heißen ab sofort "Freedom Fries"
Was zunächst wie ein Protest von Wirrköpfen gegen Frankreichs Irak-Politik aussah, ist in den USA jetzt amtlich: Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat offiziell beschlossen, die bisher als "French Fries" bekannten Pommes frites in "Freedom Fries" umzubenennen.

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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 13, 2003 at 12:56:32 PM CET
StarOffice druckt bald Briefmarken
Sun Microsystems und die Deutsche Post haben auf der CeBIT eine erweiterte Zusammenarbeit angekündigt. Die Post bindet ihre PC-Frankiersoftware Stampit in Sun StarOffice für Windows ein. Anwender, die mit der künftigen Version 6.1 der Büro-Software arbeiten, sollen so mit der Textverarbeitung und der Tabellenkalkulation gültige digitale Briefmarken in das Adressfeld ihrer Briefe drucken können, teilt Sun mit.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 13, 2003 at 12:48:39 PM CET
Teen's dying wish for Cameron Diaz blow job not granted
Monday: The parents of 15-year-old leukaemia patient Josh Morten, who last night passed away after a four year battle with the illness, said they were sorry not to have fulfilled his dying wish to get a blow job from Cameron Diaz.
The courageous teenager told his family two months ago that the one thing he'd really like before he died was to be sucked off by the successful Hollywood actress and former model.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 13, 2003 at 12:18:24 PM CET
Swedish McDonalds Opens Drive-Thru For Snowmobiles
A drive-thru McDonalds is nothing new but what about one specifically for snowmobiles?
That's the hottest thing in Pitea, Sweden, which is located way above the polar circle and, consequently, stocked with snow a good part of the year.
As a result, locals spend much of their time on snowmobiles and scooters, not cars.
Luckily, designers of the Pitea McDonalds took those chilly conditions into consideration and designed the drive-thru so it's easily accessed by snowmobile.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 13, 2003 at 11:51:58 AM CET
70-year-old accidentally burns down house filled with pot plants.
Man Flees When Marijuana Found In House Fire
The fire started in a house located in the 3900 block of Grayton Street on the city's east side around 5:30 a.m., Local 4 reported. A passerby reportedly noticed the flames and called the fire department.
Firefighters reportedly found marijuana plants in three rooms of the house, including the basement. Police suspect the owner of the house was growing the plants. The homeowner took off in his Lincoln Continental -- running over fire hoses -- before police arrived at the scene, Local 4 reported.

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Topic: POLICE REPORT - on March 13, 2003 at 11:38:05 AM CET
Ukraine's dummy police cars
A unique police car has been introduced in Ukraine as part of an ongoing campaign against speeding.
The "vehicle" is flat, has no motor or moving parts, and is made of a single sheet of metal.
It looks close enough to the real thing to instil reckless drivers with respect for the speed limit.
But there are fears that the dummy could be more valuable as scrap metal than as a deterrent to speeding.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 13, 2003 at 11:35:50 AM CET
Girl has rare fish odour disease
SPANISH researchers have diagnosed a case of an extremely rare disease that makes people smell like fish.
The genetically inherited illness, trimethylaminuria, is also known as fish odour syndrome.
It means the liver cannot metabolise trimethylamine, a chemical produced by naturally occurring intestinal bacteria.
The substance is then expelled in urine, perspiration and other bodily secretions, causing a pungent smell.
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Topic: COPYRIGHT - on March 13, 2003 at 11:32:56 AM CET
Germany's copyright levy
Based on the recommendation of its patent office and following fierce lobbying by VG Wort, an association of German composers, authors and publishers, Germany is poised to enforce a 3-year-old law and impose a copyright levy of $13 plus 16 percent in value added tax per new computer sold in the country.
VG Wort initially sought a levy of $33 per unit sold. But Fujitsu and the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media, known as Bitkom -- including Microsoft, IBM, Alcatel, Nokia, Siemens and 1,300 other member firms -- intend to challenge even the more modest fee in court.
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Topic: HOLLYWALD - on March 13, 2003 at 11:24:24 AM CET
Hollywood returns to McCarthyism
Oscars blacklist stars in bid to prevent peace protest speeches
THE backlash against prominent stars opposing any attack on Iraq has impacted on this year’s Oscars, with organisers drawing up a blacklist of people who will not be allowed a platform to air anti-war views.
Meryl Streep, Sean Penn, Vanessa Redgrave, George Clooney, Dustin Hoffman and Spike Lee are among those who will not be speaking, amid fears they could turn the ceremony into an anti-war rally.
In a move denounced by some as a return to McCarthyism, star presenters have been ordered to stick to scripts, while winners, who the producers have no control over, could find their acceptance speeches cut if they say anything much more than a brief thank you.
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