Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 11:07:00 PM CET
Dirty Bombs
When the world stops taking notice of your terrorist actions, you need the sort of weapon that will strike cold hard fear right back into their hearts. Fatwa Sam is proud to announce a brand new line of "Dirty Bombs". The sort of weapons of mass terror that have been much publicised in the press recently, Consisting of an ordinary TNT bomb shoved into a large piece of Camel Dung, these weapons are guaranteed to raise your public profile once again.

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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 10:28:21 PM CET
Traffic stop nets 300 pounds of pot
Three hundred pounds of marijuana -- enough to form a waist-high wall of the illegal weed -- was the unexpected haul from a routine traffic stop along Interstate 75 in Florence on Monday night.
Florence police pulled over a speeding southbound 2002 Ford Escort near the U.S. 42 overpass about 11 p.m.
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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 10:20:21 PM CET
Airstrike! The Pentagon simplifies media relations
Should war in the Gulf commence, the Pentagon proposes to take radical new steps in media relations - 'unauthorised' journalists will be shot at. Speaking on The Sunday Show on Ireland's RTE1 last sunday veteran war reporter Kate Adie said she had been warned by a senior Pentagon official that uplinks, i.e. TV broadcasts or satellite phones, that are detected by US aircraft are likely to be fired on.
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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 7:55:09 PM CET
Doom 3 and half-naked fairies
The Holy Grail in the battle for dominance of the graphics world has always been cinematic-quality performance. If you can get a game that's as graphically complex as "Shrek" or "Toy Story" to run smoothly on a PC, the theory goes, you'll open up the gaming industry to a vastly larger audience.
For years, nVidia and ATI have claimed to hit that milestone every time they have a new chip coming out – though that has generally been more PR bluster than fact. They're making the boast again about their latest releases. And while the skepticism is still thick, even critics are acknowledging that the gap between in-game and on-screen graphics is quickly shrinking.

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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 7:31:50 PM CET
Boy Sparks Inferno with Paper Airplane
A 12-year-old boy accidentally burned down a poolhouse and a summer pavilion with a flaming paper airplane, causing more than $40,000 in damage, police in southern Germany said on Thursday.
The airplane ignited a hedge next to the swimming pool building and summer house in the Bavarian town of Oberasbach on Tuesday.
By the time the fire services put out the blaze, both buildings were gutted and two garages slightly charred.
"The boy wasn't looking to start a fire," said police spokesman Dieter Eilert. "He just wanted to light his plane."
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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 6:21:43 PM CET
Shithappens is proud to presents the first ever Blog Big screen commercial.
Before it comes to a cinema near you. Have a look
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Topic: - on March 13, 2003 at 5:43:18 PM CET
Water 'flows' on Mars
Dark streaks on crater and valley walls may indicate that brackish water currently flows across the surface of Mars.
New images and analysis suggest the slopes around the Red Planet's largest extinct volcano, Olympus Mons, contain dark stains caused by brine flowing down hill.
The discovery indicates that the substantial underground ice deposits on the Mars can sometimes melt and flow across the surface.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 13, 2003 at 4:22:15 PM CET
Wiener hielt Ziegen in der Wohnung
Insgesamt 40 Tiere, darunter Ziegen, Schafe und Enten, hat die Wiener Tierrettung aus der Wohnung eines Mannes in Favoriten geborgen. Dem Wohnungsbesitzer waren bereits vor zwei Jahren 47 Tiere wegen "tierquälerischer Haltungsbedingungen" abgenommen worden. Seither besteht für den Mann ein behördlich verhängtes Tierhalteverbot.

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Topic: BLOGLIFE - on March 13, 2003 at 4:00:47 PM CET
Antville and Freedom Fries
Popdex: Wenns um fritten geht sind wir die ersten. Von 13 links zum thema: Fritten heißen ab sofort "Freedom Fries" - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE sind 7 von uns ameisen.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 13, 2003 at 3:23:35 PM CET
Yaha Virus Uses Netizens as Pawns
An e-mail worm that appears to be yet another salvo in a yearlong war between opposing groups of virus writers and hackers hit the Net Wednesday.
According to the Indian Snakes, authors of the worm known as Yaha, the latest worm was written to retaliate against Pakistani hackers who, the Snakes charge, are defacing websites based in India.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 13, 2003 at 2:23:14 PM CET
Bored German faked attacks to skip work
A German man has admitted faking a series of attacks on himself because he did not want to go to work.
Walter Hoffmann, 23, from Erfurt, tied himself up, slashed the tyres of his car and staged a variety of other incidents.
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Topic: MDA - on March 13, 2003 at 2:18:49 PM CET
GPRS-Armbanduhr von Samsung
Samsung: GPRS Watch Phone kommt im 4. Quartal 2003
Auf der CeBIT zeigt Samsung ein GPRS-Telefon in einer Armbanduhr im "Dick Tracy"-Stil. Das GPRS Class 10 Phone besitzt einen Lithium-Ionen-Akku mit 400 mAh und bietet eineinhalb Stunden ununterbrochene Sprechzeit und 80 Stunden Stand-by-Zeit. Der Akku lädt sich durch Drehung des Handgelenks auf.

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