Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 11:23:04 PM CET
Jobs in Afghanistan
Secretary (2 position - National) Mar. 20, 2003 Kabul, Afghanistan Aid Coordination Officers (4 positions - National) Mar. 16, 2003 Kabul, Afghanistan Aid Database Assistant (National) Mar. 16, 2003 Kabul, Afghanistan Public Information Manager (National) Mar. 16, 2003 Kabul, Afgha
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 11:07:01 PM CET
Wir amis spielen immer fair

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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 10:44:31 PM CET
Man pulls nephew from alligator's jaws
A 10-foot, 325-pound alligator attacked a boy as he played near his home Saturday afternoon. As the gator dragged the boy into a canal, the victim’s uncle jumped in and wrestled the boy away from the animal. But the alligator didn’t give up.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 10:34:28 PM CET
Oops Reuters
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 10:12:17 PM CET
Secretive U.S. 'counter - disinformation' office back
A Cold War-era office with a shadowy name and a colorful history of exposing Soviet deceptions is back in business, this time watching Iraq.
The Counter-Disinformation/Misinformation Team's moniker is more impressive than its budget. It's a crew of two toiling in anonymity at the State Department, writing reports they are prohibited by law from disseminating to the U.S. public.
The operation has challenged some fantastic claims over the years -- a U.S. military lab invented AIDS, rich Americans kidnapped foreign babies for their organs, the CIA plotted to kill Pope John Paul II.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:57:36 PM CET
Report: Iran Close to Making Nukes
Iran now has hundreds of centrifuges to produce enriched uranium and is moving closer to building a nuclear weapon than international authorities had previously believed.
``We have seen this week Iran has got a more aggressive nuclear program than the (International Atomic Energy Agency) thought it had,'' Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday on CNN. He used the reports to bolster the Bush administration's case against Iraq.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:55:07 PM CET
UK Spy base was asked to spy on UN delegates by NSA
GCHQ ROCKED BY UN BUG SCANDAL Gchq has been rocked by the arrest of a member of staff on suspicion of breaching the Official Secrets Act.
The 28-year-old woman is at the centre of an alleged 'dirty tricks' campaign to bug United Nations delegates as the US heads towards war against Iraq. Further arrests at the Cheltenham intelligence centre might follow.
The scandal centres on a leaked memo to GCHQ from its American equivalent, the National Security Agency.
The NSA asked GCHQ to intercept phone messages and e-mails so that it could build support for an attack on Iraq.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:45:59 PM CET
Your Marijuana Tax Stamps Here
The State of Arizona has repealed the drug tax law. Presumably they didn't want to have to worry about whether a judge would finally make it impossible for them to prosecute drug dealers who had purchased the tax stamps. At any rate, you can no longer buy the stamps from the state for 35 cents each if you paid a $100 license fee. Now they are only available from other collectors, like me, who bought them while they were available. I still have both the original version, and the new reprinted version (after the big rush on the MJ stamps because of the court case described below). My price is $10 for each.

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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:40:57 PM CET
Twins crack face recognition puzzle
Israelis Michael and Alex Bronstein think they have the answer.
The computer whiz-kids -- 22-year-old identical twins almost impossible to tell apart -- have applied a new technology to recognizing faces in a way that may yet revolutionize international security.
"I said it to them as a joke: if you succeed in building a system that can distinguish between the two of you, you'll get (a grade of) 100," said the twins' professor, Ron Kimmel of the Technion Institute in Haifa.
"They succeeded and got 100. They are brilliant."
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:37:46 PM CET
The Contiki Operating System and Desktop Environment
Contiki was originally written for the Commodore 64 system (1 MHz 8-bit 6510 CPU, 64 k RAM) but ports to a lot of systems are currently being developed by a bunch of developers: 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment system, PCEngine, Gameboy, Atari 8-bit, Atari Jaguar, Atari Lynx, Apple ][, VIC-20, CBM PET, Plus/4, Tandy CoCo, Sharp Wizard, Casio PocketViewer, Sega DreamCast and the Sony Playstation.

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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:35:12 PM CET
Inspectors Find Banned Iraqi Bombs
International weapons inspectors have stumbled upon a new kind of bomb in Iraq that could be filled with chemical or biological agents and strewn over populated areas. Baghdad also may have in its possession a drone aircraft capable of spraying harmful agents over its enemies.
Armed with this new information, U.S. officials are expected to press chief weapons inspector Hans Blix to admit he has found a "smoking gun" -- the irrefutable evidence many countries have been looking for before they agree to wage war against Baghdad -- in a closed-door session of the U.N. Security Council on Monday.
American officials hope this will help the U.S. and its allies garner more international support for military action against Iraq after March 17, the deadline proposed in an amendment to a U.S.-British resolution before the Security Council.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 9:28:11 PM CET
Pizza delivery woman fired after helping gunshot victim
A single mother was fired from her part-time job delivering pizza after rushing to the aid of a gunshot victim while she was still on company time.
"We feel just as bad as the next guy, but we don't pay employees to be EMTs (emergency medical technicians), which she isn't," supervisor Jason Boyd told the weekly Selkirk Journal last week.

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