Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 7:14:12 PM CET
May the Lord ski with you!
National Skiing Championships for Priests
That was the official motto at Italy's first ever "National Skiing Championships for Priests", where 40 clergymen, including a 73-year-old, competed on Friday.
The priests became downhill racers for the day in an event blending sporting prowess and spirituality, said organiser Renato Picciolo of the national Christian sports club that organised the championships.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 6:38:50 PM CET
Solving a 50-Year-Old Moon Mystery
NASA Backs Amateur Stargazer's Claim of Spotting Asteroid Crash. Back in the 12th century, monks in England claimed they saw a spectacular eruption of fire and hot coals on the crescent moon. Others have since made similar claims about mysterious lunar flashes. Professional space scientists have dismissed such amateur reports, saying there's no evidence the flashes related to anything happening to the moon itself. They say they may simply be meteors streaking past the moon. But now, a NASA researcher says at least one amateur astronomer was right. NPR's Vikki Valentine reports.
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Topic: - on March 10, 2003 at 5:38:42 PM CET
You don't know Jack
When Jack Nicholson's name comes up, so does a ready image: Arched eyebrows, wicked grin, flyaway hair, sly, nasal drawl. An admired screen icon who is also courtside at any Los Angeles Lakers game, usually with a much younger woman by his side.

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