Topic: W A R - on March 26, 2003 at 12:40:53 PM CET
Markt in Bagdad von Raketen getroffen
Der Einschlag zweier Raketen der alliierten Streitkräfte in Wohnbauten an einem Markt in Bagdad soll zahlreiche Todesopfer gefordert haben. Etwa 15 Leichen seien zu sehen gewesen, berichtete Reuters. Mindestens zwei Raketen seien eingeschlagen, so auch der Leiter der irakischen Zivilverteidigungskräfte. Er ging von 14 Todesopfern aus. Unterdessen gehen die blutigen Kämpfe südlich Bagdads weiter. Bis zu 650 Tote Iraker forderten laut US-Geheimdienstangaben die Kämpfe um die südirakische Stadt Najaf.
¬> Spiegel
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Topic: W A R - on March 26, 2003 at 12:35:03 PM CET
Many casualties in Baghdad market
Fourteen people have died and another 30 have been injured at a Baghdad market that was hit during an air raid by US-led coalition forces, the Iraqi authorities say.
Two missiles or bombs are thought to have hit the market, in the north of the city, at about 1130am local time (0830GMT) amid a number of coalition air raids on the Iraqi capital.

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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 26, 2003 at 12:17:56 PM CET
United States Patent: 6,535,988
System for detecting over-clocking uses
a reference signal thereafter preventing over-clocking by reducing clock rate.
An over-clock deterrent mechanism of a chipset which comprises an over-clock detection circuit for detecting over-clocking of a system (processor) clock signal based on comparison of ratio of the system (processor) clock signal which is likely to be over-clocked and a fixed, stable reference clock signal which is highly unlikely to be over-clocked, and an over-clock prevention (thwarting) circuit for deterring such an over-clocking by either disabling operations of a computer system or significantly undermining key operations of a computer system.
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Topic: - on March 26, 2003 at 12:12:48 PM CET
Iraq Satellite Channel (Arabisch), CCTV (Chinees/Engels), Deutsche Welle (Duits/Engels), CNBC Europe, EuroNews, and BBC World
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Topic: BLOG - on March 26, 2003 at 9:17:41 AM CET
Ganz andere Kriegsnachrichten
Der Krieg wird zur Qual. Auf allen Kanälen wird gebombt und gestorben, die Kampfmaschine rollt entfesselt. Ein Skandal sei es, meinen US-Politiker, wenn gezeigt werde, dass der Krieg auch Opfer fordert: Der Mensch sei kein Thema. Im Web ist das anders. Millionen von Menschen suchen dort, was ihnen das Fernsehen nicht bietet.
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Topic: SEX - on March 26, 2003 at 8:45:06 AM CET
Super Onanism Machine
"Look Ma, no hands!" may well one day be the catch call of those who prefer their own handiwork when it comes to relieving sexual urges thanks to the development of SOM, according to Asahi Geino (4/3).
SOM is an acronym for Super Onanism Machine and its inventors claim it's the first powered sex aid capable of moving vertically as well as horizontally without needing a guiding hand from the user.
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Topic: - on March 26, 2003 at 8:41:09 AM CET
Iraqi TV back on air after missile strike
Iraqi television resumed broadcast in Iraq on Wednesday, after a pre-dawn coalition missile strike hit its Baghdad headquarters.
Earlier, with the station off the air, U.S. Central Command had said Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's command and control capabilities had been destroyed.

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Topic: DRUGS - on March 26, 2003 at 8:30:45 AM CET
Drug dealers go on strike at Copenhagen's famed Christiania
Hash dealers at Copenhagen's famed "free city" Christiania have announced a three-day strike starting Wednesday to protest against the Danish government's plan to clean up the area, it was reported. According to the Danish news agency Ritzau, dealers said they would block off the well-known Pusher Street in response to Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen's vow to crack down on Christiania, the area in central Copenhagen founded by hippies in 1971 as part of the Danish counter-culture movement.
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Topic: - on March 26, 2003 at 8:21:58 AM CET
Bombing blacks out Iraqi TV
IRAQI state television and another channel run by President Saddam Hussein's son have been knocked off the air by coalition air raids on Baghdad, sources have said.
Iraqi satellite television was still broadcasting normally.
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Topic: - on March 26, 2003 at 8:13:50 AM CET
U.S. Finds Nothing at Iraq Chemical Plant
U.S. military investigators have found no evidence that chemical weapons have been made in recent years at a suspect chemical plant secured by U.S. troops in southern Iraq, a senior defense official said Tuesday. Before the war, American intelligence agencies had identified the site in the town of Najaf as a possible part of Iraq's chemical weapons program, the official said, speaking on condition he not be identified. Indications then were that the plant had not been used for banned weapons activities since 1998, the official said.
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Topic: W A R - on March 26, 2003 at 8:10:49 AM CET
Iraqi Chemical Weapons
Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
Gulf War Non-Use of Chemical Weapons
UNSCOM and the Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program
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Topic: W A R - on March 26, 2003 at 7:56:54 AM CET
U.S. seizes Iraqi "military staging area" hospital
The United States said on Tuesday that Marines seized more than 200 weapons, stockpiles of ammunition and over 3,000 chemical suits with masks at an Iraqi hospital which was being used as a "military staging area".
Central Command in Qatar said in a statement that Marines operating in the southern city of Nassiriya -- scene of the fiercest fighting so far in the six-day-old war -- captured about 170 Iraqi soldiers at the hospital. They were not armed.
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