Topic: W A R - on March 21, 2003 at 8:29:51 PM CET
Satellite photos show smoke plumes from the 30 oil well fires near Basra
British military officials scaled back their estimate of the number of oil wells burning in southern Iraq on Friday, saying that only seven wells had been set ablaze — not the 30 reported earlier — and that all key components of the southern oil fields were safe.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 21, 2003 at 8:12:55 PM CET
Happy new year
Afghan men dance with their rifles during celebrations for the Afghan New Year in Kabul on March 21, 2003. Thousands of Afghans gathered in Kabul's only stadium on Friday to take part in the new year festivities to mark the start of spring.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 21, 2003 at 8:08:07 PM CET
Anti-war hackers target websites
The number of web defacements has leapt up since the US-led war against Iraq began. According to security firm F-Secure, more than 1,000 sites have been hacked in direct relation to the Iraq conflict. Many of the hack attacks contain anti-war slogans and some have direct anti-USA or anti-Iraq slogans. Sites hacked to date include the US National Centre for Agricultural Utilization Research and the US Navy. Three groups of hackers are believed to be responsible according to F-Secure; US-based patriotic hackers, Islamic extremist groups and peace activists who were against the war.
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Topic: W A R - on March 21, 2003 at 7:59:12 PM CET
Internal memos MTV (Europe)
Recommendations for the scheduling and content of videos and programmes
Dear all
In the light of the outbreak of war in Iraq in the last 12 hours, our recommendations for the scheduling and content of videos and programmes are as follows:
- Video recommendations
Obviously, there will be heightened public sensitivity to representations of war, soldiers, bombing, destruction of buildings and public unrest at home. The ITC Programme Code requires us not to broadcast material which offends against good taste or is offensive to public feeling. We therefore recommend that videos featuring the following are not shown at the moment:
war soldiers war planes bombs missiles riots and social unrest executions other obviously sensitive material
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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 21, 2003 at 7:52:21 PM CET
Most distant black hole weighed
The mass of the most distant black hole yet known has been determined. It weighs in at one quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) times that of the Earth.
Put another way, it is the mass of three billion Suns.
This huge number is not unusual for a black hole but what is surprising is that such a massive structure formed so early in the history of the Universe.
It is 13 billion light-years away from Earth, so what we are seeing now gives a picture of the Universe when it was very youthful.

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Topic: SPY - on March 21, 2003 at 7:50:02 PM CET
Czech Republic Publishes Ex-Agents List
75,000 people identified as agents of the former communist secret police, the STB.
The 5,700-page list was posted on the ministry's Internet page and Czechs can consult it at six offices, four of them in the capital, Prague.
Since 1997, Czech citizens have been allowed to see their own police files, but not files held on other people. A new law that was adopted by the parliament last year gave them access to all STB files and ordered the Interior Ministry to publish the names of everyone listed as an agent.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 21, 2003 at 7:44:10 PM CET
Cannabis Cook Gets Baked While Baking
A cannabis cook is hoping to weed out the myths of baking with marijuana with a new video.
The weed-smoking chef calls herself "Watermelon" and is the host of a new dope cooking DVD, "Baked And Baking," that she hopes lights up interest in cannabis cuisine.
Watermelon says pot is a great ingredient, but warns a little goes a long way and a lot can make a whole party pass out.
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