Topic: COMPUTER - on March 18, 2003 at 9:14:11 PM CET
US Army attacked via new Windows flaw
In an unusual case, attackers have begun exploiting a new Microsoft bug before the flaw was widely known. Microsoft is urging sites to patch their servers as quickly as possible
Microsoft warned customers on Monday that a security hole in Windows 2000 and the company's Web server software is allowing online attackers to take control of corporate servers.
Because the vulnerability is being actively exploited by Internet vandals, Microsoft advised customers to apply a patch or use a workaround to defend against the attack as soon as possible. One of the servers attacked belonged to the US Army, according to reports.
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Topic: Terror - on March 18, 2003 at 9:07:32 PM CET
Diablo Canyon power plant a prime terror target
For an installation that generates about 10 percent of California's electricity, the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near here seems remarkably unobtrusive.
Tucked between the wide Pacific and hills burgeoning with vernal greenery and grazing livestock, it's smaller than one might expect.
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Topic: e-bay - on March 18, 2003 at 9:02:15 PM CET
e-bay GEORGE DUBYA Protective GAS Mask
The George Dubbya chemical and/or biological warfare protective Gas mask was created to make you FEEL safe and secure from chemical and biological terrorist acts while you are away from your protected "safe room" at home. HURRY WAR IS STRARTING!!
This mask is simple to use and we guarantee you will survive a chemical and/or biological attack for atleast as long as you can hold your breath. One size may fit all. All components included.
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Topic: W A R - on March 18, 2003 at 7:05:19 PM CET
U.S. troops approach Iraqi border
U.S. MILITARY OFFICIALS believe the Iraqi military has or is preparing to distribute chemical weapons to a Republican Guard unit outside Al Kut, southeast of Baghdad, NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski reported from the Pentagon. Radio traffic between Iraqi military units talked about distributing “chemical weapons rounds” to the unit, indicating the chemical weapons being discussed are artillery rounds, Miklaszewski said.
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Topic: POLICE REPORT - on March 18, 2003 at 7:01:54 PM CET
Coconuts kill bus passengers
Most of the deaths and injuries were caused by coconuts that flew out of the truck, crashed through the windows of the bus and hit passengers, said Mauro Silveira, a spokesman for the Brazilian Highway Police.
"It was like they were cannon balls," Silveira said.
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Topic: Bdays - on March 18, 2003 at 6:55:49 PM CET
10 Jahre Hyperventilieren
Dass ein Magazin wie "Wired" zehn Jahre alt wird, grenzt an ein Wunder: So einäugig wie weitsichtig versorgt es seine Tech-affine Leserschaft mit Nachrichten, die es so sonst nirgends zu lesen gibt. Zum Glück, in jeder Hinsicht.

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Topic: W A R - on March 18, 2003 at 6:50:23 PM CET
Bei irakischem Chemieangriff total veränderte Lage
Der französische Botschafter in den USA hat angekündigt, sein Land würde politisch umschwenken, sollten die USA vom Irak mit chemischen Waffen angegriffen werden. Hier klicken! Washington - Sollte der Irak einen Giftgas- oder Chemiewaffenangriff starten, wäre Frankreich bereit, den amerikanischen Truppen beizustehen. Dies erklärte der französische Botschafter in den USA, Jean-David Lévitte, in einem Interview mit dem amerikanischen Nachrichtensender CNN.
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Topic: SECURITY - on March 18, 2003 at 6:44:15 PM CET
Hacktivismo 6/4 Out The Door
Well, finally! The Six/Four System developer's edition is now available for download. And just for anyone who was wondering why it took so long to release, here's the skinny. We applied to the United States Department of Commerce - the guys who regulate strong crypto export - for an "official" ruling on our technology.
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Topic: SECURITY - on March 18, 2003 at 6:38:00 PM CET
Hacktivismo veröffentlicht Six/Four
Hacktivismo, ein Label der Hacker-Gruppe Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc), stellt ab sofort ihr neuestes Projekt Six/Four als Download zur Verfügung. Die Software ermöglicht den anonymen Empfang und Versand von beliebigen Inhalten über das Internet. Im Unterschied zu Peek-a-booty, das nur http-Inhalte verschlüsselt und anonym verschickt, überträgt Six/Four auf Peer-to-Peer-Basis jeglichen TCP- und UDP-Verkehr anonym -- verschlüsselt und getunnelt über SSL.
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Topic: W A R - on March 18, 2003 at 6:15:25 PM CET
France has announced it could assist any US-led military coalition if Iraq uses chemical and biological weapons.
The turnaround comes after strong French opposition to a war in Iraq, including threats to veto a UN Security Council resolution paving the way for armed conflict.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 18, 2003 at 6:08:52 PM CET
From the upcoming Spezial:
We are not stupid - we are americans
Shark Attack at Petting Zoo
It started like any another trip to the Florida Aquarium for Julie Menke and her 13-month-old daughter, Shannon.
Menke said she and her daughter had their hands in the water, hoping to pet a small approaching shark that a woman monitoring the tank said was friendly. That's when another passing shark whipped around and bit her hand, she said.
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Topic: W A R - on March 18, 2003 at 5:51:06 PM CET
Technology of War
With tensions mounting between Iraq and the United States, the world's focus is shifting away from the rhetoric of war to the reality of war. If the United States invades Iraq, both sides will express their political and ideological hostilities through advanced technology designed to inflict massive damage.
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