Topic: DRUGS - on March 17, 2003 at 11:20:43 PM CET
Old missile silo used as a LSD lab
Folks living around the former missile silo figured something wasn't quite right. Maybe it was the vehicles coming and going from the complex when most people were thinking of bedtime. Maybe it was the unfriendly attitude of those hanging around the old complex.
Things started to make sense in November 2000, when authorities raided the site - and said they found enough chemicals to make millions of doses of LSD.
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Topic: W A R - on March 17, 2003 at 11:14:56 PM CET
Iraq Arming Troops With Chemical Weapons
Senior Defense and other U.S. officials confirmed that intelligence reports indicate that Saddam Hussein's troops are armed with chemical munitions.
"The information is raw … and hard to confirm ... but we are seeing -- using different methods -- that Saddam Hussein has armed troops south of Baghdad with chemical weapons," one official said.
Officials say it's hard to tell how many of these weapons are being distributed, but the intelligence reports indicate that "some chemical shells" have been provided to troops.
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Topic: SEX - on March 17, 2003 at 11:00:24 PM CET
Italians have quickest sex in Europe (14 mins)
Perhaps more shockingly, Italian men - dark, suave and sophisticated, and the supposed dream lover of every British woman - are revealed as the pandas of the Continent.
Their reputation as the world's hottest sex machines is shattered by a barrage of humbling statistics that reveal the naked truth: they start having sex late, they don't have it often, and when they do it's all over in the blink of an eye. In fact, Italians are the least sexually active people in Europe, and when they do have sex, it lasts the shortest time.
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Topic: Terror - on March 17, 2003 at 10:22:16 PM CET
17 and 18 March 1988
Bloody Friday Chemical massacre of the Kurds by the Iraqi regime Halabja-March 1988
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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 17, 2003 at 7:39:39 PM CET
Ancient Brits mummified dead too
Ancient Britons started mummifying their dead at around the same time as the ancient Egyptians, according a British archaeologist.
Dr Mike Parker-Pearson, who will feature in a BBC documentary "Meet the Ancestors" on Tuesday, discovered four Bronze Age bodies showing signs of mummification in the remote Scottish isle of South Uist.
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Topic: Glaubensfragen - on March 17, 2003 at 7:36:36 PM CET
Woman sees 'Allah' in a brinjal
A brinjal has been drawing huge crowds in an Orissa village after a woman sliced it open only to find that its seeds were positioned in a way that spelt the word Allah.
The incident occurred in the home of Muhammad Khalil, a resident of Mendhasal village on the outskirts of this city, the Oriya newspaper Sambad reported Sunday.

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Topic: POLITIK - on March 17, 2003 at 7:32:53 PM CET
Sending a Bretzel to G. W. Bush
Manifesto for Peace To make our action the most collective as possible, we invite you to join our action by sending a Bretzel to G. W. Bush and stop the war processus.

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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 17, 2003 at 7:24:17 PM CET
New mobile phone scare
Mobile phones are at the centre of new safety fears after scientists found the first evidence of a link with brain cancer.
Users who spend more than an hour a day talking on a cell phone are almost a third more at risk of developing a rare form of brain tumour, a study has found.
The cancers were found most frequently on the side of the head to which the phone was held.
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Topic: LOST - on March 17, 2003 at 7:15:13 PM CET
Short Measures Leave Bitter Taste
British consumers are losing millions of pounds a year because landlords are failing to pour full pints of beer, the government's spending watchdog said on Friday.
A National Audit Office report found pubs were saving the equivalent of 200 million pints of beer worth 130 million pounds at wholesale prices each year.
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Topic: W A R - on March 17, 2003 at 7:10:27 PM CET
Mother and sons die in room sealed against chemical attack
An Israeli mother and her two sons have suffocated in a sealed room they had prepared as a defence against a possible Iraqi chemical missile attack.
Police said the three died because of a coal-fuelled heater in an adjacent room.
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 17, 2003 at 7:05:59 PM CET
Baskische Partei verboten
Der Oberste Gerichtshof in Spanien hat die nationalistische baskische Batasuna-Partei für illegal erklärt. Der Partei wird Verstrickung in Terrorismus durch Verbindungen zur bewaffneten Separatistengruppe ETA vorgeworfen. Die Entscheidung der 16 Richter fiel einstimmig.
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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 17, 2003 at 7:02:10 PM CET
Ausstellung über Filesharing im Internet
Das Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main baut seinen neuen Schwerpunkt im Bereich digitaler Medien aus. Schon zum dritten Mal organisiert das Haus am Museumsufer eine Ausstellung, die sich mit dem Internet beschäftigt. Nach Computerviren ("I love you") und Internet-Demos ("origami digital") sind nun Musiktauschbörsen wie Napster an der Reihe.
Die Schau mit dem Titel adonnaM.mp3 ist vom 20. März bis zum 20. April zu sehen.
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