Topic: SEX - on March 16, 2003 at 2:54:52 PM CET
A Position for all Four Seasons...
We do not accept any liability for any injuries or problems caused while trying any of the sexual positions on this web site. Anyone attempting any of the sexual positions on this web site should do so strictly at their own risk.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 16, 2003 at 1:34:38 PM CET
"Anything to improve the patients' visit is all right with me" Dr. Steve ErlandsonGrand Forks dentist
"I hate it," the East Grand Forks woman said. "That's my mouth, and people shouldn't be digging around it."
After Wednesday's visit to the Grand Forks office of Dr. Steve Erlandson, however, she's having less dread about her next appointment.
That's because, while waiting for the Novocain to kick in, she played computer solitaire. And, while Erlandson was filling a cavity, she watched country music videos on CMT and a World War II documentary on the History Channel.

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Topic: W A R - on March 16, 2003 at 1:28:59 PM CET
Die Flucht beginnt
Die meisten Inspektoren haben den Irak verlassen, die Botschaften weden geräumt, Journalisten reisen aus: Alle Hoffnung ist dahin, wer kann, flüchtet nun aus Bagdad. Saddam versetzt sein Militär in Bereitschaft - und eliminiert politische Gegner aus Angst vor einem Putsch.

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 16, 2003 at 1:27:07 PM CET
Die eingebildete Weltmacht

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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 16, 2003 at 1:13:30 PM CET
Bin Laden niece envisions career as pop singer
A niece of Osama bin Laden is launching a career as a pop singer after rejecting her Muslim background and throwing herself into the London party scene.
Waffa bin Laden, whose father Yeslam is a brother of the world's most wanted man, hopes to release a single by the end of the year after being told that she has the looks and voice to become a star.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 16, 2003 at 12:51:28 PM CET
Drug Mule ODs On 65 Balloons
Police were investigating Saturday the death of a Washington Heights woman they said overdosed from 65 drug-filled balloons in her stomach.
Ordalina Mosque, 55, of West 162nd Street, who died Wednesday after being rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Center, had traveled twice recently to her native Dominican Republican under mysterious circumstances, her daughter and son said Saturday.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 16, 2003 at 12:30:30 PM CET
Foot licker can't resist his sole temptation
A foot fetisher running rampant in southern New Hampshire has struck again, lavishing compliments on a school administrator about her ``beautiful legs'' and then trying to run his lips along her size 5 feet.
``He asked what size feet I had and then he said, `Can I touch them?' '' said the archvillain's latest victim, 38-year-old Catherine, who didn't want her last name used.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 16, 2003 at 12:24:25 PM CET
Talking fish stuns New York
A fish heading for slaughter in a New York market shouted warnings about the end of the world before it was killed, two fish cutters have claimed.
Zalmen Rosen, from the Skver sect of Hasidic Jews, says co-worker Luis Nivelo, a Christian, was about to kill a carp to be made into gelfilte fish in the city's New Square Fish Market in January when it began shouting in Hebrew.
"It said 'Tzaruch shemirah' and 'Hasof bah'," Mr Rosen later told the New York Times newspaper.
"[It] essentially means [in Hebrew] that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is nigh."

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Topic: Terror - on March 16, 2003 at 12:18:58 PM CET
Mutmaßliches Al-Kaida-Führungsmitglied verhaftet
Agenten des pakistanischen Geheimdienstes haben ein weiteres mutmaßliches Führungsmitglied des Terrornetzwerks Al-Kaida festgenommen. Jassir el Dschasiri sei in Lahore im Osten des Landes gefasst worden, verlautete aus dem Informationsministerium.
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Topic: W A R - on March 16, 2003 at 12:06:21 PM CET
U.S., Russian Experts Test 'Dirty Bombs'
In New Mexico's desert and Russia's Ural Mountains, U.S. and Russian experts are experimenting with simulated ``dirty bombs'' to see how such radiation weapons and potential terrorist tools might work, officials of the two countries say.
It's a sensitive area in which some information is withheld to keep clues to bomb-building out of terrorists' hands. But American and Russian specialists attending a global conference on dirty bombs disclosed some aspects of recent testing to a reporter because, as a ranking U.S. official said, the public should know everything is being done to deal with the threat.
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Topic: DRUGS - on March 16, 2003 at 11:51:24 AM CET
Ecstasy 'makes users depressed for life'
A generation of young clubbers is risking long-term brain damage by taking the drug ecstasy, according to new research published yesterday. Academics are now warning that taking only one or two pills can lead to lasting depression.
A two-year research study carried out by psychologists from London Metropolitan University found that people who had tried ecstasy on only a few occasions had depression levels four times higher than those who had taken a range of other drugs but not ecstasy.
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Topic: POLITIK - on March 16, 2003 at 11:45:40 AM CET
Liechtenstein votes on prince
The people of Liechtenstein go to the polls on Sunday to vote on whether or not to make their prince an absolute monarch again. The 160 square kilometre country (62 square mile) is the sixth smallest in the world but it still has a thriving royal family who live in the capital city, Vaduz.

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