Topic: DOPE HEAD - on March 15, 2003 at 8:25:03 PM CET
Deadline passes without anybody claiming $52-million U.S. jackpot
Nearly $52 million has apparently slipped away from whoever bought a winning ticket in the multistate Powerball lottery, which had never seen a jackpot go unclaimed.
The Hoosier Lottery's offices closed Thursday - the last day to claim the jackpot - without anyone showing up with $51.7-million ticket from the Sept. 14 drawing, lottery spokesman Andrew Reed said. The ticket could still be redeemed if it was turned in by midnight or mailed with a Thursday postmark but Reed said lottery officials suspect the ticket bought at a convenience store was lost.
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Topic: SCIENCE - on March 15, 2003 at 8:19:19 PM CET
UN Warns of Worldwide Threat from Killer Pneumonia
The World Health Organization warned on Saturday of a worldwide health threat as a mystery killer pneumonia spread from east Asia to other parts of the globe. Releasing a rare "emergency travel advisory," the United Nations health agency said an ill passenger had been taken to an isolation unit in Frankfurt, Germany, on Saturday after being removed from a plane en route from New York to Singapore.
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Topic: Terror - on March 15, 2003 at 8:13:45 PM CET
Pakistan Arrests Top Al Qaeda Member Al-Jaziri
Pakistani authorities said they had arrested a leading al Qaeda member, Moroccan national Yasir al-Jaziri, in the eastern city of Lahore on Saturday.
The arrest comes two weeks after the capture of another senior al Qaeda figure, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in the northern city of Rawalpindi.
Mohammed is suspected of being a leading figure behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States and authorities have said his arrest brought useful leads in their efforts to track down al Qaeda members including the group's leader, Osama bin Laden (news - web sites).
"He (al-Jaziri) is less important than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed but he is quite an important person," Secretary of the Interior Ministry Tasneem Noorani told Reuters.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 15, 2003 at 7:30:49 PM CET
Girl hit by 'fish odour syndrome'
A four-year-old girl has been diagnosed as having a rare inherited condition where sufferers constantly smell of rotten fish.
The child's condition was triggered when fish was included in her diet from the age of nine months.
According to the journal Medicina Clinica, it is the first genetic case of 'Fish Odour Syndrome' to be documented in Spain.
It is estimated there have been just 200 cases seen worldwide since the condition was first observed in the 1970s.

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Topic: COMPUTER - on March 15, 2003 at 7:25:26 PM CET
Alcohol-powered laptops ahead
Toshiba has unveiled a prototype fuel cell it hopes will become the power source for laptops in the future. The fuel cell breaks down methanol to generate power and, Toshiba claims, will provide enough juice to run a laptop for about five hours.
To get the cell working, the alcohol fuel is provided in small 50cc cartridges.
Toshiba hopes to put the fuel cell on sale in early 2004.
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Topic: - on March 15, 2003 at 12:51:30 PM CET
Beijing rolls out death on wheels
Hailed by Chinese media as a significant advancement in China's judicial system, Beijing recently rolled out 18 mobile execution vans.
The government took them for a test drive last Thursday, executing two farmers from Yunnan province who were convicted of heroin trafficking, according to Beijing Today.
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Topic: LOST FOUND - on March 15, 2003 at 12:46:31 PM CET
Horny hound takes a leap of faith for love
Taipei - A lusty dog was so excited to find a female partner that it jumped from the balcony of its home, ignoring the five-floor drop, local media reported on Friday.
But the dog was not seriously hurt and landed on top of an expensive car parked below.
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Topic: PHOTO - on March 15, 2003 at 12:35:23 PM CET
Nicht notwendig ?

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Topic: FUN - on March 15, 2003 at 12:01:52 PM CET
Do you want your voice to be heard? Wish you had the ability to bring this conflict to an end? Now Slycraft makes it possible for you to play an important part in international diplomacy!

Special Patriotic Price: $10.00
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Topic: GOOGLE - on March 15, 2003 at 11:25:17 AM CET
Google unter "Big-Brother"-Verdacht
Die Bürgerrechtsgruppe Public Information Research hat Google in den USA für die "Big Brother Awards" nominiert.
Ursache für das Misstrauen gegen die wohl derzeit populärste Suchmaschine sind die "langlebigen" Cookies, die Google auf den Rechnern seiner Nutzer platziert. Mit diesen könnte die Suchmaschine, die täglich mehr als 100 Millionen Anfragen bearbeitet, genaue Nutzerprofile erstellen.
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Topic: Terror - on March 15, 2003 at 11:05:49 AM CET
Nightstalkers track terror suspects
The FBI has a fleet of aircraft, some equipped with night surveillance and eavesdropping equipment, flying America's skies to track and collect intelligence from suspected terrorists.
The FBI will not provide exact figures on the planes and helicopters, but more than 80 are in the skies. There are several planes, known as "Nightstalkers," equipped with infrared devices that allow agents to track people and vehicles in the dark.
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