Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 7:19:07 PM CET
Terroristen verstecken Botschaften angeblich in IP-Headern
Als Beispiel führte der Italiener an, dass die Planer von Attentaten ihre Botschaften verkapselt in den IP-Headern von übers Netz geleiteten Datenpaketen austauschen würden. Diese Kopfteile sind eigentlich nicht für Nutzdaten vorgesehen, also nicht für den menschlichen Informationsaustausch. Sie enthalten Verwaltungs- und Steuerungsinformationen wie Adress- und Kennungsangaben, und stellen sicher, dass die in einzelne Bündel aufgeteilten Daten ihren Weg von einem Ursprungs- zum Zielrechner finden. Laut Rapetto kodieren nun Terroristen aber beispielsweise die 16 Bit umfassenden Identifikationsfelder der Header derart, dass der eingeweihte Empfänger jeweils einen einzelnen Buchstaben daraus entschlüsseln kann. Denn jede dieser "Seriennummer" aufeinander folgender Pakete ließe sich einem ASCII-Zeichen gleichsetzen und sich so im Endeffekt eine ganze Nachricht unkonventionell übermitteln.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 6:38:46 PM CET
Saddam’s War
His survival strategy is probably hopeless. But he has every reason to believe he can sway world opinion. And if that fails, he can turn a surgical U.S. invasion into a bloody nightmare. It was the usual creepy military parade through downtown Baghdad. Some of Saddam’s fedayeen (“men of sacrifice”) were dressed in dazzling white uniforms—”the color of a shroud, because we expect to die,” explained a 24-year-old fedayeen leader. More jarring were the fedayeen garbed in the familiar tan camouflage of the United States Army. Saddam has ordered thousands of uniforms identical, down to the last detail, to those worn by U.S. and British troopers. The plan: to have Saddam’s men, posing as Western invaders, slaughter Iraqi citizens while the cameras roll for Al-Jazeera and the credulous Arab press.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 2:18:21 PM CET
Ostriches 'flirt with famers'
Confused ostriches raised on farms are falling for their keepers, according to a researcher.
A study found that the birds were directing their courtship rituals at humans rather than their own species.

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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 12:08:37 PM CET
Großer Schlag
CIA-Spezialisten landen Erfolge bei der Jagd auf die Top-Leute der Qaida - auch dank der Hilfe pakistanischer Geheimdienstler.
Für seine amerikanischen Freunde ist Chalid Scheich Mohammed einfach nur ein feiner, lustiger, weltläufiger Kerl. Der Pakistaner spricht fließend Arabisch, Englisch und Urdu, reißt gern Witze und kommt angeblich mit Charme bei Frauen an. Er lebte einige Jahre in den USA, studierte Ingenieurwissenschaften an einer Universität in North Carolina - das Musterbeispiel eines kulturell anpassungsfähigen Terroristen, ganz wie die Attentäter des 11. September.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 11:55:59 AM CET
Hunting in the Barren Hills
As investigators sift evidence from a major arrest, hopes of nabbing bin Laden intensify
Pakistan’s Baluchistan province, a stark, hilly stretch of dirt and desert along the untamed border with Afghanistan, is a well-worn route for bandits and drug smugglers. Day and night, they make their way over the rough terrain on camelback, or rattle over the dirt trails in pickup trucks. Few people pay the travelers much mind. But late last week the province was alive with tantalizing reports that a well-known visitor was among those passing through. Local officials told reporters that a large caravan of men had been spotted in the region, and it was believed that Osama bin Laden was with them.

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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 11:21:09 AM CET
Blog Aggregator made in Italy
Something very interesting has been happening in the Italian blogosphere in the last couple of weeks.
Everything started with the idea of an aggregator that would categorize and give visibility to weblogs posts. Giuseppe Granieri very quickly implemented a version of this aggregator and has been adding features on almost daily basis. It's somehow a very low tech approach: bloggers have to visit an admin page after they have posted something and notify the aggregator.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 11:03:52 AM CET
Rettet den Rockpalast
Liebe Freunde des Rockpalastes,
wie Ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, hat sich der WDR dazu entschieden, den Sendeplatz vom Rockpalast ( in die Nacht vom Sonntag auf den Montag zu verschieben und gleichzeitig die Sendezeit drastisch auf 1 Stunde zu reduzieren.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 10:28:45 AM CET
This Toaster is loaded!!!
It got: 800Mhz CPU (VIA C3). 128MB SDRAM. 40GB Harddrive. 16X DVD Drive. Built-in Video and sound.
The HD-light is wired to the Bagel LED :) You turn on the PC by pushing down the lever :)
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 2:46:51 AM CET
Copyright war an unequal Þght
... on the tackling DVD pirates
The trouble with IT is that whenever the changes it is wreaking across an industry finally catch the attention of the powers that be, some schmuck comes along and tries to put technology in a straitjacket.
By the end of this month, the UK Patent Office plans to implement a draconian set of new copyright rules that place all the cards in the digital rights pack firmly into the slimy grasp of the world's vested interests. A tardy response to an EU directive that should have been enacted last year, the regulations follow a US example that many believe has only served to wrest all power from consumers and stifle technological advancement.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 2:40:12 AM CET
We'll put a torch to New York
North Korea would launch a ballistic missile attack on the United States if Washington made a pre-emptive strike against the communist state's nuclear facility, the man described as Pyongyang's "unofficial spokesman" claimed yesterday.
Kim Myong-chol, who has links to the Stalinist regime, told reporters in Tokyo that a US strike on the nuclear facility at Yongbyon "means nuclear war".
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 2:33:31 AM CET
Bush Steps Up Pressure on U.N. to Take on Iraq
President Bush on Saturday stepped up pressure on reluctant U.N. Security Council members to set a March 17 deadline for Iraq to disarm or face military action, digging in for what may be a losing diplomatic battle.
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Topic: - on March 9, 2003 at 12:54:02 AM CET
Director of Central Intelligence
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) has established a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program within the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technologies (DS&T), Chief Scientist Staff. The DCI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program was created in response to the Intelligence Community (IC) requirement to address long long-term research and technology needs that will meet the goals and mission of the IC. The Postdoctoral Research Fellowship program Program will provide the IC an outreach opportunity into centers of expertise in academia and national laboratories and help to engage fully with experts outside of tThe Intelligence Community. As the role of science and technology becomes an increasingly critical driver of global developments, the DCI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program will focus on research in leading edge technologies supporting broad Intelligence Community technology needs.
Micro- and Nano-scale High Performance Rechargeable Battery Technology Software Radio Research Lithium-Ion Battery Technology 3-D Face Modeling and Display Cold Atom Optics Data analysis from Passive Hyperspectral and LIDAR sensors Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks Unconstrained, Goal-based Visual Scene Analysis Modeling Spatial Spread of Infectious Diseases
etc ..
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