Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 4:00:26 PM CET
Britain's dirty secret
A chemical plant which the US says is a key component in Iraq's chemical warfare arsenal was secretly built by Britain in 1985 behind the backs of the Americans, the Guardian can disclose.
Documents show British ministers knew at the time that the £14m plant, called Falluja 2, was likely to be used for mustard and nerve gas production.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 3:51:47 PM CET
Whisky aided Thatcher and ads G

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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 3:48:36 PM CET
Erfindung des (Motor-)Rads
Zu den spektakulärsten Exponaten auf dem Genfer Automobilsalon gehören die zwei-, drei und vierrädrigen Studien des italo-schweizerischen Designers Franco Sbarro. Der Clou dabei: Praktisch die gesamte Antriebseinheit steckt in den Rädern. Der kauzige Kerl hat das (Motor-)Rad neu erfunden.

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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 3:27:07 PM CET
Air Guitar Collection a Total Lost in Garage Fire
Thirty-six year old Steven "Stoner" McGarry's worst fears were confirmed after an early-morning fire swept through the contents of his parents' garage, including his stockpile of over 60 air guitars. McGarry's one-room apartment over the garage, which he calls his "bachelor penthouse," received only minor smoke damage.
The fire and water damage on the ground floor left him grateful his own life was spared, but he acknowledged the loss of his priceless imaginary collection will be hard to get over.

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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 3:21:20 PM CET
Universum könnte in gigantischer Explosion enden
Astronomen streiten darüber, ob sich das Universum ewig ausdehnen wird, oder ob es vielleicht irgendwann wieder schrumpft und "verschwindet". Ein britischer Forscher plädiert nun für eine gigantische Explosion.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 3:16:52 PM CET
Musiker-Streik gegen Computereinsatz
Die größte US-Musikergewerkschaft hat einen Streik der Broadway-Musiker organisiert, weil Computer künftig weitgehend die Live-Musik am Broadway ersetzen und Hunderte Musiker-Arbeitsplätze überflüssig machen sollen.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 1:48:38 PM CET
Sky Circles
This photo was taken from my backyard between 10:00AM and 10:15AM 3/4/2003 with a Kodak Digital Camera. The circles appear to be in the direction of Nashville TN which is about 32 miles south west of my home in Gallatin, TN.
He also said the AMS (American Meteorological Society) mentioned in the AMS report, there are experiments with rain prevention being used by the U S Air Force that have been known to cause this. He featured it on last night's weather report on the local Fox News channel.

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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 1:43:11 PM CET
Pack Your Bags, You're Moving to Iraq
ExxonMobil Employee Relocation Memo
From: ExxonMobil Human Resources Department To: New York City Employees Subject: Apartment hunting in Baghdad
Congratulations on your relocation to our newest oil field – the free and democratic nation of Iraq!
You may have concerns about your future living situation, such as laundry, trash collection, and guerilla uprisings. Rest assured we will be working with the Mafia to address these issues. However, finding an apartment will be your responsibility.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 1:39:26 PM CET
The Greatest Show on Television: Adult Swim
Reality television has worn out its welcome. Worse, it has further watered down what was already a diluted mediascape. Things have gotten way out of hand. Reality programming has ceaselessly replicated itself geographically -- most of America's hit shows are European retreads with much higher budgets -- and thematically. Because, like sitcoms or, alarmingly enough, so-called "news" broadcasts on Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC or CNN, the narratives of reality programming are, contrary to reality itself, fixed. There are no curve balls to be found. What ultimately counts in reality television is the voyeur, not the visuals.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 1:31:39 PM CET
Angry Man Shoots Computer
How many times have you wanted to shoot your computer???? Well, George Doughty was plenty P.O.'d and blasted his PC.
Doughty says his laptop crashed once too often. So, he allegedly shot it four times as customers watched in his Sportsman's Bar and Restaurant in Lafayette, Colorado.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 12:29:23 PM CET
Bakterium liefert Hinweise auf Völkerwanderung
Ein winziges Magenbakterium liefert Hinweise, auf welchen Wegen unsere Vorfahren die Welt besiedelt haben. Deutsche Forscher haben den Krankheitserreger untersucht - und mit genetischen Methoden seine weltweite Populationsstruktur aufgeklärt.
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Topic: - on March 7, 2003 at 11:20:05 AM CET
Fluggesellschaften uneins bei Weitergabe von Passagierdaten an US-Zoll
Seit gestern sind alle Fluggesellschaften verpflichtet, den US-Zollbehörden Auskunft über ihre Passagierdaten zu geben. Der Zugriff auf diese Daten wird von den USA zur Bedingung dafür gemacht, dass die europäischen Fluggesellschaften ein Landerecht bekommen. Im Gegenzug sichern die USA zu, dass die Daten nach den Vorgaben der EG-Datenschutzrichtlinie behandelt werden.
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