Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 1:47:28 PM CET
Mozilla: Blogging's Killer App
Last summer, I found that IE on my mac was so completely screwed up I was forced to use another browser until they released an update. While I had only occasionally used mozilla for testing, after a couple weeks as a browser refugee I was a mozilla convert, and have been ever since. I use IE for testing only now, and can't see any reason to move off mozilla anytime soon.
I always wanted a resource to point friends to that were not yet mozilla/phoenix/chimera converts and decided a few months ago to finally sit down and write it. The following instructions and screenshots are from November 2002 releases of mozilla 1.2 betas, but the tips and tricks should translate to current and future versions without too much trouble.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 1:23:08 PM CET
Man Arrested for Wearing Peace T-Shirt
A man was charged with trespassing in a mall after he refused to take off a T-shirt that said Peace on Earth'' and
Give peace a chance.''
Mall security approached Stephen Downs, 61, and his 31-year-old son, Roger, on Monday night after they were spotted wearing the T-shirts at Crossgates Mall in a suburb of Albany, the men said.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 1:15:27 PM CET
Pensioner's 'Do Not Resuscitate' tattoo
Retired nurse Frances Polack has taken an extraordinary measure to ensure doctors do not try to prolong her life against her wishes.
Ms Polack, 85, from Lyndhurst in Hampshire, is so concerned about unwanted medical care that she has invested in a £25 tattoo across the front of her chest.
It reads "Do Not Resuscitate" in capital letters and is set around a red heart with a line through it.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 1:08:51 PM CET
How al-Qaeda 'chief' was caught
The arrest in Pakistan of alleged terror mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed came after a series of near misses, US and Pakistani intelligence officials say.
He had narrowly eluded capture on a number of occasions - most recently just last week in the south-western city of Quetta.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 1:06:13 PM CET
Conmen uncork vintage wine scam
Police arrested three young Romanian men and found 900 bottles of wine and champagne in a shed in a Paris suburb. They said the wine was destined to be sold on to restaurants at a comfortable profit.
Police said on Tuesday that the conmen donned suits to minimise suspicion as they replaced shop barcodes with barcode stickers of their own to fool supermarket checkout machines.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:55:11 PM CET
Singer's Breast Implants Heat Reform Debate
A popular German singer who had breast implants paid for by health insurers has sparked a debate about what is wrong with country's generous but cash-strapped welfare system. Pop singer Juliette said she had an operation to enlarge her breasts three years ago, and her health insurance paid the bill, raising eyebrows about the extensive treatment Germans receive at a time when insurers are facing huge deficits.
"Yes, I have new breasts," the 22-year-old told Bild daily. "I had done ballet for several years and that's why I had small breasts. That was a burden. I wanted breasts that fit my body."

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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:49:07 PM CET
Hippie Crap Saves The World
Can better orgasms and upping your personal vibe really thwart BushCo idiocy?
Wanna know what conservatives really hate?
What makes everyone from harmless GOP dittoheads to ultra-right-wing nutjobs full of rage and hiss and homophobia and blind jingoism roll their eyes and throw up their hands and scamper for their Bibles for reassurance that life is still repressed and we're still going to war and Dubya is still smackin' 'round the envurment along with them wimmin and homosekshuls and furriners?
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:46:09 PM CET
Pentagon wants own spy network
The Pentagon is planning to assemble its own network of spies who will be posted around the world to collect intelligence on terrorist organizations and other military targets, moving squarely into a cloak-and-dagger realm that has traditionally been the domain of the CIA, according to Department of Defense officials familiar with the plans.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:43:57 PM CET
Sony Console May Deliver Power of 100 PCs
Sony Corp., the world's second- largest consumer electronics maker, plans a new video-game console that delivers the processing power of 100 personal computers on a single chip, the San Jose Mercury News reported, citing a patent granted in September.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:39:28 PM CET
Protect Your Privacy -- Free Guide on How to Find Hidden Cameras Spying on You
The Security Industry Estimates There Are More Than Two Million Hidden Cameras in the US
Your most private moments are more likely to be secretly caught on film than ever before. Tiny, inexpensive hidden cameras have become an epidemic with over two million hidden cameras in the US, according to the security industry. Until now there has been little information available on what to do to protect yourself from this invasion of privacy. Main Street Safety, an internet based company focused on safety information and products, today released a free, step by step guide on how to find hidden cameras.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:28:16 PM CET
Sony unveils new blue-laser DVD format in which each disc holds up to 23 gigs
Japan’s Sony Corp. said on Monday it would start sales next month of the world’s first DVD recorder that uses blue laser light and can pack a two-hour high-definition TV program onto a single disc. It won’t be cheap, with a retail list price of 450,000 yen ($3,800) while low-end DVD recorders using conventional red lasers go for as little as 50,000-70,000 yen.
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Topic: - on March 5, 2003 at 12:24:28 PM CET
British Gas sends out £2.3 trillion bill
Utility British Gas has admitted sending one of its customers a bill for £2,320,333,681,613.
Brian Law of Fartown, Huddersfield, received the bill last month as a final demand after failing to pay an earlier bill of £59.
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