Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 9:54:48 PM CET
Sea Lions Play Secret Agent Overseas
The United States could field some unusual stealth weapons in its crusade against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein: a battalion of sea lions and dolphins trained as U.S. secret agents.
The military mammals, trained under a special scheme in the California city of San Diego, can play a key role in defending fleets from attacks during war and preventing terrorism at home, their trainers told AFP on Monday.
The U.S. Navy's Marine Mammal Program boasts a unit of 20 crack sea lions as well as about 70 dolphins also specially-trained to defend US sailors and installations from explosive marine attacks.

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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 9:46:47 PM CET
RIAA website now routable and public
The Recording Industry Association of America website is once again up and running.
It may have been up and running a lot longer. When we checked in yesterday, had been registered with the domain service with an IP address of - a nonroutable, private address.
So, in order to see it, you had to call round to the hosters' home and ask permission to join his private network.
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 8:09:26 PM CET
McDonald's food advert banned
A commercial for a McDonald's steak sandwich has been banned by television watchdogs for being misleading.
The sandwich looked better in the advert than in real life, said the Independent Television Commission (ITC), after investigating several customer complaints.
ITC staff tested several sandwiches and ruled that they contained less filling than the one in the commercial.
The fast food chain said it was "disappointed" with the ITC's decision.
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 8:03:49 PM CET
Big Brother and your browser
The U.S. Justice Department is experimenting with an Internet crime-fighting technique that raises novel legal, technical and privacy concerns.
The tactic: domain name forfeiture. In two separate cases last week, the Justice Department seized domains for Web sites that it claimed were engaging in illegal activity.
The first set of domains were allegedly used to sell drug paraphernalia such as bongs and marijuana cigarette holders. Now visitors to,, and are greeted by this hair-raising alert: "By application of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, the Web site you are attempting to visit has been restrained by the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania."
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:53:12 PM CET
German artist to open doggie brothel
A German artist has applied for a licence to open a brothel in Berlin for sexually frustrated dogs and says it will be the first of its kind anywhere.
Karl-Friedrich Lenze, 54, said he planned to charge dog owners 25 euros (17 pounds) per half hour of happiness.
"If dogs can't get what they want they get cranky -- just like people," Lenze told
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:44:10 PM CET
Rache an Spielberg?
Die Anschuldigungen wirken so abstrus, dass man sie nicht weiter beachten müsste - würden sie nicht von einem der bedeutendsten Hochglanzblätter der USA verbreitet: Laut "Vanity Fair" hat Michael Jackson an einem Voodooritual teilgenommen, um seinen Intimfeind Steven Spielberg zu töten.

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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:42:23 PM CET
Michael Jackson's voodoo curse on the lives of David Geffen and Steven Spielberg is just one of the shocking claims in a new 10,000-word report from VANITY FAIR special correspondent Maureen Orth, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:36:00 PM CET
Interrogating the dead Al-Qaida, or Are we Stupid?
There are shrill cries of success and sighs of relief surrounding a news report that is being hailed as the biggest catch so far: No.3 man, Sheikh Khalid Muhammad, of the dreaded Al Qaida is captured, alive! The biggest success in the global war against terrorism. This is certainly excellent news and both the Pakistani and the American authorities deserve congratulations.
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:30:56 PM CET
CERT® Advisory CA-2003-07
Remote Buffer Overflow in Sendmail
Original release date: March 3, 2003 Last revised: March 4, 2003 Source: CERT/CC
A complete revision history can be found at the end of this file.
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:19:12 PM CET
da haben gefühlsnoppen gleich ne neue bedeutung...

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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:14:01 PM CET
The Ten Most Dishonorable Americans
Americans are a resilient lot. The attacks of September 11th showed, despite progressive urbanization and isolation, Americans pull together when under attack. Those of all political, economic, racial and religious backgrounds renewed their commitment to the United States and to their fellow countrymen - and their resolve to stand against their common enemies. However, even in this changed environment, some side with the enemy - while the enemy is killing American citizens. These ten people, presented in no particular order, deserve the title "the most dishonorable Americans."
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Topic: - on March 4, 2003 at 7:10:36 PM CET
Zurich: 'World's best city'
The Swiss city of Zurich is the best place in the world to live, while the capital of Congo, Brazzaville, is the least desirable residence, according to a new survey.
The annual survey of 215 cities by Mercer Human Resources Consulting placed Zurich ahead of another Swiss city, Geneva, which shared second place with the Austrian capital, Vienna, and Vancouver in Canada.
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