Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 1:15:47 PM CET
Ecstasy over the counter
ECSTASY and speed would be freely available over the counter under a radical NSW Greens policy.
And heroin would be given to registered addicts in regulated quantities for use in a string of safe injecting rooms across the state.
The party wants to remove criminal penalties for personal drug use and establish licensed drug outlets to import, manufacture and sell drugs.
Details of the controversial policy are not included in the party's campaign literature for the March 22 state election, where the Greens are expected to receive their largest ever share of the vote in NSW.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 1:12:32 PM CET
Alinghi hat es geschafft
Am Sonntag war es soweit: Der America's Cup, die begehrteste Segel-Trophäe der Welt, ist nach Europa zurückgekehrt. Nach 152 Jahren hat ausgerechnet die Alinghi aus dem Binnenland Schweiz den Pokal, um den erstmals 1851 gefahren wurde, wieder nach Europa geholt. Die Schweizer fertigten in der Finalserie Titelverteidiger Neuseeland 5:0 ab und dürfen nun die nächste Regatta um den America's Cup austragen.

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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 1:07:05 PM CET
Switzerland becomes first land-locked country to win America's Cup
By designing a sloop that had room for development, Alinghi easily won the America’s Cup.

¬> Americascup ¬> Alinghi
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:58:54 PM CET
KGB Unveils UFO Secrets?
The last issues of the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda (February 5-12) published a series of five articles under a loud headline “KGB Unveiled UFO Secrets”. These publications are based upon materials of a so-called “blue file” that the KGB once compiled concerning activity of Russian ufologists. However, the newspaper unveiled no secrets at all: the publications mentioned just several instances when UFOs were registered over Soviet military objects. What do these KGB documents testify to? Do extraterrestrials actually exist? Or, is it possible that the truth is more prosaic? Researcher from the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk Pavel Poluyan tells about it.

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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:55:04 PM CET
Disabled war veteran hosts Disabled RIAA website
Ciarán Tannam reports that the Recording Industry Association of America's website has been down for a week, again, and did we know why? I think we can help.
At the end of January, the RIAA gave responsibilities for the site to a hitherto little-heard-of operation in Rockville, MD called Tomorrow's Solutions Today, or TST Inc.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:53:05 PM CET
Playboy not to entertain Tatu duo in the nude
The lesbian duo of the infamous Eastern European Tatu band have been refused permission to appear nude in Playboy.
The pair were desperate to appear together in the men's magazine as soon as they passed their 18th birthdays, according to Sun.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:51:24 PM CET
Airport bans toy gun comic
Hundreds of copies of the children's comic, "The Dandy", have been withdrawn from shops at Birmingham Airport because a toy gun is being given away free with the latest edition.
The comic, which sells 250,000 copies a week and is published by D C Thompson & Co, has a bright blue and yellow plastic gun attached to its front cover.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:48:56 PM CET
Europe Getting Too Fat, WHO Report Says
Obesity, once considered mostly an American problem, now is prevalent in European countries, where traditional diets have been associated with long life and good health, the World Health Organization said.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:44:26 PM CET
Man drives flaming car into ex's house
The relationship between Ulysses Davis and his girlfriend went down in flames Thursday.
And he's the one who got burned.
Furious about being jilted, Novato police said, the 44-year-old Davis set his car on fire and drove the flaming vehicle into his estranged girlfriend's Novato home.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:38:38 PM CET
Alleged 9/11 mastermind in custody
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, was handed over to the United States and taken to an undisclosed location following his arrest in Pakistan, a senior government official said Sunday.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:31:58 PM CET
Communist theme park to be set up in Berlin
A theme park that lets visitors travel back to in time to communist East Germany is to be set up in Berlin. The GDR Fun Park will be built in the east of the formerly divided city.
Visitors will pay about £8 to spend the day watching old news programmes and films before a GDR-style lunch.
German newspapers say it is not yet clear whether lunch orders will be met with the traditional GDR reply of: "Ain't got that." Theme park visitors will also be able to ride the infamous Trabant cars.
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Topic: - on March 2, 2003 at 12:29:45 PM CET
Growing Your Own Snow Crystals
The Apparatus. The parts list for this experiment is as follows: >One used 20-oz plastic Coke bottle >Three large-diameter styrofoam cups (or something similar; see below) >A small kitchen sponge (1/2 inch thick) >A short length of nylon fishing line (thinner is better; 1-pound test is good) >A strong sewing needle >Four straight pins >One paper clip >Some paper towels
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