Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 9:39:52 PM CET
The inventor of a strap-on flying machine for sale on eBay has a request for users of the site: stop hacking his auction.
Since the personal aircraft went on sale last Friday on the popular auction site, bids have been pouring in -- some as high as $6 million. But Michael Moshier, the machine's inventor, said it soon became clear that many of the offers were coming from pranksters -- unwilling to shell out the cash to own the one-of-a-kind Solotrek XFV.
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 7:28:41 PM CET
Hitman Jailed for Shooting Target's Neighbor
Britain's High Court on Thursday jailed a bungling hitman who agreed to kill a businessman in return for $160 and an old car -- but confused the address and shot the wrong man.
Paul Jones, 41, ended up shooting and severely wounding his intended victim's next-door neighbor Ernest Broom.
Sentencing Jones to 17 years in prison, Judge Brian Barker said: "You shot him at point-blank range and it is a miracle he survived. You have ruined his life."
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 7:17:23 PM CET
Lifestyles of the Rich and Homeless
He's on the verge of becoming a millionaire, but Bob Molchan is still happy living under the bridge.
It's just past noon, and Bob Molchan is at the bar, sipping his first Budweiser. He's ordered the liquid lunch.
This is a man who lived for more than 20 years under a bridge, where West 3rd Street crosses over the railroad tracks just south of Browns Stadium. He has always kept a modest appetite. Coffee, cigarettes, and the occasional meal usually left his pockets empty by day's end. Leftover bucks were spent recreationally -- on beer. Asked why he's spent his life on the street, Molchan points an accusing thumb at the mug, a tall, blond 22-ouncer. "It's this."
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 7:12:21 PM CET
U.N. Experts Report Chemical Warheads Find in Iraq
U.N. weapons inspectors found empty chemical warheads during an inspection of a storage area in Iraq on Thursday, a U.N. spokesman said in Baghdad. The spokesman, Hiro Ueki, did not give any estimate of the significance of the find during an inspection of the Ukhaider Ammunition Storage Area. He said an inspection team had gone there to inspect a large group of bunkers constructed in the late 1990s.
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 6:35:42 PM CET
World's first robot brain surgeon developed
A six-legged robot has been developed by Singapore experts and programmed to drill through the skull during surgery to remove deep-seated brain tumours in sharply reduced operating time.
Engineers at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) came up with the computer-controlled robot known as "Hexapod" in conjunction with surgeons at the National Neuroscience Institute (NNI).
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 5:51:39 PM CET
Some news from DALnet
Well, a single day after my post that DALnet remains silent on my requests for some information, Curve, admin of and editor of the DALnet ezine replied me with a long (and very positive) responce which I will repost in full.
It's no secret that DALnet has suffered massive attacks recently, far greater than anything we've seen before. We've been ravaged by DDoS attacksin the gbps range, attacks which are not just crippling our IRC servers, but causing disruption to the providers who host those servers. Given that fact, and the tendency for gossip in these situations, I know that some people are saying 'DALnet is dead'.
Well it's not.
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 5:38:56 PM CET
A different bomb by Pete Townshend
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 5:20:14 PM CET
PC 12v Cigarette Lighter Adapter Kit
Need a light?? Here you go. You'll only find this item here at! Basically, this is a car cigarette lighter kit which has been adapted to be used in a PC's 5 1/4 bay.
What this kit includes:
* Cigarette Lighter
* Sleeved 4pin 12v Molex Connector
* Washer for drilling the hole

¬> frozencpu
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 5:09:04 PM CET
84-year-old woman shoots son-in-law
An 84-year-old woman shot her son-in-law dead from an eighth-of-a-mile away during a family feud over a patch of rural Arkansas land that she insisted was hers, prosecutors say.
Police say Gertrude Raines shot Charles Davis, 62, with a .22-caliber rifle from 220 yards away. Authorities say the rifle did not have a scope.
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 4:01:01 PM CET
Pot Bust Called Biggest Ever In Police History
763 Pounds Of Marijuana Confiscated
Bricks of pot were confiscated from three separate locations in a drug bust that went down Wednesday afternoon.
About 763 pounds of marijuana, with an estimated value is about $500,000, now sit in the police department's property bureau.
"It is a big deal, it's considered to be one of the largest marijuana seizures in history of the Denver Police Department," said Denver police detective Teresa Garcia. "And this is just something recovered today, who knows how many shipments this size they have at any time during the month."
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 3:56:08 PM CET
Penguins Puzzle San Francisco Zookeepers
A few penguins swimming leisurely at the San Francisco Zoo is nothing new. But dozens of them doing laps in unison for hours has zookeepers perplexed. "We've lost complete control," said Jane Tollini, the zoos penguin keeper. "It's a free-for-all in here. After 18 years of doing this job, these birds are making mincemeat of me." It all started in November when six newcomer Megellannic penguins, formerly of Sea World in Aurora, Ohio, were brought in.
Since then the penguin pool at the San Francisco Zoo has been a daily frenzy of circle swimming by all of the 52 birds at once.
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 3:50:07 PM CET
Swiss pull out all the stops to protect Davos forum
The Swiss government approved a plan Wednesday that grants army protection to those attending the World Economic Forum next week and has agreed to send up to 2,000 soldiers, create a no-flight zone over Davos and grant the military the right to shoot down unauthorized planes.
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