Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 3:42:50 PM CET
A Pentagon antiterrorism plan to link databases of credit card companies, health insurers and others--creating what critics call a "domestic surveillance apparatus"--is encountering growing opposition on Capitol Hill.
Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wisc., is planning to introduce a bill on Thursday to halt the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness program. A representative said on Wednesday that if passed, the legislation would suspend the TIA program until Congress can "review the data-mining issues."

¬> businessweek
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 2:25:25 PM CET
Are Hummer Owners Idiots?
ust in time for America's latest murderous war for oil, just in time to be reminded of exactly why our foreign policy is so horribly mangled and debilitating and Saudi enslaved and terrorist ready ...
Just in time to crush a few thousand smaller cars and kill a bunch of pedestrians and poison the environment and still be able to traverse six feet of standing floodwater in order to make it in time for Timmy's soccer game, it's the rollout of the new Hummer H2, the biggest joke of the entire SUV world, representing, well, just exactly everything that's wrong with America's view of the world.
¬> SFGate
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 2:21:25 PM CET
Microsoft Ordered to Ship Java in 120 Days
A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Microsoft Corp. to begin shipping Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Java program within 120 days, after the companies fought over implementing a ruling he made last month. U.S. District Judge J. Frederick Motz summoned lawyers for both sides in the private antitrust suit to a hearing on their failure to agree on the terms of a preliminary injunction.
"I can't sit here hearing after hearing," said Motz. "I want this done in 120 days."
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 1:51:22 PM CET
Yes - in 10 years we may have no bananas
It is a freakish, doped-up, mutant clone which hasn't had sex for thousands of years - and the strain may be about to tell on the nation's fruitbowl favourite. Scientists based in France have warned that, without radical and swift action, in 10 years' time we really could have no bananas.

¬> Guardian ¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on January 16, 2003 at 1:41:15 PM CET
Fahnder entdecken 50 Tonnen Material für Chemiewaffen
Eine erschreckende Entdeckung hat die Polizei im Hafen von Genua gemacht. In einigen Containern sollen sich tonnenweise Chemikalien für die Herstellung von Massenvernichtungswaffen befunden haben. Das gefährliche Material soll aus einer deutschen Fabrik stammen. Angebliches Ziel: Libyen.
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