Thursday, 16. January 2003

Lifestyles of the Rich and Homeless
He's on the verge of becoming a millionaire, but Bob Molchan is still happy living under the bridge.

It's just past noon, and Bob Molchan is at the bar, sipping his first Budweiser. He's ordered the liquid lunch.

This is a man who lived for more than 20 years under a bridge, where West 3rd Street crosses over the railroad tracks just south of Browns Stadium. He has always kept a modest appetite. Coffee, cigarettes, and the occasional meal usually left his pockets empty by day's end. Leftover bucks were spent recreationally -- on beer. Asked why he's spent his life on the street, Molchan points an accusing thumb at the mug, a tall, blond 22-ouncer. "It's this."

¬> Clevescene

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