Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:05:10 PM CEST
What's Original, Anyway?
If current copyright laws had been on the books when jazz musicians were borrowing riffs from other artists in the 1930s and Looney Tunes illustrators were creating cartoons in the 1940s, entire art genres such as hip-hop, collage and Pop Art might never have existed.
¬> Wired
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 11:52:13 AM CEST
Studiengang "Master of Digital Media" startet
Was das Sprachproblem angeht, macht sich Christian Haack keine Illusionen. "In den ersten Wochen werde ich durch die Hölle gehen", sagt der 30-Jährige. Der Jurist aus Hamburg gehört zu den ersten Studenten des Aufbaustudienganges "Master of Digital Media" an der International School of New Media in Lübeck (ISNM), der am heutigen Freitag offiziell eröffnet wird. Das Studium mit 13 Studenten aus sechs Ländern wird komplett in englischer Sprache stattfinden.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 11:34:56 AM CEST
"Mann, sind die Sterne geil"
Schockiert durch das massenhafte Versagen von Schülern, fahnden deutsche Pädagogen verstärkt nach Rezepten für eine "jungenfreundliche Schule". Erzieher offerieren "Selbstbehauptungskurse" für verschüchterte Jungs - und setzen auf Altbewährtes: Abenteuerfahrten mit Lagerfeuer und Wildwassertouren.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 11:16:47 AM CEST
Ebay toleriert angeblich Betrüger
Immer wieder werden spektakuläre Betrugsfälle bekannt, bei denen Ebay-Nutzer durch getürkte Auktionen oder schlicht nicht gelieferte Waren geschädigt werden.
Das Online-Auktionshaus bekräftigt in diesem Zusammenhang immer wieder, konsequent und mit allen zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln gegen die Betrüger vorzugehen.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 10:52:16 AM CEST
Japan Goes Through Lavatory War
Matsushita designed a 3,000-dollar WC pan which not only greets guests with its lid open, but even has an installed conditioner for summer and heater for winter.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Pravda
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 10:44:00 AM CEST
Is there a God?
Throughout history, humanity has sought to explain the unexplainable through spirituality and science, grappling to glean truth from competing ideologies. In a complicated and conflicted world, it would help to at least be assured in our faith, comfortable in the knowledge that we can follow the spiritual blueprint espoused by our favorite entertainer. These responses to the question "Is there a God?" don't form a cohesive answer, so readers will have to draw their own conclusions.
Answers: David Byrne, Nick Lowe, Ani DiFranco, Laurie Anderson, etc...
Paris is a rapper and activist best known for the song "Bush Killa."
The Onion: Is there a God? Paris: Definitely. I definitely think that a higher power exists. God definitely exists.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 10:20:00 AM CEST
KALACHAKRA for World Peace Graz 11th - 23rd October 2002
His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be leading the Kalachakra for World Peace Graz 2002 between 11th and 23rd October 2002. This major international event, which will be held at Graz’s exhibition center, will encompass Tibetan Buddhist rituals, lectures on ethics and Buddhist philosophy as well as a wide program of cultural events. Kalachakra Graz 2002 also offers numerous opportunities for inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">KALACHAKRA
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 10:03:41 AM CEST
Miss Tibet off to controversial start
Miss Tibet off to controversial start
The first Miss Tibet beauty contest has kicked off in the Indian city of Dharmsala, the seat of the Tibet's government-in-exile. Members of the media were allowed to watch the swimsuit round - but it was closed to the public out of deference to the local sensibilities of the conservative exile community.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 10:00:12 AM CEST
Austria's $1 million "no moaning zone" campaign met with shrugs, complaints by Austians
removed QUOTE by request also non working link. apropos nichtraunzerzone *G*
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 9:48:53 AM CEST
World media spotlight 'Washington in Angst'
Story's violence, mystery draw outlets' attention.
Around the globe - New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, China, South Africa - the search for the killer is grabbing attention. Even media outlets in Israel, where random violence is chillingly routine, are covering the story.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 9:45:43 AM CEST
Hell's Angel lives life in biker heaven
The legendary Hell's Angels patriarch, who helped found the motorcycle club almost 50 years ago, has battled cancer and heart disease as fiercely as the law, but has no intention of allowing age to mellow him -- or giving up the free-wheeling lifestyle he loves.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">REUTERS
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 9:38:42 AM CEST
An Israeli man has reportedly suffered a heart attack when he summoned
a callgirl to his hotel and opened the door to his daughter. The Maariv daily newspaper reports the 48-year-old businessman was treated in hospital in the Red Sea port of Eilat before returning home to northern Israel, where he confessed the traumatic experience to his wife.
It says his wife burst into tears and vowed to put their daughter back on the righteous path, then demanded a divorce from her errant husband.
There was no word on the fate of the young woman.
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