Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:36:39 PM CEST
'Watch your implants!' - porn star warned before boxing Sam Fox
A porn star has been warned her silicone implants could be damaged when she steps into the ring with Samantha Fox for a televised boxing match.
Gina Wild will take on Fox in a three round bout on German station RTL's live Celebrity Boxing night on 26 October.
WHO’S that foxy lady? ¬> Ananova ¬> Die Geschichte zum BILD
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:29:22 PM CEST
FreeBSD 4.7 released
From: Murray Stokely [] To: Date: 10/10/2002 10:47 AM Subject: FreeBSD 4.7 Now Available -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
I am happy to announce the availability of FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE, the latest release of the FreeBSD -STABLE development branch. Since FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE in June 2002, we have updated a number of software programs in the base system, such as GCC and sendmail. Several new drivers have been added for USB devices and disk controllers. We have also incorporated updates for XFree86 and our Linux compatibility libraries.
FreeBSD 4.7 also incorporates all of the security and bug fixes from 4.6.2 (released in August 2002), including several ATA-related bugfixes, updates for OpenSSL and OpenSSH, and fixes to address several security advisories.
For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the release notes and errata list, available here:
For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities (including information about the upcoming FreeBSD 5.0), please see:
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:23:02 PM CEST
Hauppauge boxes clever with digital TV
Hauppauge Computer Works has launched a product that brings digital broadcasts to any TV or PC. The DEC2000-t is not the first digital device to provide free-to-air digital terrestrial broadcasts to TVs, but claims to be the first that links to a PC for added functionality.
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Topic: Religion - on October 11, 2002 at 1:22:52 PM CEST
Graz im Zeichen des Buddhismus
Mit der Ankunft des Dalai Lama beginnt heute in Graz das große Weltbuddhistentreffen, das Kalachakra. Das geistliche und weltliche Oberhaupt der Tibeter wird zwei Wochen für den Weltfrieden in der Steiermark zu Gast sein.

¬> <a href=""target="blank"> ORF ¬> Older Shit
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:14:54 PM CEST
Space walk 'too beautiful for words', says British astronaut
At one stage Mr Sellers asked where he was as he free-floated around the Atlantis space shuttle as it orbited 100 miles above the Earth. Mission control in Houston told him he was flying over the Pacific, approaching South America. He said: "Wow! It's too beautiful for words. Unbelievable."
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:03:50 PM CEST
New clean, quiet cars guzzle hydrogen
Experimental autos offer clean alternative to gasoline
They don't use gasoline or electricity, but these new Honda and Mercedes-Benz cars can whiz by at speeds up to 93 mph. The mayor of smog-choked Los Angeles, Jim Hahn, likes them so much he signed a lease with Honda this week that will put city employees behind the wheel of five of the experimental cars by year's end.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:53:39 PM CEST
Heroin treatment gets an update
U.S. gives nod to new drugs, more private access
Drug addicts in the United States will soon be able to get medical treatment in the privacy of their own doctors’ offices, thanks to the approval of two new drugs and a new piece of legislation, experts and lawmakers said on Wednesday.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:50:08 PM CEST
Scientists Spy Dozens of New Frog Species in Sri Lanka
On a global scale, the amphibian population has been waning. But according to a report published today in the journal Science, researchers have discovered more than 100 new species of frogs in the rainforest of Sri Lanka. The scientists say the find classifies the island as "an amphibian hot spot of global importance."

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Scientific American
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:45:59 PM CEST
Henpeck worm cons MSN chat crowd
The worm tricks users into clicking on a link to download malicious software. It also installs a back-door program for future mischief A worm has spread among MSN Messenger users by fooling them into downloading an infectious file from the Internet, antivirus firms said on Thursday.
Known as Henpeck, the worm used MSN's chat network to send messages containing a link to a malicious online file, called BR2002.exe. People who clicked the link triggered a download of the file and inadvertently ran the infectious program. The worm then sent instant messages to everyone on a victim's buddy list.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:33:22 PM CEST
Tools for Detecting Terror
In the intelligence world, this problem of information overload has life-or-death consequences. Unless analysts can filter out the essential pieces of information from the noise -- and see the connections between disparate people, places and events -- they will miss the next Sept. 11, just as they missed the last one.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:16:37 PM CEST
Rekord-Suchtgiftfund in Ostösterreich
Der bisher größte zusammenhängende Fund von Cannabisprodukten in Österreich gelang der Exekutive in einer groß angelegten Aktion im Burgenland und in Niederösterreich.
Auf vier illegalen Hanfplantagen wurden dabei insgesamt rund 100 Kilogramm Cannabiskraut sichergestellt. Der Marktwert der Drogen beträgt rund 700.000 €.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:13:20 PM CEST
LEGO Harpsichord
With the exception of the wire strings, this instrument is entirely constructed out of LEGO parts--the keyboard, jacks, jack rack, jack rail, plectra, soundboard, bridge, hitch pins, tuning pins, wrestplank, nut, case, legs, lid, lid stick, and music stand are all built out of interlocking ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) plastic bricks and related pieces.

¬> HP
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