Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:33:57 AM CEST
Liquid Nitrogen cooled P4 2.8GHz at 3917MHz
When the Intel Pentium 4 2,8GHz CPU arrived to our testlab we ordered 10 liters of Liquid Nitrogen (LN2 -196°C) and decided to run some tests in very low temperatures.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">muropaketti
¬> Intel Pentium 4 2,2GHz at <a href=""target="_blank">3675MHz
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:24:35 AM CEST
e-bay Taxidermy Squirrel Mounts - SMOKER & ARCHER
both are mounted on fungus. Both are red squirrels. One is a "robin hood" and he has a lil bow and arrow. the other is, well, smoking a cigarette. Joke squirrels, would be great for a hunt club. $10.00 Shipping. Currently US $16.50 First bid US $1.00
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:21:25 AM CEST
Gallery of images from Spock's porn book
Lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom. Lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom. Lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom. Lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom lorum ipsom.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Leonard Nimoy
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 1:12:52 AM CEST
Police invite residents to watch drug raids
Police have taken the unusual step of inviting residents to watch them carry out dawn raids on suspected drug dealers.
Lancashire police say it was to show that officers did act on information from the public.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:57:44 AM CEST
Germany arrests al-Qaeda suspect
German police say they have arrested a Moroccan man suspected of helping an al-Qaeda cell involved in the 11 September attacks on the United States.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:54:12 AM CEST
Spice Girls looking to reunite
1996 unavailable for comment
Mel B: I Wannabe a Spice Girl again. HARD-UP MEL B is making a desperate attempt to re-form the SPICE GIRLS. Scary, whose solo singing career has bombed, flew to the US on Monday to talk to MEL C about reviving the fab five. Yes. five — Mel wants former band member GERI HALLIWELL back on board and insists the Spice Girls are NOT finished.

Old Spices ... they might re-form
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">SUN
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:44:07 AM CEST
FM4 - Fest in Munich in der Muffathalle
Die FM4 Österreichrundfahrt überwindet Grenzen, und deshalb ist es am 12. Oktober wieder soweit: Die Kultur-Export-Karawane beglückt beim herbstlichen Stop die bayrische Hauptstadt samt Umgebung.
Line Up: Binder&Krieglstein Grom Hans Platzgumer Supercity Soundsystem Garish BTO Spider d.kay & Slack Hippy Functionist Tschamba Fii DJ Joe Joe Stermann und Grissemann
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:34:12 AM CEST
Zigge zagge, hoi, hoi, hoi!
Oktoberfest ist wunderbar when the festhallen are full of Gemütlichkeit
Breweries are brewing. Oompah bands are practising their ooms and their pahs. The smell of sausages smothered with sauerkraut is beginning to fill the air. It's all in preparation for the region's boisterous annual salute to all things Bavarian, Oktoberfest.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">The Record
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:30:37 AM CEST
Safe sex and a slice?
Australian scientists believe they have rediscovered an effective use for lemon juice -- as a contraceptive and also a killer of the AIDS virus.
Reproductive physiologist Roger Short, from the University of Melbourne's obstetrics department, said a few drops of lemon juice can be a cheap, easy-to-use solution to protect women from both HIV and pregnancy.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">CNN
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:28:26 AM CEST
Biggest Treasure Trove Found?
The largest treasure trove in marine history could soon emerge from Mediterranean waters, thanks to an unprecedented public-private partnership.
Focusing on a 17th-century British warship, the treasure hunt has been lunched by a 20-year-old deal between Britain and U.S. salvage company Odyssey Marine Exploration.
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:22:11 AM CEST
CHEAP Hotels in Jerusalem
Set your own rate, says Jerusalem hotel
One of Jerusalem's newest hotels has a new wheeze to try to attract guests. Check in to the Jerusalem Gold, stay as long as you like - and then decide how much you want to pay.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 11, 2002 at 12:17:00 AM CEST
Device Allows for Employee Thought Monitoring
Webspionage Corporation, maker of employee monitoring software and Brainco, manufacturer of EEG machines, have partnered to create the ultimate employee monitoring tool. A patented algorithm analyzes brainwave data and determines if employees are thinking of work or about what to eat for lunch. A flexible alarm system can allow for various levels of non-work thinking and alerts. A manager can be notified by e-mail each time an employee has a non-work thought, or an air horn can be wired to alert of pornographic thoughts.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBspot
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