

Showing 50 results.

Disposable mitten-shaped moist wipes! While old fashioned, square wet wipes...
Posted 6 years ago by sputnik.
The top 8 most insane... President-elect Donald Trump had a...
Posted 8 years ago by anselm.
TV-Physiker Lesch Ziel von AfD-Hassmails Harald Lesch zerpflückte die Thesen...
Posted 8 years ago by anselm.
The High Priests of Marijuana... Jim McAlpine’s plan to open...
Posted 8 years ago by anselm.
PR-Spezialistin zerstört ihre Karriere mit... Mit einem weltweiten Shitstorm hat...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
WTF? Super-Expensive Designer Toilet Paper? When I first read about...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
Teddybär übertrifft Felix Baumgartner Babbage, das Maskottchen des Raspberry...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
Google and the NSA: Who’s... It has been revealed today,...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
David Miranda, schedule 7 and... As the events in a...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
Pepper Spray Cop Wants Worker's... The former police officer...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
PRISM, Edward Snowden, Big Brother... So there’s been 100s of...
Posted 11 years ago by anselm.
Global banks are the financial... As HSBC executives apologise to...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Die Furcht vor dem Shitstorm Eine anonyme Masse treibt die...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Group argues weed is safer... A Colorado advocacy group is...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Marihuana-Happenings in den USA: Oh... Amerikas Universitätsstädte unter Marihuana-Schwaden: Am...
Posted 12 years ago by sputnik.
Afghan Air Force Probed in... The U.S. is investigating allegations...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Zemlin praises $25 Linux computer:... In a blog post written...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
"Überlichtschnelle" Neutrinos wegen fehlerhafter Kabelverbindung? Anscheinend handelt es sich bei...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Faster Than the Speed of... Some months ago, news broke...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
News-Verlagschef Bogocz sieht keine geschädigten... News-Verlagschef Bogocz sieht keine geschädigten...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
ZDF und ARD für ACTA... Am vergangenen Samstag sind rund...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Blaufunk: TA-Geld für Strasser? „Format“ berichtet nun von einem im...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Indect – der Traum der... Ein Forschungsprojekt soll Wege finden,...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
nochmal - DE Bundesregierung hält... Die Bundesregierung hält an dem...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Die Großen Brüder von INDECT... Zwei neue Großprojekte der europäischen...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Video EU fördert Big Brother-Projekt... Totale Überwachungen der Bürger sind...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Nervös? Von INDECT entdeckt! #1984... Was ist INDECT ? I.N.D.E.C.T....
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
INDECT - For the Security... Security of citizens is one...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Nach #SOPA kam #PIPA, nach... old shit
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
Shit Happens - The Economics...
Posted 12 years ago by anselm.
MegaUpload Loses Top Lawyer After... A few days after top...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Join the igloo camp in... old shit
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Swiss police press charges against... Swiss police will charge more...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
WEF-Gegner bauen Iglu-Dorf in Davos Die Occupy-Bewegung erreicht Davos. Unter...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Protesters ready igloos to Occupy... Occupy protesters with their sights...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Reuters launch new magazine ahead... [pdf] old shit
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Annual Meeting 2012 25 -... The contextual change at the...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Protesters vandalize SNB building ahead... Swiss police said on Wednesday...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
'CIA, MI6 behind Iranian nuclear... Tehran sends letter to Swiss...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Iran’s Flying Saucer Downed U.S.... Late last month, Iran put...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
"Behind Enemy Lines": Hackerkongress 28C3... Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC)...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Bald Drohnen über deutschen Dächern Der Deutsche Bundestag ist dabei,...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
The Drone as Privacy Catalyst... Have you ever been spied...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Oscar für die besten Nebendarsteller... Kim Jong Il ist...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Newt Gingrich: I’ll ‘ignore’ any... “They just ignored it,” he...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Zweifel an Lieferung von Schwindel-Soja... "Wir sind uns sicher, dass...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Düringer: "Ich bin ein Systemtrottel" In der letzten Sendung von...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Faymann räumt Fehler bei Social-Media-Auftritt... Bundeskanzler Werner Faymann (SPÖ) räumt...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Comedy of Errors Led to... It was the broken water...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
Cyber-Attacke entpuppt sich als normale... Die Aufregung war groß, diverse...
Posted 13 years ago by anselm.
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