Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 11:01:26 PM CET
Google Dance - The Index Update of the Google Search Engine
The name "Google Dance" is often used to describe the index update of the Google search engine. Google's index update occurs on average once per month. It can be identified by significant movement in search results and especially by Google's cache of all indexed pages reflecting the status of Google's last spidering.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 10:33:27 PM CET
Wirres Hetenknutschen
Ausgerechnet Deutschlands Ober-Hetero-Macker Dieter Bohlen bekam vor laufenden Kameras einen dicken Schmatzer vom Gastgeber Thomas Gottschalk – und das mitten auf den Mund! "Fünf lange Sekunden" dauerte die "Knutsch-Attacke", wie die "Bild"-Zeitung penibel aufführt. Die amtlich zulässige Dauer von Freudenbekundungen unter Männern ist damit wohl eindeutig überschritten.

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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 10:27:05 PM CET
Eurogay startet Magazin
Daniel Küblböck ist die Super Husche
Nach der Insolvenz der QUEER AG und der Einstellung des "Queer"-Magazins produziert die eurogay media AG das neue "eurogay magazin". Die Redaktion setzt sich aus vielen ehemaligen "Queer"-Mitarbeitern zusammen, deren Arbeitsplätze damit gerettet worden sind. Das Magazin erscheint ab Ende Januar monatlich mit einheitlichem Mantel in acht Regionalausgaben und wird mit einer Gesamt-Druckauflage von 100.000 Exemplaren monatlich an rund 1.600 Stellen bundesweit kostenlos verteilt.

¬> eurogay
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 10:13:48 PM CET
Jail cells made from modern art
A Spanish art historian has found evidence that suggests some Civil War jail cells were built like 3-D modern art paintings in order to torture prisoners.
The cells were built in 1938 for the republican forces fighting General Franco's Fascist Nationalist army, who eventually won power, historian Jose Milicua told the Spanish newspaper El Pais.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 10:08:56 PM CET
Surfing the latest chick thing
Legions of young and not-so-young women are plunging into waves at surf beaches worldwide, ending the male domination of a sport once restricted to Hawaiian kings.
Male surfing "safaris" in search of the perfect wave, glamorized decades ago by Californian bands such as the Beach Boys, have resurfaced as female-only getaways run by trend-savvy tour operators in Australia and California.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 8:38:02 PM CET
Wanted: New Cyprus Flag and Anthem
Wanted: New flag and anthem to represent a complex reunification which doesn't ruffle any nationalist feathers. Artists must be willing to work for free but are guaranteed a place in history books.
The United Nations took out full-page adverts in the Cypriot press Monday, declaring a competition for budding composers and artists to come forward and put their seal on a new Cyprus by penning a new anthem and flag.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 8:01:59 PM CET
State Wants to Fix Its Highway to Hell
Hey Satan, the governor of New Mexico has a message for you: Get off the road.
Gov. Bill Richardson said last week he wants to renovate one of the most dangerous roads in the state, which is known by locals as the "Devil's Highway," "Satan's Highway" and "Highway to Hell."
Richardson wants to change the number of the route officially known as Highway 666 because of the association of the triple sixes with Satan.

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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 7:53:09 PM CET
The new GM XV16 concept engine, unveiled in the Cadillac Sixteen show car, builds on GM's leadership in advanced overhead-valve engine design and showcases a number of novel fuel-saving technologies in a surprisingly compact package.
Configuration: 13.6L V-16 Installation: longitudinal RWD Displacement: 13,600cc Valvetrain: OHV 2 valves-per-cylinder Bore x Stroke: 105 mm x 98 mm Horsepower: 1000 (746 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 1000 lbs.-ft. (1356 Nm) @ 4300 rpm Compression ratio: 10.6:1 Firing order: 1-12-8-11-7-14-5-16-4-15-3-10-6-9-2-13 Fuel system: sequential multipoint fuel injection Recommended fuel: unleaded regular

¬> Autoworld
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 7:25:12 PM CET
LEGO Stanley Cup Stolen
LEGO Company today announces one of only two existing scale replicas of the famous Stanley Cup is missing since the close of the annual Super Show that took place in Las Vegas earlier this week. The model was on display to promote the new line of LEGO® NHL Hockey sets at the industry's largest sports equipment show.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 6:15:24 PM CET
Ecclestone schließt den A1-Ring
Der neue Besitzer des A1-Ringes, Dietrich Mateschitz, wollte den Briten noch umstimmen, aber dessen Entschluss war endgültig. Durch die Entscheidung macht Ecclestone Platz für neue Grand Prix. Insgesamt darf der Terminkalender nur 17 Rennen umfassen. In der Saison 2004 sollen Bahrain und Shanghai als neue Strecken präsentiert werden. Deshalb muss nach dem Wegfall des Grand Prix von Belgien ein weiterer Großer Preis weichen.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 6:12:54 PM CET
Das Versagen der Sicherheitsexperten
In Windeseile hat sich der Wurm "SQL Slammer" am Wochenende von Server zu Server weiterverbreitet. In den USA fielen Tausende von Geldautomaten aus. Da Microsoft schon vor einem halben Jahr adäquaten Schutz bereitgestellt hat, stehen diesmal die nachlässigen Systemadministratoren am Pranger.
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Topic: - on January 27, 2003 at 6:10:00 PM CET
Computer-Netz gegen Biowaffen
Die US-Regierung hat den Aufbau eines landesweiten zivilen Computer-Netzwerks angekündigt, das als Eckpfeiler für die Identifizierung und Bekämpfung von Terrorangriffen mit biologischen Waffen dienen soll. Nach Informationen der New York Times entstehen in Washington und weiteren US-Großstädten unter der Leitung des nationalen Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) derzeit insgesamt acht Frühwarnzentren, die kontinuierlich mit medizinischem Datenmaterial aus Arztpraxen, Krankenhäusern und Apotheken versorgt werden.
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