Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 7:19:51 PM CET
Military robots well trained for war
In future wars, robots may drop from the sky by the hundreds from unmanned aircraft, swarming like giant insects over battlefields in coordinated, terrifying assaults.

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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 7:07:50 PM CET
Spy Trial of Air Force Sergeant Allegedly Linked to Saddam to Open
It's the first U.S. espionage trial in nearly 50 years that could end in a death sentence: A retired Air Force master sergeant, deeply in debt, is accused of offering satellite secrets to Saddam Hussein and others for more than $13 million in Swiss currency.
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 6:41:31 PM CET
Big Brother in small packages
The generic name for this technology is RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification. RFID tags are miniscule microchips, which already have shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand. They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting their unique ID code. Most RFID tags have no batteries: They use the power from the initial radio signal to transmit their response.
You should become familiar with RFID technology because you'll be hearing much more about it soon. Retailers adore the concept, and CNET's own Alorie Gilbert wrote last week about how Wal-Mart and the U.K.-based grocery chain Tesco are starting to install "smart shelves" with networked RFID readers. In what will become the largest test of the technology, consumer goods giant Gillette recently said it would purchase 500 million RFID tags from Alien Technology of Morgan Hill, Calif.
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 6:23:38 PM CET
The worlds one and only inflatable church is here to allow couples to get married where-ever their heart desires. This fantastic air filled building is 47ft long by 25ft wide & 47ft high. The attention to detail is heavenly complete with plastic "stained glass" windows, airbrush artwork which replicates the traditional church. Inside it has an inflatable organ, altar, pulpit, pews, candles and a gold cross. Even the doors are flanked by air-filled angels. The church can be built in three hours and dis-assembled in less than two.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">inflatablechurch
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 6:03:37 PM CET
NEW Shoes for Heidi Klum
Birkenstock, best known for the ubiquitous suede sandals worn by iconoclasts and counterculture types, is taking steps to find out. It will soon target young, urban fashionistas with the spring rollout of an edgy, fashion-forward line of $240-and-up designer footwear.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">usa today
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 4:51:51 PM CET
Video Shows China Air Jet Over Waikiki
Tourist Surprised By Plane's Flight, Instructor Says Sight Not Uncommon Ted Smith, who is visiting the islands from Iowa, said he was thinking of the plane attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 when he swung his video camera and spotted the China Airlines 747 heading for the high rises of Waikiki.
"(I) looked up and it was just gliding in nice and pretty and I thought this is nice and then it didn't sound right," Smith said. "It was winding up, you know how they sound and when it got close enough I heard the roar of the engines."
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 4:32:54 PM CET
Climber falls 800m L I V E S
Inspector Craig Menzies of Grampian Police said: "One climber was swept away and was carried around 800 metres. He came to rest on the surface of the snow. He was not immediately found but did not require to be dug out from the snow.
"It was quite a long way. It is believed he suffered broken ribs and bruising. He’s a lucky man," he added.
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 2:11:53 PM CET
The Presurfer New Design
It's Monday and a lot of you are here for the first time since last Friday. (I know many of you visit this site from work). You are now looking at a re-designed Presurfer. Other things have changed besides the look. The links which used to be visual beneath the posts are now integrated in the post itself. However, for those with a slow connection, I will mention it when a link takes a while to download. Also, from now on, you decide if you want to see the link in the same browser window or in a new window. Default is the links open in the same window. Click the checkbox at the right to open every link in a new window. I hope you enjoy the new look of
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 1:46:34 PM CET
Uncle Sams Spam Propaganda
Baghdad blocked all emails from the USA
Recently Iraq, so much disliked by the USA has fallen victim of this spam-propaganda. The Pentagon emailed messages in Arab addressed to military commanders and representatives of the civil administrations in Iraq with a view to set them against Saddam Hussein. The emails also urge the Iraqi people to report about the sites with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and to disobey orders of the Iraqi president. The emails were received from the USA within several days until Baghdad blocked them. Now just several high-ranking governmental officials, officers and scholars have the access to the state-controlled email.
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 12:17:05 PM CET
Suicide Bombers Get Ready for War with USA and Great Britain
Thousands of suicidal bombers are ready to fight American military men in Iraq
The administration of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, which is responsible for a lot of attacks on the territory of Israel, called upon Saddam Hussein to use Shahids in the war with the United States. Hamas terrorists recommended the Iraqi leader to prepare thousands of suicidal terrorists. One of Hamas leaders, Abdel Aziz Rantisi, personally urged the Iraqi leadership to enable all Islamic volunteers that are ready to sacrifice themselves during the war with American and British military men.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">Pravda
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 12:13:10 PM CET
Häuptling Rasender Irrsinn
"Pack das Leben bei den Hörnern", umschreibt Daimler-Chrysler-Chefdesigner Trevor Creed die Markenphilosophie von Dodge. Und mit Blick auf das Modell Tomahawk fügt er an: "Bei diesem Fahrzeug ist es sogar lebenswichtig, nach allem zu greifen, was festen Halt verleiht." Es könnte sonst nämlich passieren, dass das Geschoss mit dem indianischen Namen fahrerlos davonjagt. Und das wäre ähnlich zerstörerisch, als würde man das Kriegsbeil ausgraben.

¬><a href=""target="_blank">Spiegel
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Topic: - on January 13, 2003 at 12:11:15 PM CET
DALnet is at this time totally unreachable
An Official E-mail from Dalnet
I regret we are unable to offer you any help. Certain individuals have decided that we should no longer be able to operate as an IRC network and are using Denial of Service attacks to ensure that we do not. Despite our best efforts and those of our hosts, DALnet is at this time totally unreachable and will most likely remain that way until whoever is responsible for the attacks decide they've done enough damage.
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