Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 9:07:55 PM CET
Crash Test Videos
Crash Tests Conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). is the only auto insurance Web site where consumers can view vehicle crash test results for recent vehicle models and then check out the insurance rates for the vehicle from Progressive and other leading companies.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 9:03:09 PM CET

¬> Akiba
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 8:57:51 PM CET
Mexico takes shot - hoping to make sales with tequila alternative
Once scorned as a cheap booze designed merely to intoxicate, tequila gained international fame a few years ago when drinkers realized just how sublime a liquor it could be. Suddenly, aficionados happily paid top dollar for a snifter of a bar's finest tequila.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 3:02:38 PM CET
Exekutive fehlen Geräte für neue Drogentests
Paradox: Drogentest, aber keine Test-Sets
Ab 1. Jänner soll die Exekutive Jagd auf Drogenlenker machen. Dazu soll in jedem Streifenwagen ein Drogentest-Set mitgeführt werden. Bis jetzt ist aber noch kein einziges Test-Set vom Innenministerium bei der Verkehrsgendarmerie eingetroffen.... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 2:39:46 PM CET
McDonalds close to bankruptcy in Japan - closes 150 stores
McDonald's Holdings Co (Japan) Ltd said Friday it expects to fall into the red in the year ending Dec 31 due to a board decision made the same day to shut down 176 of its restaurants nationwide. McDonald's Holdings said it expects a group net loss of 2.33 billion yen, reversing the company's projection released on Dec. 6 of a 530 million yen profit.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:57:31 AM CET
Lost Marley tape fetches $46,000
RARE audio tape of reggae legend Bob Marley in an informal jam session was sold by Christie's auction house today for more than $US26,000 ($A46,066), Christie's said. In 1968 Marley met with New York composer Jimmy Norman, and the two recorded a 24-minute cassette tape in an apartment in the Bronx, New York, that features eight songs with semi-professional equipment.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:51:23 AM CET
Two detained at Abu Dhabi airport
Two men were taken into custody by onboard security officers Sunday when they announced they had a bomb on a Royal Jordanian Airlines flight heading to Abu Dhabi from Amman, airline and airport officials told CNN. A subsequent search of the two men -- whom officials described as Libyan nationals -- found no bomb, officials said. The suspects, one of whom is in his 20s and one who's in his 30s, had told a flight attendant they were going to blow up the plane, the officials reported. There were 152 passengers on the plane, 12 crew members and four security officers.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:43:22 AM CET
Korea turns off nuclear monitors
North Korea disabled U.N. surveillance equipment installed at one of its reactors Saturday, prompting the U.N. nuclear agency to express "deep regret" over the action and issue a new call for restraint. International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei said he urged the reclusive nation not to take further actions to restart its nuclear program.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:37:27 AM CET
File Swapper Eluding Pursuers
Their office is spartan, with only five computers in various states of repair and nary a decoration on the wall. Few outside this Baltic capital would even recognize their names, though many of the world's largest recording and movie studios are well aware of their accomplishment. Jaan Tallinn, Ahti Heinla and Priit Kasesalu are the creators of Kazaa.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:30:08 AM CET
How to motor in a mini
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:22:36 AM CET
Psychologen ermitteln zehn Webdesign-Gebote
Jeder Web-Designer kennt die typischen Regeln, wie professionell gestaltete Internet-Präsenzen auszusehen haben. Schnell im Aufbau, leicht zu bedienen und auch schön sollen sie sein. Psychologen der Technischen Universität Chemnitz sind diese Anforderungen allerdings zu ungenau. Sie haben deshalb innerhalb von vier Jahren im Rahmen der Chemnitzer Forschergruppe "Neue Medien im Alltag" mehr als 300 Internetnutzer auf ihre Surf-Gewohnheiten hin untersucht. Mittels Infrarottechnik erfassten die Psychologen die Blickbewegungen der Probanden, während diese Webseiten betrachteten. Gemessen wurden auch Lesezeit, Navigation und Erinnerungsvermögen.
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Topic: - on December 22, 2002 at 10:12:53 AM CET
Dog crashes Johnny Vaughan's car
Television presenter Johnny Vaughan says his pet dog crashed his sports car in a bizarre accident, the Sun has reported. The tabloid said Vaughan's bulldog nudged his 60,000-pound Maserati into gear and stepped on the accelerator -- sending it flying into a van. "I was too shocked to be angry," Vaughan, who presents a BBC chat show, was quoted as saying in Saturday's paper. "I couldn't believe my dog crashed my car."
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