Topic: - on December 8, 2002 at 1:32:20 PM CET
Getting Real
What's next in computer displays? Depth and shadows
I'm sitting in a darkened room at the Media Research Laboratory at New York University, staring at a device called an autostereoscopic display. The setup looks very odd: a computer monitor lies on its side, and a sheet of liquid crystal-- called a parallax barrier-- is positioned about three inches in front of the screen.
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Topic: - on December 8, 2002 at 1:26:39 PM CET
Trial told no proof of ebook piracy
Adobe Systems has not been able to find proof that anyone made illegal copies of electronic books using software that could sidestep copyright safeguards in the company's eBook software, an Adobe engineer has testified.
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Topic: - on December 8, 2002 at 1:16:10 PM CET
Laptop Flip once Flip twice
The Flip-Pad Voyager – The next step in the evolution of the computer. Its revolutionary quad-fold design is the ultimate convergence of the laptop and desktop. The Flip-Pad’s unique dual portrait displays and vast workspace combine in a portable folding form factor.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Xentex
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Topic: - on December 8, 2002 at 12:56:31 PM CET
Miss Turkey wins Miss World
Muslims make Miss World contest flee to London. Newly crowned Miss World is a Muslim
The Miss World contest, which was relocated from Nigeria after religious violence, has been won by Miss Turkey, Azra Akin. Miss Colombia was the runner-up while Miss Peru took third place. The organisers have defended the decision to continue with the event despite riots in Nigeria which left about 220 people dead.

¬> BBC ¬> msnbc ¬> Associated Press
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Topic: - on December 8, 2002 at 12:44:36 PM CET
The evolution of bizarre machines that walk when powered by gusts of wind
Ten years ago, Dutch scientist-turned-artist Theo Jansen had a vision: art that evolved. The evolution of his bizarre machines that walk when powered by gusts of wind took place on a computer. Trained as a physicist (he was a doctoral student but did not finish), Jansen designed a program that simulated pairs of legs of different lengths. He then created virtual creatures and raced them against each other to find the ones that moved most efficiently.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Popular Science
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Topic: BOARD NEWS - on December 8, 2002 at 5:52:02 AM CET
Zwei Van Goghs aus Amsterdamer Museum gestohlen
Bei einem spektakulären Einbruch in das Amsterdamer Van-Gogh-Museum haben Diebe in der Nacht auf gestern zwei Gemälde von Vincent Van Gogh gestohlen.
Die Kunstdiebe seien über das Dach in das Museum eingedrungen, teilte die niederländische Polizei mit. Alarm wurde zwar ausgelöst, den Einbrechern gelang jedoch die Flucht.
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