Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:30:11 AM CET
Germany: A Tax Hell
Why do Russians Want to Join the European Union?
The tax burden on the population in Germany makes up 50-60%. Only very rich people manage to avoid paying taxes. All other people have to pay all of it. Inheritance taxes fall under a complicated classification. They require a payment from seven to fifty percent of an inherited sum. Yet, the law stipulates tax free minimums in case of inheritance. For instance, about 500 thousand euros are paid to a husband or wife whose spouse died, about 250 thousand euros are be paid to children, and between five and fifteen thousand euros are paid to other relatives. Calculations show that if an individual inherits 25 million euros, the state will take almost a half of it.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:28:33 AM CET
Boston-Area Firm Raided for Suspected 'Terror' Tie
Federal agents raided a small Boston-area software firm early on Friday, seizing records as part of an investigation into whether some of the company's leaders funded "terrorism" while doing business with sensitive U.S. agencies, such as the FBI, a law enforcement source said.

¬> <a href=""target="_blankReuters
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:26:25 AM CET
It's been 30 years since we've been to the moon.
Apollo 17 marks 30th anniversary
The ultimate strangers in a strange land, travel-weary astronauts Gene Cernan and Harrison "Jack" Schmitt huddled in their tiny Apollo 17 lunar lander, ate military-issue omelets, harmonized "good morning to you" and stumbled through a silly parody of The Night Before Christmas. The date was Dec. 14, 1972, the day America retreated from the moon.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:22:38 AM CET
Drink - o - Matic
A searchable database of over 3,100 mixed drink recipes Drink Browser
Click on a Drink Name to display that drink.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:21:09 AM CET
Osama bin Laden toys become a craze with children in Pakistan
Toy crazes are a common theme in the build up to Christmas holidays in the West. The story is no different in the Muslim world as Id approaches but one of this year's 'must-haves' would probably be banned from sale in many parts of the West; an Osama bin-Laden action figure complete with military jeep and bodyguards.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:16:41 AM CET
Japan Pi Value Calculation Earns Record
team of researchers at a leading national university have set a world record by calculating the value of to 1.24 trillion places of the researchers said Friday. Professor Yasumasa Kanada and nine other researchers at the Information Technology Center at Tokyo University calculated the value for pi with a Hitachi supercomputer over 400 hours in September, project team member Makoto Kudo said.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:13:59 AM CET
Police hunt for hallucinating toad-licking thief
Dutch police are investigating whether drug addicts raided a pet shop and stole three exotic toads whose warty skin can induce hallucinations when licked. The animals were snatched from a pet shop near a drug addicts' centre in the city of Leeuwarden in the northeast of the Netherlands on Wednesday.
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Topic: - on December 7, 2002 at 12:03:08 AM CET
Weil Massensport und Faschismus eigentlich viel gemeinsam haben...
...hat sich Peter Westentaler, ehemals Kampfköter/Schoßhündchen Jörg Haiders, nunmehr entschlossen mit Frank Stronach gemeinsame Sache zu machen! "Der ehemalige FPÖ-Klubobmann, der Wunschkandidat von Bundesliga-Präsident Frank Stronach gewesen war, wurde im Zuge der 6. Ordentlichen Hauptversammlung der Bundesliga für vier Jahre eingesetzt", heißt es im ÖFB-Pressetext.
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