Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 11:58:56 PM CET
Military Toxicologists Guilty of Death Toll
The Western media pointed out the unwillingness of the Russian government to release the name of the gas. The Daily Telegraph of Great Britain wrote with reference to a London military expert that it was probably BZ gas. This gas was first used by the American military in Vietnam.
Russian experts also believe that it was BZ gas. Doctor of Chemical Science Lev Fyodorov, said: “There can be no other variant. Our special forces have only this kind of gas. Theoretically, it is not a lethal gas if it affects healthy people. However, there were elderly people, children with weak organisms, and asthma-sick individuals among the hostages. This gas was lethal for them.”
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 11:43:39 PM CET
Google Answers Beta
More than 500 carefully screened Researchers are ready to answer your question for as little as $2.50 -- usually within 24 hours. Your satisfaction is completely guaranteed.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Google
Is the end of the Internet nearing?
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 4:53:09 PM CET
First dog in space died within hours
Soviet officials had said she died painlessly in orbit about a week after launch, but new information just released says she died from overheating and panic just a few hours after the mission started.
The new evidence was revealed at the recent World Space Congress in Houston by Dimitri Malashenkov of the Institute for Biological problems in Moscow.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 4:39:59 PM CET
Sculptures in Pumpkin
by Patrick Moser
I've been told I'm obsessed with carving pumpkins. This is probably true seeing that I will be sculpting well over 40 hours on over a ton of fruit this season. The link will guide you through the unique world of Patrick Moser and the land of
¬> Grumpkins.
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 4:08:16 PM CET
Pot politics a growing issue
America is going for pot
More than seven in 10 Americans believe that potheads busted with small amounts of marijuana should be fined, not jailed. Time magazine devotes this week's cover story to the wacky weed as voters in Nevada decide next week whether to legalize minor possession of marijuana for personal use.
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 12:00:50 PM CET
"Casul wear" auf Kaisers Haupt
Vor 400 Jahren, im Jahr 1602, ließ der in Prag residierende Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Rudolf II. (1552/1576-1612), in seiner Prager Hofwerkstatt eine private Hauskrone anfertigen, weil er bei gewissen Zeremonien nicht immer auf das in Nürnberg aufbewahrte Reichsinsignium angewiesen sein wollte. Diese Krone, die seit der Erhebung Österreichs zum Kaiserreich 1804 dieses bis zum Ende der Monarchie symbolisierte, gilt als eine der schönsten des Abendlandes.
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 11:47:53 AM CET
Die verkannte Gefahr aus dem Wald
Verwechslungen bei der herbstlichen Pilzsuche fordern jährlich bis zu zehn Todesopfer, Überlebende erleiden oft schwere Organschäden. Eine bessere Zusammenarbeit von Kliniken und Pilzexperten könnte Leben retten.
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 11:41:41 AM CET
Wie der greise Yogi und die Unis die Welt retten werden
Einst fanden die Beatles ihn besser als jede Droge. Heute ist Maharishi Mahesh Yogi steinreich und steinalt, aber offenbar noch ziemlich munter. Und baut ganz auf das "kosmische Potenzial" der Studenten: An den Unis suchen der Guru und sein "Minister für Erleuchtung" Flugbegleiter auf dem Weg zum Weltfrieden.
Hier klicken!

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Hier gehts zur Geschichte
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 11:37:04 AM CET
Zensur a la Google
Es geht bei Google nicht nur ums Geschäft. Nach einem Bericht des Berkman Center an der Harvard-Universität wurden bei und mehr als 100 Websites bei den Suchresultatenen nicht aufgeführt, die bei aber nicht zensiert werden. Dabei handelt es sich offenbar vorwiegend um antisemitische und rechte Websites, deren Inhalte in Deutschland bzw. Frankreich verboten sind oder rechtlich bedenklich sein können. Gibt man beispielsweise "Stormfront White Pride World Wide" als Suchbegriffe ein, so führt 17 Seiten an, und jedoch keine einzige.
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 9:43:37 AM CET
U.S. diplomat killed in Jordan
"Gunmen sprayed the diplomat with several shots, killing him instantly," Information Minister Mohammed Affash Adwan told The Associated Press. He said he did not know if the attack was a terrorist incident, adding: "I do not want to speculate."
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Topic: - on October 28, 2002 at 9:28:26 AM CET
Libya cuts links with world
Libya has closed its airports and severed phone links with the outside world in the latest demand for compensation from former colonial power, Italy. People who phoned Libya received a recorded message: "As part of the mourning over the victims of the savage crimes committed by the Italian fascists against the Libyan people, all international telecommunications are to be halted today."
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Topic: SECURITY - on October 28, 2002 at 9:24:12 AM CET
Released sniper letter not really blacked out
As Planet PDF reports, the Washington Post published October 26, 2002, the DC-area sniper's letter to police with redactions which can be easily lifted with an Adobe Acrobat's TouchUp Object Tool. Restored redactions shown in red below. (v) CNN Washington DC at 202-898-7900
sniperletter.pdf original pdf
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