Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:50:42 PM CET
Tom Petty Is Pissed
And he's got plenty of good reasons The man who told the world "I Won't Back Down," "Don't Do Me Like That" and "Don't Come Around Here No More" doesn't need any assertiveness-training course. Tom Petty's determined, sometimes defiant attitude has collided with the music business throughout the years. For instance, in 1982 Petty recorded Hard Promises with the Heartbreakers, only to find that his then-record company had plans to use his name to initiate a new, higher $9.98 list price for albums. Petty withheld the tapes and threatened to retitle his record $8.98 in protest.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:34:15 PM CET
JOB - German psychologist is touting a cure for paruresis, fear among men of using urinals, and seeking volunteers to spend time in public toilets
Your Chance to Spend More Time in Public Toilets Philipp Hammelstein, a researcher at the Heinrich Heine University in Duesseldorf, believed, however, it was not necessarily linked to the size of the sufferer's genitals. "All healthy men should be capable of using a urinal," Hammelstein told Reuters on Friday. Though findings show six percent of men have an irrational fear of urinating next to others.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:28:55 PM CET
10 Best (or Worst?) TV Neighbors
Strange, colorful, memorable neighbors are as essential to the TV sitcom genre as a bad laugh track. Their close proximity to home -- the area where most of a sitcom's central action takes place -- allows them to drop by and create classic comedic situations. Over the years, certain supporting characters have at times surpassed a TV show's main focus and earned a cult following all of their own. With that, we look through television history and present this list -- from animated to invisible, from classic to current -- of best TV neighbors.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">MSN
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:24:11 PM CET
'Tis the Season to be German
The month of October has us well within its tyrannical clutches, and that can only mean one thing - we must once again face the most fiendish of holidays. It is a celebration of all that is evil, a dark ritual meant to expose the demonic nature within mankind, an unholy ceremony in which people of all ages and a wide range genders don stultifying costumes that are designed to terrify the innocent and drive the worst among us to new heights of depravity. I'm talking, of course, about Oktoberfest.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Something Awful
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:19:50 PM CET
Taiwan introduces luminescent cakes
Do you believe a birthday cake without the candles can create the same atmosphere? Biotechnology researchers in Taiwan think the luminescent cake they have developed can do so and believe that such a cake has market potential. At a biotechnology development and planning forum held yesterday at Fu Jen Catholic University in Hsinchuang, Taipei County, a biotech company put several such birthday and wedding cakes on display, attracting overwhelming media attention and publicity.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:15:41 PM CET
Slideshow: Gunmen Take Moscow Audience Hostage
The Russian presidential standard flies at half staff over the Kremlin as Russia observes a day of mourning October 28, 2002. Russia lowered national flags and cancelled entertainment across the country on Monday to mourn the victims of the hostage taking drama in Moscow.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 11:08:44 PM CET
Cell Phones Were Mujahideens’ Downfall
When calls from hostages came, family members first established whether any terrorists were near the person placing the call. Family members and security officials said the phone would be passed to a security officer, who would ask “yes and no” questions to confirm key information about the terrorists — careful not to draw the hostage into a conversation that would be suspicious to the Chechen fighters.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 8:00:13 PM CET
Soporific Used During Special Operation
It’s likely that the special forces that stormed the theater building where Chechen terrorists held hostages used soporific to neutralize the terrorists, according to NEWSru.COM commenting on the video shot on the attack scene and demonstrated on the Russian ORT television.
The video demonstrated the terrorists, camouflaged men and women of Caucasian appearance, strapped with explosives. Judging by the poses of their bodies, the terrorists were killed while asleep.
hypnotic (soporific) n. a drug that produces sleep by depressing brain function. Hypnotics include benzodiazepines (such as nitrazepam and temazepam), chloral hydrate, and some sedative antihistamines (e.g. promethazine). Hypnotics are used for insomnia and sleep disturbances, especially in mental illnesses and in the elderly. They often cause hangover effects in the morning.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 7:12:02 PM CET
300 'al-Qaeda and Taliban' set free from Camp Delta
Up to 300 of the 598 supposed al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects - branded "the worst of the worst" by US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld when it was set up 10 months ago - will be sent home.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 7:04:29 PM CET
URGENT 650 Hospitalized After Moscow Raid
Nearly 650 of the released hostages still are hospitalized and more than 200 of them are in critical condition, Russian medical authorities said Sunday. They said that the death toll so far was 117.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 7:02:45 PM CET
Al-Qaeda 'hacking' websites
THE al-Qaeda terror network has begun using hackers who break into websites to create secret pages that send messages to its followers, internet specialists say. An example came earlier this month when a message purportedly from al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden appeared on, a website started by a fan of science fiction writer Clive Barker.
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Topic: - on October 27, 2002 at 6:54:48 PM CET
Having trouble with Symantec's LiveUpdate
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