Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 9:43:10 PM CEST
U.S. says al Qaeda exploring Russian market for weapons
U.S. intelligence agencies are concerned that terrorists are working hard to acquire small nuclear weapons and nuclear material for bombs from Russia.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 9:34:18 PM CEST
I offer these great collector sunglasses I am auctioning: (6) pairs of Persol Sunglasses (2) black with green lens & tortoise with blue lens 649's and (4) blue tortoise, brown tortoise , brown black and grey black 806/649 folding frame pairs with persol cases. Each pair of Persol Glasses retails for $2,800 plus taxes and are very hard to that they are NO LONGER AVAILABLE!
Currently US $1,000,000.00 First bid US $1,000,000.00

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">e-bay
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 9:14:36 PM CEST
Media files from STS-112
Space Shuttle Atlantis launches from Kennedy Space Center, Fla., to begin STS-112, a mission to deliver the S1 (S-One) Truss to the International Space Station.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank"> 3 major streams
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 9:02:19 PM CEST
Mass Yodelling World Record
A band of 937 yodellers set a new world record for "largest simultaneous yodel" by holding their melody for a full minute, the organizer of the mass concert in southern Germany said on Monday.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:58:44 PM CEST
Iranian Police Arrest 120 Party-Goers
NO PARTY IN TEHRAN Iranian police have arrested 120 party-goers at three private gatherings in wealthy districts of the capital Tehran and charged them with mingling with the opposite sex and dancing, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
The conservative daily Jam-e Jam said the unusually large haul of young lawbreakers were released after paying fines and signing pledges to stay away from future parties.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">REUTERS
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:54:58 PM CEST
Fake bank website cons victims
There are still morons out there who fall for the Nigerian money scam West African criminals have used a fake version of a British bank's online service to milk victims of cash, say police. The fake site was used to squeeze more money out of people they had already hooked. The site has been shut down. But UK National Criminal Intelligence Service, (NCIS), said at least two Canadians had lost more than $100,000 after being taken in by the fake website.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">BBC
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:51:50 PM CEST
Female Serial Killer wants to die
In about 24 hours, convicted serial killer Aileen Wuornos is scheduled to be executed, but one group is determined to stop it. In about 24 hours, convicted serial killer Aileen Wuornos is scheduled to be executed, but one group is determined to stop it.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:41:45 PM CEST
Australian sprinter quits -- aged 99
Australia's Charlie Booth, 99, has won the 100 metres sprint at the World Masters Games -- and then announced his retirement from the sport. Booth, the only competitor in the 95-99 age group, warmed up for his event on Tuesday with a fried dim sum snack at Melbourne's Olympic Park before winning in a tick over 28 seconds.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:24:57 PM CEST
The Rolling Stone Magazine readers TOP 100
We asked. You voted. From Pink Floyd to the Strokes, here are the 100 greatest records of all time, as chosen by you.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:17:58 PM CEST
Call suggests bin Laden alive, plotting
Osama bin Laden is alive, travelling with his lieutenant, Egyptian Ayman Al Zawahri, living in Afghanistan and plotting more attacks, according to an intercepted satellite telephone conversation.
In the conversation, reportedly intercepted over the weekend by US and Afghan intelligence, the Taliban's fugitive one-eyed leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, allegedly told his former deputy prime minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir that something will happen to change the scenario in Afghanistan in the next 45 days.
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:13:18 PM CEST
another gift for boys
Forward Command Post $44.99

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">JCPenny
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Topic: - on October 8, 2002 at 8:08:59 PM CEST
Math Used in Hunt for Md. Sniper
Investigators are trying to zero in on the Washington-area sniper with a computerized technique known as geographic profiling.
Geographic profiling, pioneered more than a decade ago by former Vancouver Police detective Kim Rossmo, works on the theory that except for a small buffer zone around their homes, criminals tend to hunt victims in areas they are familiar with.
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