Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 11:59:58 PM CEST
Antinobelpreise 2002 wurden verliehen
Die Antinobelpreise 2002 [Ig-Nobelpreis] stehen fest. Die Preise für besonders unehrenhafte wissenschaftliche Leistungen, die nicht zu wiederholen sind bzw. nicht wiederholt werden sollten, wurden am Donnerstag in den Räumlichkeiten der Harvard University verliehen.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 11:56:38 PM CEST
Sicherheit bei Satelliten erhöhen
Nach Einschätzung des General Accounting Office [GOA] des US-Kongresses stellen ungesicherte Satellitenverbindungen zu kommerziellen Satelliten eine der größten Sicherheitslücken im staatlichen Kommunikationsnetz der USA dar.

¬> <a href=""target="blank"> Hier gehts zut Geschichte
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 11:19:00 PM CEST
Sputnik's 45th Anniversary
THX 2 the REAL LIFE Sputnik G 4 great years on Efnet anway i will met you in RL
"Today's 45th Anniversary of the day, Oct. 4, 1957, when Sputnik changed the world. "Never before had so small and so harmless an object created such consternation."

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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 11:01:58 PM CEST
Black Hole Spiral
The Keck II telescope has captured a spiral of dust being sucked into the black hole in the Milky Way Galaxy's core. Using a camera nicknamed MIRLIN, for Mid-Infrared Large-Well Imager, a team of scientists led by Mark Morris of the University of California, Los Angeles, has acquired the highest mid-infrared resolution ever of the mysterious galactic center. The three-million-solar-mass black hole cannot be seen directly, but it betrays itself by its gravitational influence on its neighbors.
¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Kalmbach
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 10:53:37 PM CEST
RSS feeds are catching on with Web community
The technology behind news readers, known as RSS, has been around for years. Netscape released the first version of RSS in March 1999 as a format for adding news channels to its My.Netscape.Com portal.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 10:44:39 PM CEST
BBC 'pays £10m' for the magic of Harry Potter - how much was YOUR download?
The BBC has won a bidding war with ITV and other commercial broadcasters for the first terrestrial screening of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is claimed that the BBC paid £10 million for the film but Potter fans will have to wait until late next year at the earliest before seeing it. No date has been set but there is speculation that it could be BBC1's blockbuster family film on Christmas Day.

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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 10:38:10 PM CEST
Movie posters have been around since day one, but some of the more exciting were from monster movies! Taking their cue from pulp science fiction publications, the posters typically featured some scary menace with an voluptuous babe passed out in it's arms (or tentacles, or claws!). King Kong, in 1933, popularized the trend, and it lasted well into the 60s. Here's some thumbnail size pictures of my favorites to share with y'all. Just click them for a larger version of the picture.

¬> retrocrush
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 10:29:32 PM CEST
Online Music Piracy: Naming Names
Music companies tried to persuade a judge Friday to let them obtain names of Internet file-swappers without going to court first, a move that could dictate how copyright holders deal with Internet piracy in the future.

¬> CBS
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 10:24:32 PM CEST
Newspaper Calls iPod A Device For Downloading Music From P2P Networks
What happens when a non-technically savvy reporter tries to cover things like peer-to-peer file sharing for a local newspaper? You get captions under a staff image of an iPod that read: Apple's iPod is just one of the many ways to download music from the Internet. Seriously. We took the opportunity of securing a screen shot from the Portsmouth Herald, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for posterity's sake, in case the newspaper retracted or corrected their factual inaccuracy.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">Mac Observer
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:48:24 PM CEST
Freie Software, Datenschutz und legales Kiffen
Die Grüne Jugend will die Interessen ihrer Wähler in die Koalitionsvereinbarungen einbringen.
Auf ihrem Bundeskongress Ende September formulierte die Grüne Jugend einige Forderungen für die laufenden Koalitionsverhandlungen, die über das Monopolthema Umwelt hinausgehen. Unter anderem verlangen sie eine legale Verkaufsmöglichkeit von Cannabis, den "Erhalt einer freien und offenen Wissensgesellschaft", die Förderung von Freier Software und eine Änderung des Grundgesetzes zur Stärkung des Datenschutzes in den "Neuen Medien".
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:45:17 PM CEST
Austria's Haider Met Saddam Lookalike--Report
Austrian rightist Joerg Haider, the best-known West European politician to visit Iraq in recent years, was proudly photographed in February beside President Saddam Hussein -- or was he? A German coroner says the man Haider met was one of at least three Saddam Hussein lookalikes, men who have undergone surgery and mimic the president's gestures and expressions perfectly. Dr. Dieter Buhmann told the Austrian weekly Format he was certain after analyzing video footage of the real Saddam from April 1990 that Haider had met a Saddam double, in German a "Doppelgaenger."
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:41:33 PM CEST
Eurocard vor dem Aus
Empörung in der Bank-Community: Nach Absprache zwischen Eurocard und US-Partner Mastercard soll die Kreditkarte europäischer Banken verschwinden.
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