Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:38:25 PM CEST
Die Mega-Seller
Computer bei Aldi, Häuser bei Plus - es gibt fast nichts mehr, was man beim Discounter nicht kaufen kann. Der Einzelhandel kämpft derweil ums Überleben.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:33:10 PM CEST
Deutscher in Österreich von Kühen niedergetrampelt
Ein deutscher Wanderer ist in Österreich von vier Kühen niedergetrampelt und schwer verletzt worden. Der 74-jährige Rentner sei mit seinem Hund auf einem Bergpfad nahe Langkampfen in Westösterreich unterwegs gewesen. Plötzlich seien die weidenden Kühe Amok gelaufen seien, teilte die Polizei am Freitag mit. Die sonst als gemächlich bekannten Wiederkäuer rannten den Urlauber um und trampelten mit ihren Hufen auf ihm herum.

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">news ch
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:16:01 PM CEST
First Beatles Single Issued 40 Years Ago Today
The first single released by the Beatles, the British pop group that was to take the world by storm, was issued exactly 40 years ago today. Love Me Do, recorded in 18 takes in London's Abbey Road Studios on September 11, 1962, was released just over three weeks later on October 5. It peaked in the British charts at number 17 but briefly hit the number one spot in the United States when it was finally released there in April 1964 as the band's second U.S. single.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 8:43:12 PM CEST
Italy Arrests Egyptians for U.S. War Cemetery Plot
Italian police said Saturday they had arrested three Egyptian fishermen suspected of plotting to attack a cemetery of American war dead south of Rome. Explosives and maps highlighting the Nettuno American Cemetery and Memorial in the town of Anzio were seized in an apartment in Italy belonging to one of the men, a police official said. "They were preparing a symbolic attack against the American cemetery," the official said, adding police suspected the men were tied to Islamic terrorism.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 8:12:51 PM CEST
HARRY POTTERS GOOD VIBRATIONS 278kb The Serial Caller rings Mattel Inc, and proves the urban myth about the Nimbus2000 toy broomstick IS TRUE!!!
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 8:00:00 PM CEST
e-bay Play a Baseball Game at the Angels Home!
Eine idee fuer den einheimischen fussball?
Edison International Field, the Home of the Anaheim Angels, can be your team's home field for one (1) game too! This unique opportunity to play an actual game at a major league ballpark, just like your Anaheim Angels with a PA Announcer introducing the players, the scoreboard and jumbo-tron keeping score, groundskeepers sweeping the in-field and umpires calling balls and strikes! A perfect setting for a league championship game, an office outing or your child's little league team!
Currently US $1,025.00 (reserve not yet met) First bid US $500.00
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 7:55:35 PM CEST
50 uncoolest records by Rolling Stone Magazine
Last month, Rolling Stone brought you the 50 Coolest Records of All Time. Now, we bring you the polar opposite . . . well, almost. This list is not merely the uncoolest records, but the uncoolest records that we recommend you buy immediately -- however discreetly is up to you.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 7:40:12 PM CEST
100% N O T safe for family view
¬> doodle draw
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 7:31:35 PM CEST
Get your own Lego Imperial Star Destroyer
Build the most awesome ship in the Star Wars™ universe!
Build the most awesome ship in the Star Wars™ universe! The Imperial Star Destroyer™ is the massively huge, incredibly powerful heart of the Emperor’s fleet. Manned by the top crew in the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyer™ was heavily armored and bristling with turbolasers and tractor beam projectors. One Star Destroyer alone was enough to strike fear into an entire star system!

¬> <a href=""target="_blank">LEGO
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 7:23:37 PM CEST
Japanese save the whale - IRONIC ?
Residents of a city not far from one of Japan's last whaling villages have turned out to help a beached whale successfully make its way back to its ocean home, using their hands and a fishing boat. The eight-metre (26-foot) whale was found stranded at Iwanuma, some 300 km (190 miles) north of Tokyo, by a man taking an early morning walk on Saturday.
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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:40:20 AM CEST
Quantum system keeps secrets safe
Encryption key transmitted via mountaintop light beam. Satellites are increasingly relied upon for military and intelligence use but securely transmitting voice, image and other communications remains troublesome. Now, British military researchers have improved an emerging method of secure transmission for the encryption keys that protect such data — a method that relies upon quantum physics.

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Topic: - on October 5, 2002 at 9:35:42 AM CEST
Nasal spray better than Viagra?
Better than Viagra? That's what some researchers are saying about a nasal spray that causes both men and women to become sexually aroused. But unlike the male impotence pill Viagra, PT-141 is a synthetic hormone that works for sexually dysfunctional people of both sexes by stimulating receptors in the central nervous system to quickly spark desire.
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