Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 8:27:46 AM CET
XWEBS Schüler entwickelt Hi-Speed-Webbrowser
Das programmtechnische Wunderwerk parallelisiert Aufgaben und soll so soll fünf Mal schneller als herkömmliche Browser-Programme sein.
Ein 16-jähriger Schüler aus einer irischen Kleinstadt in der Nähe von Dublin entwickelte in zweijähriger Heimarbeit einen Webbrowser, der um bis zu 500% schneller als aktuelle Software arbeiten soll – dies berichtet die Online-Ausgabe des Internet-Magazins Wired unter Berufung auf Aussagen von Fachleuten.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:46:28 AM CET
Yugoslavia to sell Tito's limos
For sale: 13 luxurious limousines and other vehicles that once formed the motorcade of Yugoslavia's late dictator Josip Broz Tito.
The government said Wednesday it will auction the vehicles Feb. 27. Among the top attractions are two custom-made, Mercedes limousines with removable hard tops, produced in 1967 and 1978. The limousines are bulletproof and seat six. The cars, which Tito used for touring the country and parading with visiting statesmen until his death in 1980, start at $508,000 each.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:39:55 AM CET
Music industry site hacked again
Twice a day ?
Hack attack found
Meanwhile, the RIAA's Web site at remained offline as FBI and Secret Service officials probed the source of the attack that has targeted the site since at least last Friday.
"How pathetic that those who want free music don't believe in free speech," said the RIAA's Amy Weiss.
RIAA officials said they believe the attack is unrelated to the "SQL Slammer" virus that knocked out online databases and disabled wide swaths of the Internet over the weekend.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:34:00 AM CET
AOL loses Ted Turner and $99 billion
Ted Turner is resigning as vice chairman of AOL Time Warner, capping a tumultuous year for the beleaguered media giant.
The announcement came just shortly after the company reported a net loss of $98.7 billion for 2002. Those results included a $45.5 billion fourth-quarter charge related primarily to depreciation in the value of its America Online unit, as well as a first-quarter charge of $54 billion in accordance with accounting rules changes that took effect last year.

¬> c|net ¬> washingtonpost ¬> Yahoo ¬> BBC
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:16:06 AM CET
Police can't find stolen elephant
Animal Rights activists are baffling police in Germany after going on the run with a circus elephant.
A national hunt was launched earlier this week following Kenia's abduction from Karl-Heinz Koellner's Harlekin circus.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:10:46 AM CET
International A.O.W.C.U.T.G.D.F.P.
Authoritarian Opportunists Who Cozy Up To Genocidal Dictators - for Peace
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 7:07:45 AM CET
Norman Mailer Celebrates 80th Birthday
Norman Mailer did not expect to make it to 40, and now finds himself twice that age.
He has lived longer than Ernest Hemingway and most of his other literary heroes. His body aches, but his mind remains strong.

¬> ncbuy
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 6:58:03 AM CET
Damaging Worm Believed To Have Started With British Code
Many leading experts believe the programming for the weekend's damaging Internet worm was based on a bit of software code published on the Web by a British computer researcher and later modified by a virus author known in the Chinese hacker community as "Lion."
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 6:55:01 AM CET
Man held over 100 human skulls
A MAN who was carrying 100 human skulls in a bag has been arrested in the east Indian city of Siliguri. He was arrested while waiting for a bus to Sikkim.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 6:46:46 AM CET
Your computer could be killing you
Sitting at a computer for long periods of time could kill you, according to a new study reported in the February 2003 edition of the European Respiratory Journal. It says there is a risk of developing life-threatening blood clots from sitting for long periods at a computer, similar to a problem that has injured or killed some airline passengers on long flights.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 6:32:35 AM CET
Zu guter
Letzt Kindergärten in Finnland sollen Copyright-Gebühren zahlen
Private Kindergärten in Finnland sollen Gebühren für sämtliche Lieder zahlen, die in ihren Räumen vorgespielt oder selbst gesungen werden
„Prinzipiell muss man für jegliche Musik, die außerhalb von Privatwohnungen aufgeführt wird, Copyright-Gebühren zahlen“, erklärte Marja-Leena Karjula von der nationalen Urheberrechts-Agentur Teosto.
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Topic: - on January 30, 2003 at 6:31:03 AM CET
Finnish Music Industry Wants Kindergartens to Pay for Singing
According to an AFP report, the Finnish music industry is asking kindergartens to pay about 20 €uros per month in royalties for singing and performing copyright-protected songs. Marja-Leena Karjula of the national copyright agency Teosto is cited: "Royalties have to be paid for every work that is performed outside of private homes." In a similar vein, last year the Finnish music industry had forced taxi drivers to pay royalties for music played while driving (because passengers might be listening!).
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