Tuesday, 28. June 2016

How hackers hijacked petition demanding second EU referendum and named 42,000 signatories from the Vatican City which only has a population of 840

The full extent of how hackers managed to hijack the petition demanding a second EU referendum can be revealed by MailOnline. Hackers boasted about their exploits in online forums and openly mocked how easy it was to infiltrate the UK Parliament petition website. The petition has attracted more than 3.7million signatures and has led high profile figures to use the petition as proof of the public appetite for a re-run of last week's referendum, which was won by the Brexit campaign by more than 1.2million votes.


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The Weaponising Of Social Part 2: Stomping On IOError’s Grave

I once tried to tell Jacob Appelbaum a funny joke. He did not think it was funny. In fact, he was visibly mortified and uncomfortable. My joke was a retelling of something that had happened to me when I was still on the opposite side of the planet. I have a really dark, sardonic, acerbic Kiwi sense of humour, that has been sharpened by surviving everything that has been thrown at me to date. Unfortunately, it didn’t translate well. Fortunately, he didn’t make a smear website lambasting me about it. Warning There are Persons of Interest who the surveillance state merely monitors – and there are those who it actively harms. The latter, and those who facilitate and inflict that harm, will instantly understand that every word of this article is true. Everyone else is going to need to read carefully, do a lot of thinking, and click on all the links and their source links in turn. For this post is not just about a group of women who accused Jacob Appelbaum of heinous assaults and social improprieties, although that will be extensively covered. This article is, as promised, about the mammoth and monumental, colossal issues which are intertwined with that and are conveniently being overshadowed by it. For we are all being polarised into a fake diametric supposition – that either Jacob Appelbaum targets people, or Jacob Appelbaum is being targeted. But the real target is WikiLeaks.

theindicter.com The Weaponising Of Social Part 1

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Large CCTV Botnet Leveraged in DDoS Attacks

Our security operations team investigate and mitigate multiple denial of service (DDoS) attacks every single day. One recent case caught our attention because of the intensity and duration of the attack, and – as we discovered through some research – how it was being done. In this article, we’ll share the specifics in an effort to track down the vulnerable devices and to help get them patched. DDoS Against a Small Business It all started with a small brick and mortar jewelry shop that signed up with us to help protect their site from a DDoS that had taken them down for days. By switching their DNS to the Sucuri Network, we were able to quickly mitigate the attack for them. It was a layer 7 attack (HTTP Flood) generating close to 35,000 HTTP requests per second (RPS) which was more than their web servers could handle.

sucuri.net arstechnica.com

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How a Kitten Video Can Transmit Secret Instructions to Criminals

An ancient form of information-hiding known as steganography has infiltrated the viral internet. Imagine your computer is infected. The virus that has infiltrated your machine commands it to perform tasks and open applications that you would normally use–except you’re not there to run them. At the same time every day, it launches Twitter, then generates user handles and hunts through tweets. It searches and waits until, bingo—it finds a recently tweeted link that leads to a photo of a flower. But, this is no ordinary photo. Laced into the Github image file’s long string of code are secret instructions that it needs to extract and upload information from your compromised computer to an internet cloud service set up by a hacker.


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Tor Project Battled Over Hiring Ex-CIA Agent, Chat Logs Show

The Tor Project, the nonprofit that maintains the world's most popular anonymity software, is often protective of its public image. In particular, the organization faces regular—and often unsubstantiated—attacks about the motivations of its funders, and specifically its reliance on money from the US government. Related to that delicate PR dance are recently unearthed logs from an internal chat channel for the Tor Project, which show how staff were torn over the brief hiring of an ex-CIA official, and how that would affect the organization's image and safety of activists' family members too. Overall, the logs show an organization that is stuck between a rock and a hard place: one that wishes to develop and perhaps have greater links with government if they would be beneficial, but which then has to deal with the public's’ perception of that.

motherboard.vice.com a list of the pseudonyms used in the chat matched to core Tor Project names This is an IRC log from #tor-internal - our water cooler irc channel

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Monday, 27. June 2016

Deix-Kondolenz mit Haderer-Zeichnung: Häme über FPÖ-Gudenus

Wiener Vizebürgermeister Johann Gudenus verwechselt offenbar die zwei bekannten Karikaturisten, Deix ist am Samstag verstorben Der Tod des österreichischen Karikaturisten Manfred Deix, der am Samstag mit 67 Jahren verstorben ist, sorgt auch in sozialen Netzwerken für Trauer. Zahlreiche Nutzer veröffentlichten ihre liebsten Deix-Karikaturen und würdigten dessen Lebenswerk.


derstandard.at twitter.com/hashtag/gudenus

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Brexit ‘2nd Referendum Petition’ A 4 Chan Prank

The 4 Chan Bots represent the ultimate failure of the Remainstream Media.

The BBC’s desperate shilling for Remain will come under increasing scrutiny as we exclusively reveal that the supposed ‘popular petition’ for a second referendum – wholly illegal and unworkable, and unprecedented in British history – is a prank by notorious sh*tposters 4 Chan.

The BBC, the UK’s national broadcaster, gleefully reported, as real, with no basic journalistic checks, an online petition that appeared to be growing at a colossal rate. By 1:30 pm, it was one of the fastest-growing petitions in history.

Achtung Canvas-Fingerprinting heatst.com boards.4chan.org twitter.com/HoCpetitions Second referendum petition: Inquiry removes at least 77,000 fake signatures, as hackers claim responsibility for 'prank'

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Karikaturist Manfred Deix gestorben

Der Zeichner, der im Lauf seines Lebens von vielen angefeindet wurde, starb am Samstag Den lieben Gott zeichnete er mit mehreren Brüsten, Zumpferln, Bart, Heiligenschein und drei Köpfen verschiedener Ethnien. Oder als einen, der auf die Erde ein Trümmerl abwirft. Oder als vieräugigen Kopffüßler. Oder als weißbärtigen Gnom, dem aus dem Kopf ein Kruzifix wächst. Jedenfalls, so ist deutlich zu sehen, ist Gott bei Manfred Deix eine ziemlich scheußliche Missgeburt. Nun könnte man sich vorstellen, was Manfred Deix sagen würde, stünde er jetzt in diesem Augenblick vor einer solchen Witzfigur. Zuerst würde ihm wahrscheinlich die Spucke weg bleiben, recht schnell hätte er sich gefangen, und dann hätte er den dreitutteligen Gott mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ausgelacht. Und der liebe Gott? Hätte er mitgelacht? Aber wer weiß schon, ob sich das alles so zuträgt. Und überhaupt: Ist es von Bedeutung? Der Karikaturist Manfred Deix ist tot, mit ihm verliert Österreich einen der letzten "wilden Hunde".

derstandard.at Das Karikaturmuseum Krems trauert um Manfred Deix

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Improve your masturbation efficiency!

Porn Sieve learns your adult interests and then fetches videos that match those interests from xvideos.com. I am in no way associated with that website and in the future I plan on adding more websites. Dependencies: numpy scipy sklearn pyside How to use: Run main.py with python3. The top-left corner includes a list of fetishes to select. Enter the page to start on and the number of pages to go through. Press scrape when you want the program to load up porn for you. A preview should appear on the screen if everything is working okay.


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Richard Stallman - Reasons not to use Facebook

Why you should not "use" (i.e., be used by) Facebook. I have never had a Facebook account. There is a Facebook account called "Richard Stallman", but it is an impostor. Putting the photo of someone on Facebook (or Instagram) contributes to surveillance of that person. Please don't post any photos there that include me, and I suggest you avoid posting photos of anyone else too.


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Snowden attending a TED conference in Vancouver in 2014. Edward Snowden lay on his back in the rear of a Ford Escape, hidden from view and momentarily unconscious, as I drove him to the Whitney museum one recent morning to meet some friends from the art world. Along West Street, clotted with traffic near the memorial pools of the World Trade Center, a computerized voice from my iPhone issued directions via the GPS satellites above. Snowden’s lawyer, Ben Wizner of the American Civil Liberties Union, was sitting shotgun, chattily recapping his client’s recent activities. For a fugitive wanted by the FBI for revealing classified spying programs who lives in an undisclosed location in Russia, Snowden was managing to maintain a rather busy schedule around Manhattan.


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The Piracy Box Sellers and Youtube Promoters Are Killing Kodi

Over the past few years it’s become clear that many users have been watching pirated content using unofficial and unsupported add-ons that frequently break, and they are installing add-on repositories whose trustworthiness is questionable, leaving themselves open to numerous security exploits. Lately there’s even been a move to install “builds,” which intentionally break Kodi and, much like viruses, are almost impossible to uninstall, but have the benefit of adding LOTS of untrustworthy repos full of add-ons that don’t work.


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