Wednesday, 29. June 2016

Michael Pollan Explains Why Psychedelic Drugs Are the Ultimate Meal for Your Mind

You know Michael Pollan from his blockbuster book The Omnivore's Dilemma, an entertaining exploration of the thorny decisions surrounding what we eat. Or maybe you read his most recent title, Cooked, which was adapted by Netflix as a four-part documentary series. But the celebrity author hasn't always been so obsessed with what people put on their plates. "Before I started writing about food, my focus was really on the human relationship to plants," Pollan explained on the most recent episode of Bite, Mother Jones' new food politics podcast. "Not only do plants nourish us bodily—they nourish us psychologically."

Psychedelic Drugs

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GoPro Evolution: A Teardown Through the Ages

Our latest teardown focuses on the popular action camera GoPro. This teardown is actually not a singular adventure, but an odyssey of epic proportions, split into 2 parts. We’ll look at the product’s evolution across three generations and see how the engineering and manufacturing techniques have changed in the last half decade.


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Secure-K is an encryped OS that lives on a USB drive

If you're looking for a encrypted, portable OS that can be securely loaded on any computer, Secure-K may be the answer. Also if you're afraid of hackers wearing hoodies in darkened rooms and find joy in a British man repeatedly saying "privacy" in an excited tone, you'll enjoy this video.

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Save the Internet

Diesen Sommer wird in Europa über die Zukunft des Internets entschieden. Große Telekomkonzerne wollen darüber entscheiden, was wir online tun können und was nicht. Um die Freiheit des Internets zu erhalten und unsere Rechte zu schützen, müssen wir alle aktiv werden. Hilf mit, werde jetzt aktiv!

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Terrorism Blacklist: I have a copy. Should it be shared?

I have obtained a copy of the World-Check database from mid-2014. No hacking was involved in my acquisition of this data. I would call it more of a leak than anything, although not directly from Thomson Reuters. The exact details behind that can be shared at a later time. This copy has over 2.2 million heightened-risk individuals and organizations in it. The terrorism category is only a small part of the database. Other categories consist of individuals suspected of being related to money laundering, organized crime, bribery, corruption, and other unsavory activities.

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Bots for #Brexit

What I want to write about here, though, is the way in which that Leave campaigners (in the broadest sense) leveraged the use of Twitter bots in the campaign. A report now available on Arxiv suggests that bots generated over three times as many pro-Brexit tweets (97,431) than pro-Remain messages (28,075) in a one-week period in June.

via [pdf]

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Tuesday, 28. June 2016

Racism is spreading like arsenic in the water supply

Now neo-Nazis are being given a voice on the news. Britain must guard against extremists seducing others with racist views One of the genies uncorked by the referendum of the EU has been low-lying fascism and extreme nationalism. This is not to say that all leavers were racists. Far from it. But one of the political forces that have been unleashed is a form of dangerous nativism that unchecked will threaten us all. It’s clear from the barrage of reports that a form of bigotry in everyday conversation is being legitimised. It is not racist to worry about high levels of immigration but a climate of fear is being created in the name of leavers. There are reports of schoolchildren terrified of being deported. “Polish vermin”, “Paki cunt” and “send them home” seem to be becoming something that immigrants and non-whites have to once again have to endure.

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is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum.

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Zunahme rassistischer Vorfälle in Großbritannien

Stimmung gegen Migranten und Ausländer verschärft sich nach dem Brexit Dass der Brexit die britische Gesellschaft spaltet, davor hatten selbst prominente Politiker des Pro-Ausstiegs-Lagers während des Wahlkampfs gewarnt. Die Konservative Sayeeda Warsi etwa wechselte aus Protest gegen den zunehmend fremdenfeindlichen Ton der Debatte die Seite. Der britische Finanzminister George Osborne hatte Anfang Juni in einem Fernsehinterview kritisiert, dass die rechtspopulistische Ukip das EU-Referendum in eine Abstimmung über Einwanderer verwandelt habe.

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Return of the Reich - Mapping the Global Resurgence of Far Right Power

Return of the Reich: Mapping the Global Resurgence of Far Right Power — an INSURGE intelligence investigative series commissioned by Tell MAMA In May’s presidential elections in Austria, Norbert Hofer, the candidate for the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), lost by less than one percentage point to his rival, Alexander van der Bellen. But the FPO is not merely a ‘far-right’ political party. It is, more precisely, a neo-Nazi party which harbours an insidious fascist ideology inspired by Adolf Hitler. If Hofer had won, he would have been the first neo-Nazi head of state in the European Union. While Europe breathed a collective sigh or relief at his loss, the narrowness of his rival’s victory reveals how close we are to a dangerous tipping point in party politics, not just in Austria, but across the continent. The project was commissioned by the national hate crime charity, Tell Mama, as a four-part investigative series into the evolution of the far-right as a trans-Atlantic network.

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Rechtsextreme und menschenverachtende Phänomene im Social Web

Rechtspopulistische und rechtsextreme Rhetorik im Internet haben 2015 rasant an Fahrt aufgenommen. Doch wer sind die treibenden Kräfte? Welche Akteurinnen und Akteure sind relevant, welche Phänomene und Narrative sind am verbreitetsten? Der vorliegende Bericht gibt einen Überblick und sortiert die Strömungen, Instrumente und Narrative in die Ereignisse der letzten anderthalb Jahre ein.

Inhalt der Broschüre




Bürgerliche Mimikry
Falschmeldungen und Gerüchte

Narrative und Motive:

Volk, Staat und Widerstand
Opferrolle: Pack und Nazi
"Lügenpresse" und "Gegenöffentlichkeit"
Flüchtlinge als "Invasoren"
Flüchtlinge als "Kriminelle", "Kulturlose" und "übergriffige Fremde"
Flüchtlinge als "Schmarotzer"

Strömungen und Akteure

Ein Prozent für unser Land
Identitäre Bewegung Deutschland
Der III. Weg
German Defence League



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Scientists claim the US government is still limiting cannabis research

A group of scientists just published an article claiming the US government is holding back proper research into marijuana, due to its overzealous regulation of the substance. While millions of patients are already using medical marijuana - and more and more states are decriminalising the drug - scientists are still denied access to high-quality weed, which makes it hard to properly investigate the risks and benefits of consuming the plant.

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