Topic: PHOTO - on August 11, 2016 at 4:25:00 PM CEST
‘The Impossible Project’ Documentary Tells the Story of Polaroid’s Rebirth
When Polaroid announced that it would stop making Polaroid instant film in February 2008, The Impossible Project was founded to keep the film alive. Filmmaker Jens Meurer has spent several years shooting a feature-length documentary film about the saving and reinventing of the Polaroid picture. “The Impossible Project” is a film about film that was actually shot on 35mm film. Here’s a first official trailer that gives a taste of what the movie is like: Instant Photography Reinvented
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Topic: logisch - on August 11, 2016 at 3:48:00 PM CEST
How do you cut one of the worlds largest diamonds
Swiss jeweler De Grisogono SA bought the rights to market a 404-carat rough diamond from Dubai trader Nemesis International DMCC. The stone was discovered at Lucapa Diamond Co.’s Lulo mine in Angola, Nickolas Polak, a director of Nemesis International, said in Dubai at a news conference to announce the sale. He declined to disclose a price, but in February Lucapa said it sold a 404-carat diamond for $22.5 million. The stone is the world’s 27th-biggest and should take six months to cut, said Omar Chaoui, managing director of the Middle East & India region for Geneva-based De Grisogono.
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Topic: TV - on August 11, 2016 at 3:46:00 PM CEST
Inside the Fox News Bunker
Few people in the news business have valued secrecy quite like Roger Ailes, the former C.E.O. of Fox News. Ailes’s very own corner office on the second floor of 21st Century Fox’s glass and steel headquarters, in Midtown Manhattan, featured a solid wood door that prevented anyone on the outside from peering in. Visitors had to be buzzed in by Ailes or an assistant. They were also captured on-camera, their image projected to a monitor on Ailes’s desk. Many assumed that such secrecy was a vestige of Ailes’s formative years advising Richard Nixon. Now, it appears that it may have run deeper. Last month, former anchor Gretchen Carlson filed suit against Ailes for sexual harassment—an event that ushered in a litany of former colleagues with similar stories. Weeks later, Ailes resigned. (Ailes has fervently denied all allegations. His lawyer, Susan Estrich, reiterated those denials. A spokesperson for 21st Century Fox also declined to comment for this piece.)
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Topic: GOOGLE - on August 11, 2016 at 3:44:00 PM CEST
Google Maps did not ‘delete’ Palestine — but it does impact how you see it
Dear @googlemaps, Palestine exists! #FreePalestine #PalestineIsHere #BoycottGoogle — Ainara (@afraileromero) August 8, 2016
Users view Google Maps more than a billion times each week: It’s one of the world’s largest sources of geographic data and the first place many of us turn when we need to locate something. So it makes sense that, when a Gaza City-based journalism group claimed that the nation of Palestine had literally been wiped from Google’s maps, readers were, well — indignant. Dozens of Middle-Eastern news outlets have covered the “backlash,” and tens of thousands have Facebook-shared and tweeted it.
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Topic: Green - on August 11, 2016 at 3:42:00 PM CEST
Bordeaux Building World’s Tallest Timber Structure
The world’s tallest timber-framed structure is set to be built in Bourdeaux, France. Jean-Paul Vigiuer’s design was selected for a planned mixed-use complex, winning a contract worth 51 million euros. The French firm beat out major contenders, including Sou Fujimoto, to take the project comprised of 82 apartments and offices as well.
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Topic: SECURITY - on August 11, 2016 at 3:40:00 PM CEST
Eine Weltkarte der Videoüberwachung
Alle bekannten Überwachungskameras der Welt auf einer Landkarte anschauen? Das geht mit einer neuen interaktiven Karte, die Überwachungseinträge aus dem Openstreetmap-Projekt anzeigt.
Unter dem Namen „Surveillance under Surveillance“ ist gerade ein Kartografierungsprojekt gestartet, das Überwachungskameras weltweit anzeigt. Das Projekt visualisiert die Surveillance-Einträge von Openstreetmap. Es handelt sich dabei zumeist um Überwachungskameras, die nicht auf der regulären Openstreetmap-Karte angezeigt werden. Kameratyp, Blickwinkel, privat oder öffentlich – alles ist erfasst Auf der Karte ist ersichtlich, ob es sich um klassische Kameras oder um Dome-Kameras handelt, die rundherum filmen können. Zudem wird erfasst, ob es sich um öffentliche Kameras, um Indoor-Kameras oder um Kameras handelt, die im Außenbereich hängen. Eingetragen werden kann auch der Blickwinkel der Kameras. So entsteht eine detaillierte Karte der mittlerweile fast überall präsenten Videoüberwachung.
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Topic: Appelbaum - on August 11, 2016 at 3:38:00 PM CEST
Inconsistencies in Rape Allegations
For the first time, Berlin-based hacker Jacob Appelbaum has spoken out about the anonymous rape allegations in an interview. He said the statements were fabricated.
Inconsistencies have emerged in the allegations of rape and sexual assault against American Internet activist Jacob Appelbaum. Reporting by the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT shows there is considerable doubt about the veracity of the claims. A victim going by the pseudonym "River" claimed anonymously a few weeks ago that hacker Jacob Appelbaum had sex with her in his Berlin apartment while she had been unconscious. She had not consented because, she claimed, there had also been other people in the room. DIE ZEIT tracked down the young woman, an American, and has also spoken with eight witnesses who were present in the days and nights in January 2016 in which it has been claimed the crime was committed. The witnesses, can neither confirm that "River" was drugged nor that non-consensual sex occurred.
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Topic: Appelbaum - on August 11, 2016 at 3:37:00 PM CEST
Starke Zweifel an Vergewaltigungsvorwurf
Recherchen der ZEIT haben in den Missbrauchsvorwürfen gegen Jacob Appelbaum Widersprüche aufgedeckt. Erstmals äußert sich der Internetaktivist zu den Anschuldigungen.
Dem amerikanischen Internetaktivisten Jacob Appelbaum werden Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Übergriffe vorgeworfen. Doch nun werden Widersprüche bekannt: Recherchen der ZEIT zeigen, dass es starke Zweifel daran gibt, ob die Vorwürfe zutreffen. Ein angebliches Opfer mit dem Pseudonym River hatte vor einigen Wochen behauptet, der Hacker Jacob Appelbaum habe gegen ihren Willen Sex mit ihr in seiner Berliner Wohnung gehabt, während sie bewusstlos war. Die ZEIT hat die Anklägerin ausfindig gemacht und mit acht Augenzeugen jener Tage und Nächte im Januar 2016 gesprochen, in denen die Tat passiert sein soll. Die Zeugen können weder bestätigen, dass River betäubt gewesen war, noch dass nicht-einvernehmlicher Sex stattgefunden habe.
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Topic: POLITIK - on August 9, 2016 at 5:54:00 PM CEST
Satire geglaubt: Nutzer befürchten, dass Merkel AfD gegründet hat
Mehrere Nutzer fragen direkt bei AfD-Spitzenpolitikern wie Frauke Petry nach; Gerücht beruht auf "Postillon"-Satire Das deutsche Satire-Portal "Der Postillon" sorgt wieder einmal für Aufregung in sozialen Netzwerken. Die Plattform hatte im April gescherzt, dass "in Wahrheit" die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) die Merkel-kritische rechtspopulistische AfD gegründet habe. Merkels Plan sei es, durch die AfD jene Wähler abzuholen, deren politische Einstellung "rechts von CDU/CSU" angesiedelt ist. Die "Postillon"-Satire, die im Stil eines investigativen Berichts von Der Spiegel oder Die Zeit aufgebaut ist, berichtet außerdem von "geheimen Dokumenten" des Innenministeriums und SMS von Merkel an Petry.
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Topic: DOPE HEAD - on August 9, 2016 at 5:50:00 PM CEST
Peyote Pomade: When your hair wants to get high
According to the label, Peyote Pomade is good for hair styling as well as relief from cramps, rheumatism and “softening of the nerve fibers” (I hate it when that happens). It is suggested you use it before going to bed so it can work its magic while you sleep. Imagine the dreams.
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Topic: Linux - on August 9, 2016 at 5:44:00 PM CEST
Bedrock Linux gathers disparate distros under one umbrella
Want the power of Gentoo, the packages of Arch, and the display manager of Ubuntu in one distribution? An experimental distro could make that possible, though not necessarily easy. An experimental Linux distribution under heavy development makes it possible to use software from other, mutually incompatible Linux distributions, all under one roof. Bedrock Linux does this without using virtual machines or containers. Instead, it uses a virtual file system arrangement, allowing each distribution's software to be installed in parallel and executed against each other.
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Topic: HOLLYWALD - on August 9, 2016 at 5:42:00 PM CEST
Why Barry Lyndon is Stanley Kubrick’s secret masterpiece
Misunderstood and underappreciated, the 1975 film has emerged as one of the icon’s most seminal creations
In 1975 Barry Lyndon was underappreciated and misunderstood, at least in Britain and the US. Some critics described Kubrick’s adaptation of William Makepeace Thackeray’s novel The Luck of Barry Lyndon, which charted the life of Redmond Barry, a young Irish chancer climbing society’s ladder searching for wealth and titles, as detached and cold, even boring. Pauline Kael called it “glacial”, a “coffee-table movie”. In Europe, however, the response was different and both critics and audiences recognised Barry Lyndon as a film of extraordinary beauty. To describe Stanley Kubrick as a director for whom preparation and research were important would be to deliver the biggest understatement in cinema. It was Kubrick’s fastidious, almost obsessive attention to detail that made Barry Lyndon more than just another costume piece and more an actual documentation of the 18th Century.
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