Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:42:46 AM CET
Bolivia may legalize coca
The president of Bolivia is considering a plan to resume cultivation of the raw ingredient in cocaine in a remote jungle basin -- a move the U.S. government fears would undermine what is viewed as its most successful anti-drug program in South America.
President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada is studying a proposal to allow cultivation of coca in the Chapare region of central Bolivia to help calm unrest among growers who have blockaded major highways and put their support behind his political rival.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:41:27 AM CET
Keep Salon in business
Did you ever get the feeling that some people want you dead? Last week's flurry of news stories about Salon's imminent demise produced another wave of hate mail from those eager to dance on our grave. (The fact that Salon never seems to actually die -- despite the tone of absolute certainty in these perennial press obits that this time, yes, it MUST be going under! -- never diminishes these letter writers' bloodlust.)
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:38:34 AM CET
MTV Wants to Be News Source in Iraq War
The network of Eminem and "The Osbournes" is getting ready for war, too.
Much like the broadcast and cable news networks, MTV is laying out plans to cover a potential war with Iraq, expecting to be both a news source and sounding board for teenagers and young adults.
While many viewers are likely to turn to the traditional news networks for initial war reports, television outlets like BET and PBS are planning to bring their own takes to the story. MTV, with its special hold on young viewers, has a chance to reach those who might not regularly watch news.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:35:41 AM CET
Benchmark Marathon: 65 CPUs from 100 MHz to 3066 MHz
CPU Performance Check: AMD & Intel 1994 to 2003 Opinions on what constitutes "adequate computing speed" vary greatly from one user to the next. While one person may be perfectly content with an old Pentium 133 system that stores stamp club membership details in a DOS program in "real-time mode", there is another group at the other end of the scale - video fans who must have the latest and greatest and who will clamor for more and more Gigahertz and gigabytes.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:31:02 AM CET
Bart: What a day, eh, Milhouse? The sun is out, birds are singing, bees are trying to have sex with them -- as is my understanding...
America's greatest television show, The Simpsons, just passed their 300th or so episode, and to celebrate that exciting milestone every single columnist and every journalist stuck for an idea had brought out a "best of" list of favorite Simpson episodes. Tonight, I join their number. Besides, they were all wrong.

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:20:03 AM CET
Blogging goes mobile
People will soon be able to publish their own website via their phones as blogging goes mobile.
Blogs or weblogs are online diaries - personal web pages that can be frequently updated.
There are millions of blogs on the web and they are often interlinked, creating an eco-system of ever-changing ideas on the net.
The latest trend is moblogging - updating your blog with a mobile phone.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:16:55 AM CET
Prison finds guard-dogs 'guilty'
AUTHORITIES at a prison in the northern Serbian town of Sombor sentenced to death and executed two guard dogs, blaming them for an escape of five inmates, Beta news agency reported.
The dogs of the famous Serbian breed Sarplaninac were "found guilty" as they failed to raise prison guards' attention by not barking during the getaway of five prisoners who had dug a hole in a wall and climbed down, the report said.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:13:17 AM CET
Thailand War on Drugs Turns Murderous, 600 Killed This Month
Early this year, Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced an ambitious campaign to eradicate drugs in Thailand by April. While initially greeted with raised eyebrows as an unachievable goal, a mounting death toll since the campaign got underway on February 1 shows that the Thai government is deadly serious in its effort to wipe out the drug trade. According to the Thai Interior Ministry, 596 alleged drug dealers had been killed in the first two weeks of the campaign.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:05:50 AM CET
Border bust nets 10 tons of marijuana
In what is believed to be the largest-ever marijuana bust along America's southwestern border, U.S. Customs Service officers have seized nearly 20,000 pounds of marijuana from a tractor-trailer, officials said Saturday.
"This is a huge seizure," said Michael Turner, special agent in charge of the U.S. Customs office of investigations in San Diego. "Any time we can prevent 10 tons of narcotics from entering the streets of America, it's a great day for the U.S. Customs Service."

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