Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 5:38:54 PM CET
Train car full of propane thrown 1.5 KM by explosion..
Propane that spilled from a freight train derailment was allowed to burn yesterday after two fiery explosions, five hours apart, punctured the morning calm in this rural area east of Belleville.
As many as 500 residents were moved to safety after an eastbound train carrying propane and hazardous chemicals derailed and crashed into a parked train about 4:45 a.m., shaking neighbouring homes.
Propane tanks burned uncontrolled throughout the day and a second massive detonation at about 10 a.m. kept emergency workers at a safe distance from the scene.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 4:13:39 PM CET
Thousands of pairs of Nike basketball shoes are washing up on beaches
from Washington state to Alaska after spilling from a container ship in Northern California.
There's just one hitch to finding a free pair.
"Nike forgot to tie the laces, so you have to find mates," said Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer who tracks sneakers, toys and other flotsam across the sea. "The effort's worth it 'cause these Nikes have only been adrift a few months. All 33,000 are wearable!"
A beachcomber told Ebbesmeyer about the shoe spill after finding two new blue-and-white EZW men's shoes washed up near Queets on Washington's Olympic Peninsula on Jan. 9 and 16.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 3:45:35 PM CET
Surf's up -- on Lake Superior! In February!
Greg Isaacson once listened throughout winter nights for the sound of the surf -- "Like shotgun blasts" -- reaching Oahu's famous North Shore.
He is 30 years and 4,000 miles removed from the Hawaiian Islands. But when the weather is just right, when a northeasterly gale roars overnight toward a different North Shore and rattles the timbers of his house on Duluth's Skyline Parkway, he feels it. Come morning, he peers from his deck through binoculars down the city's hillsides and measures Lake Superior pouring onto Park Point.

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 3:15:16 PM CET
Mushroom business lands 4 in trouble
In a way, it seems so '60s.
After all, aren't magic mushrooms a hippie thing of the past, long since pushed aside by cocaine, crank and meth?
Apparently not.
Last week, four people from the tiny town of Amanda Park in Grays Harbor County were charged with conspiring to sell, not mushrooms, but mushroom spores.
The four defendants indicted by a federal grand jury are Robert W. McPherson, Steven Coggin, Judy Kreigh and McPherson's wife, Margaret McPherson.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Douglas Whalley said it's not illegal to sell mushroom spores alone, but selling them with the purpose of producing hallucinogenic mushrooms is illegal.

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 2:57:56 PM CET
EMI an Warner Music interessiert
AOL Time Warner führt Gespräche über den Verkauf einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der Musiksparte Warner Music an die britische EMI-Group. Eine Transaktion könnte wahrscheinlich einen Wert von drei bis vier Milliarden US-Dollar haben.
Die Gespräche seien in einem frühen Stadium und ein Vereinbarung stehe nicht unmittelbar bevor, berichtete das "Wall Street Journal" am Montag in seiner Onlineausgabe. Die Firmen nahmen nach Angaben der Zeitung keine Stellung.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 2:40:14 PM CET
Feb. 26 is the 10th anniversay of WTC attack
Sitting in the 107th floor restaurant atop the World Trade Center, Matt Morsa watched his soup launch into a herky-jerky dance.
The cause was incomprehensible: Terrorists had tried to bring down the twin towers. It was Feb. 26, 1993, and a rented van loaded with 1,500 pounds of explosives was detonated in a basement parking garage, 1,400 feet below the restaurant where Morsa was lunching.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 2:27:46 PM CET
Clinton: Bono Succeeded Where I Failed
Bill Clinton thinks Bono is a leader "we should follow in the new millennium."
The former president praised the lead singer of U2 Friday at a celebrity-packed reception honoring Bono's charitable work, most notably his efforts at promoting awareness of the AIDS epidemic and famine in Africa.
Clinton credited the rock star with helping close partisan gaps and getting Congress to pass a bill to provide debt relief for Africa.
"He did something I couldn't do: He convinced Jesse Helms (former Republican senator from North Carolina) to be for it," Clinton said, adding: "I love this man because he has a mind and a heart."

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 2:24:22 PM CET
Che's snapshots
Photographs by the revolutionary Ernesto 'Che' Guevara are on show at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg.

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 12:01:50 PM CET
Fifteen cars saved as Swedish Supercar maker suffers major blaze. There was panic in Sweden on Saturday as the Koenigsegg supercar factory went up in flames.
Fire crews were called to the factory Margerethetorp 2:20 in the afternoon after reports of flames coming from one of the buildings.
Fire spread to other buildings and staff and local villages frantically moved partly built cars our of the path of the fire, while fire crews from five cities doused the flames.

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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:52:14 AM CET
List of 2003 Grammy Award winners
Complete list of the 45th Annual Grammy Award winners announced Sunday.
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Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:49:45 AM CET
Government warning label captioning is a hoot
It's the US government's attempt at scare mongering using the old "duck and cover" advice you learned after the war.
The fun thing is that these pictures are so ambiguous that making your captions can be fun!

One day, the world will be a better place
¬> Internet Infidels... Link (0 comments) ... Comment
Topic: - on February 24, 2003 at 11:45:27 AM CET
Police field complaint about busty snow woman
Crystal Lynn went for realism when she built her snow woman - celery for the eyes, a carrot for the nose and two blobs of snow for the breasts. The last turned out to be a no-no, as someone complained to Kent police about what he called an indecent snow figure. And a police officer showed up at her apartment door minutes after she completed her work.
"He said that I should cut off her breasts, but I said no woman wants that," Lynn, 35, said.
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