Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 8:27:35 PM CET
Hurra New Antville server is on its way
I ordered the new, future Server the other day. The picture above shows what it will look like on the inside. After lots and lots of thinking and discussions with people with lots of experience running big server racks, I decided to go with a bigger 2 unit server instead of a 1 unit model. The reason is that 1 unit rack servers are tightly crammed and usually have significantly reduced lifetime compared to spacier models.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 5:06:24 PM CET
Grow-op found in Vancouver mansion
A gated $2 million mansion in an exclusive Vancouver neighbourhood housed a marijuana grow operation, police discovered when they entered the home on a search warrant Wednesday . Vancouver police estimated the 500-plant grow-op was about six to nine months old. Inspector Kash Heed said the operation had a production value of nearly $2 million during that time period.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 5:02:29 PM CET
Seinfeld still master of syndication domain
Jerry and Elaine and George and Kramer would no doubt have a field day overanalyzing it, but the success of "Seinfeld" remains a genuine television phenomenon.
Nearly five years after its final original broadcast on NBC, Jerry Seinfeld's celebrated "show about nothing" is still the top-rated off-network program in syndication, routinely outdrawing "Friends," "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "Will & Grace" in total viewership.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 4:53:41 PM CET
Shrimps are army's secret weapon
Shrimp shells and vinegar may become staples for U.S. Army troops in Iraq -- not as rations but in a new bandage that staunches heavy bleeding in minutes.
A team of Portland, Oregon-based scientists searching for a solution to an age-old problem -- how to keep soldiers from bleeding to death on the battlefield -- stumbled on the kitchen pantry combination and, through high-tech wizardry, turned it into a super-sticky, combat-ready field dressing.

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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 4:44:11 PM CET
Soldiers pot plants amid nuclear crisis
While the world wonders whether North Korea is trying to develop nuclear weapons, a team of North Korean soldiers has nurtured more than 1,000 perennial begonias named after the country's leader, Kim Jong-il.
North Korea's official KCNA news agency said on Thursday the soldiers from a defence ministry hothouse put on the "kimjongilia" flower show this week as a tribute to Kim, whose 61st birthday falls on February 16.
"Put on display were over 1,000 potted kimjongilias cultivated with care by servicemen of the Korean People's Army in profound reverence for the supreme commander," it said.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 4:41:43 PM CET
Kevin Mitnick Answers
Kevin Mitnick has been crazy-busy with media tours and book promotion stuff, and apologizes for taking so long to answer your questions. But answer he has, at length and in detail, with a brief intro at the start to correct a story in which he says he was misquoted. He has some other things on which he wants to set the record straight, too. Lots of them. Strong stuff here.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 4:25:57 PM CET
Auswärtiges Amt der USA gibt Reisewarnung für Deutschland heraus
Das US-amerikanische auswärtige Amt warnt seine Bürger davor, zwischen dem siebten und neunten Februar nach Deutschland, insbesondere nach München, zu reisen. In diesem Zeitraum findet die internationale Sicherheitskonferenz statt.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 11:36:45 AM CET
Remis in der fünften Partie
Mit einem Läuferopfer erreichte das Programm Junior gegen Garri Kasparow in der vorletzten Partie ein Remis.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 11:23:37 AM CET
Mammut Park
Mammut vor Klonung
Russische Forscher wollen das Eiszeit-Ungetüm aus "bedingt lebendigen" Zellen wieder "auferstehen" lassen.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 11:21:10 AM CET
Problem der Symptom-Erkennung: Wie verhält sich ein wahnsinniger Fisch?
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 2:02:32 AM CET
Heidi Klum and here Birkenstock Hompage
Introducing a new collection from Birkenstock. Coming in March 2003 - Birkenstock will offer limited edition sandals and clogs, styled by supermodel sensation, Heidi Klum!
More information will be available soon. To get email updates about this collection and other Birkenstock news,
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 1:45:56 AM CET
Jurors say they were duped
Ed Rosenthal CASE
Four of the 12 jurors who convicted medical marijuana advocate Ed Rosenthal of federal cultivation charges stood beside Rosenthal Tuesday and called for a new trial, saying crucial facts had been withheld from them.
Just four days after they had found Rosenthal guilty, the jurors said they felt misled by the judge's refusal to let them hear that Rosenthal's motivation for growing marijuana was to supply medical patients.
"For the first time in my life, I find myself questioning the court system, " said jury foreman Charles Sackett III of Petaluma, reading a letter of apology to Rosenthal.
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