Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 1:32:25 AM CET
Wild Wild West ... Iraq could be pretense for U.S. terror attack
Wednesday, February 5, 2003 Posted: 3:17 PM EST (2017 GMT)
The threat of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil is at a higher level than in previous months because of the possibility of impending military action against Iraq, U.S. counterterrorism officials told CNN on Wednesday.
"The threat level is definitely up. Our guys have been told to act as if we have already bombed Iraq," one senior counterterrorism official told CNN.

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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 1:22:22 AM CET
Virus triggers suit against Microsoft
A Korean civic group plans to file a lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. over the computer worm attack that crippled the nation's Internet activity last month.
The People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) blamed the Microsoft SQL servers' vulnerability to the worm, called "slammer," for the shutdown of Internet networks here Jan. 25. It claimed that Microsoft should have done more to protect its customers from a threat it was conscious of. "We plan to collect plaintiffs beginning next week for a class-action suit against Microsoft," said Bae Shin-jung of the PSPD.

¬> Baku Today
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 1:15:06 AM CET
Full Text: Secretary Of State Colin Powell Addresses U.N., Feb. 5, 2003
Secretary of State Colin Powell, trying Wednesday to win over a mostly skeptical U.N. Security Council, presented tape recordings, satellite photos and statements from informants Wednesday that he said was "irrefutable and undeniable" evidence that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is concealing weapons of mass destruction.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 1:10:55 AM CET
Animierter "Matrix"-Kurzfilm veröffentlicht
Das amerikanische Filmstudio Warner Bros. setzt auf animierte Kurzfilme um die Fortsetzungen des Kino-Hits "Matrix", die Ende des Jahres veröffentlicht werden, zu promoten.
Jedes Monat einen neuen Film
"The Animatrix", so der Name der animierten Kurzfilme im Quicktime-Format, werden jedes Monat um eine neue Episode ergänzt werden. Den Anfang macht "The Second Resistance Part I". Die Downloaddatei ist in der maximalen Auflösung von 640 x 272 Bildpunkten rund 140 MByte groß.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 12:29:58 AM CET
First notes for 639-year composition
The first notes in the longest and slowest piece of music in history, designed to go on for 639 years, are being played on a German church organ on Wednesday.
The three notes, which will last for a year-and-a-half, are just the start of the piece, called As Slow As Possible.
Composed by late avant-garde composer John Cage, the performance has already been going for 17 months - although all that has been heard so far is the sound of the organ's bellows being inflated.

¬> BBC
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 12:17:53 AM CET
Kanadische Polizei findet verlorene Festplatte
Die der kanadischen IBM-Tochter ISM Mitte Jänner abhanden gekommene Festplatte ist wieder aufgetaucht. Wie die Polizei von Regina meldet, hat sie den vermissten Computer samt dem darin enthaltenen Datenträger aufgestöbert.
Darauf sind die Daten von 650.000 Kunden einer Investmentfirma, 180.000 Klienten einer Versicherung und weiteren tausenden Personen gespeichert.
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Topic: - on February 6, 2003 at 12:07:00 AM CET
"Columbia" von Weltraummüll getroffen?
Die NASA hält es für möglich, dass die Unglücks-Raumfähre "Columbia" von Weltraummüll getroffen wurde. Wie Flugdirektor Milt Heflin der "Los Angeles Times" (Mittwochausgabe) sagte, sei die Behörde noch nicht davon überzeugt, dass ein Stück abgerissenes Isoliermaterial die spätere Katastrophe auslöste. Das Stück war beim Start gegen den linken Tragflügel geprallt.
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